
Medicinalium observationum exempla rara. Leiden, 1585

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(592 words)

Record ID cp010815
Voet reference number 1094
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3246248
Author Rembertus DODONAEUS (DODOENS)
Title page transcription Remb. Dodonæi Medici Cæs. ‖ MEDICINALIVM ‖ OBSERVATIONVM ‖ EXEMPLA RARA. ‖ Accessere & alia quædam, quorumElenchum pagina post Præ- ‖ fationem exhibet. ‖ ⊕ 44 ‖ LVGDVNI BATAVORVM, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXXXV.
Collation 8⁰ [124]: *⁸, A-T⁸; pages [1-16], 1-298, [299-304] (Errors: 109 for 169, 72 for 172, 182: 2 upside down, 266 for 271, 276: 2 upside down)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-7]: Illustri ac generoso domino, D. Wolfango Rumpff lib. baroni in Wielros Sac. Caes. Matis cubiculi praefatio, Remb. Dodonaeus S.D. (1 December 1584; italic type) [8-15]: Remb. Dodonaeus lectori salutem (1581; words in greek type) [16]: Elenchus eorum quae accesserunt (italic type) 1-298: Text (parts in italic type, words in greek type) [299]: Auctores qui…citantur (on two columns; italic type); Hippocratis aphorismi…(italic type, parts in roman type) [300-304]: Index (on two columns)
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 1928Leiden University LibrariesUtrecht University Library
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 281 (1585, Leiden, no. 20) Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), II, page 229.
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Series of observations on rare and difficult medical cases. The first series of observations were made by Dodonaeus himself (pages 1-121; in all 54 cases and a 'parergon'; in each case is generally first given the detailed description, followed by a 'scholion' with explanations and occasionally bibliographical references). This series is followed by observations made by: Antonius Benivenius, physician at Florence (pages 122-259; 111 observations, each generally followed by an 'annotatio' by Dodonaeus), by Valescus Tharantanus 'qui scripsit anno 1418' (Valescus de Tarenta or Balescon de Tharare, physician of Charles VI, King of France, and professor at Montpellier) (pages 260-264; 6 observations of which only one with an 'annotatio' by Dodonaeus), by Alexander Benedictus 'qui vixit anno 1483' (Alexander Benedetti, of Legnano) (pages 264-275; 16 observations, of which 4 with an 'annotatio' by Dodonaeus); finally two cases observed in 1549-1551 by Matthias Cornax, rector of the University of Vienna (pages 276-288), a case observed by Aegidius Hertogius (de Hertoghe) in 1549 of which he wrote a note to Matthias Cornax (pages 288-294), and another case on a similar subject observed by Achilles P. Gassarus (Gasser, physician of Maximilian I), of which also a written statement was transmitted to Cornax (pages 294-298).
Note 2 Re-edition of Dodonaeus's publication of 1581, Cologne, Maternus Cholinus (cf. BB, II, pages 228-229). Have only been added the 54th case observed by Dodonaeus and the 'parergon' (pages 115-121). On the other side, the treatise 'Physilogices medicinae partis, tabulae expeditae', printed at the end of the 1581 Cologne-edition, has not been reproduced. The observations made by Dodonaeus, as printed in 1581 (and 1585), were themselves a revised and enlarged edition of what he wrote on the subject in Historia vitis vinique et stirpium nonnullarum aliarum, item medicinalium observationum exempla rara, Cologne, Maternus Cholinus, 1580.
Note 3 RDB, page 281, affirms, but without giving references, that this edition was published with Plantin's addresses of Leiden and Antwerp. No copy with on the title-page Plantin's Antwerp imprint is known.
Note 4 Listed in M 321 (sub 1585 and with the explicit mention 'A Leyden': Remberti Dodonaei Medici Caesar. Medicinalium observat. exempla rara. Accessere et alia quȩdam, quorum etc., 8to, f[euilles] 20, [price:] stuivers 8).
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