Record ID | cp010800 |
Voet reference number | 1589 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Author | Titus LUCRETIUS CARUS |
Title page transcription | T. LVCRETII ‖ CARI DE RERVM ‖ NATVRA LI- ‖ BRI SEX, ‖ Mendis innumerabilibus liberati; & in pristi- ‖ num pænè, veterum potissimè librorum ‖ ope ac fide, Ab OBERTO GIFANIO BV ‖ RANO Iuris studioso, restituti. ‖ Quæ præterea ab eodem in hoc opere sint præstita, ‖ inuersa pagina indicabit. ‖ ⊕ 17 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ - ‖ CIↃ. IↃ. LXV. ‖ PRIVILEGIO). |
Collation | 8º [128]: *-**⁸, A-Z⁸, Aa-Hh⁸; pages [1-48], 1-477, [478-480] (Errors: 997 for 297, 100-101 for 300-301, 300-301 for 302-303, 104 for 304, 10 for 310) |
Fingerprint | 156508 - # a1 *2 eru : # a2 2*5 stan - # b1 A l : # b2 Hh3 tristia$ |
Number of sheets | 33 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Table [3-5]: Ob. Gifanii in T. Lucretium, ad clariss. virum, Ioh. Sambucum…, praefatio (1565; parts in greek type) [16-24]: Idem candido et erudito lectori (italic type, parts in roman type) [25-32]: Vita T. Lucretii per Ob. Gifanium (parts in italic type and greek type) [33-37]: De gente Memmia eiusdem prolegomena (line in italic type) [38-39]: Veterum quorundam de T. Lucretio testimonia (parts in italic type) [40-41]: Poems on the work of Lucretius by Io. Goropius Becanus, Hadr. Iunius, Guilielmus Canterus (italic type) [42-47]: Table (words in greek type) [48]: Ad lectorem admonitio 1-234: Text (italic type, marginals in roman type and greek type) 235-272: Epicurius (Greek text, marginals in roman type, italic type, and greek type) 273-997 (= for 297): Capita quaedam naturalis philosophiae Epicur…(parts in greek type, marginals in roman type) 298: Omissa quaedam ad Graeca Epicuri verba 299-469: Index seu conlectanea (on two columns; parts in italic type and greek type) 470-473: Thucydidis verba e lib. II. De pestilentia Athen. (greek type) 474: Privilege (Brussels, 17 March 1564, signed by I. Fabri) 475-477: Privilege (Vienna, 21 February 1565, s. Haller) [478]: EXCVDEBAT ANTVERPIÆ CHRISTO- ‖ PHORVS PLANTINVS ANNO M.D. ‖ LXVI [479-480]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 584KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeHarvard Library - Harvard University (USA, Cambridge, Massachusetts), CambridgeLeiden University Libraries- 4 copiesBritish Library London |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, pages 46-47 (1565, no. 9) Gordon, pages 85-86, no. 103 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12923869 |
Note 1 | Contains: a) Lucretius, De rerum natura (pages 1-234); b) Epitome seu compendium Epicuri de rerum natura, adiectis paginarum numeris, Lucretio adcommodatum (Greek text; 235-272); c) Capita quaedam Naturalis Philosophiae Epicur. eiusque etiam partis quae de veri iudicio est, ex libris M. Ciceronis collecta, verbisque Lucretii accommodata (273-997 [= for 297]); d) Omissa quaedam ad Graeca Epicuri verba (298); e) In T. Lucretium index, seu conlectanea potius, in quibus vocabula prisca, ac dictiones elegantiores commemorantur; & adductis aliorum scriptorum testimoniis, saepe explicantur (299-469); f) Thucidydis verba e lib. II. De pestilentia Athen. ad verbum fere a poeta de Graeco expressa (in the table on page [2]: Thucydidis verbae libro II. historiarum adiunximus, a poeta copiose extremo libro VI. expressa) (in Greek; 470-473). |
Note 2 | Edited by Obertus Gifanius (Van Giffen), lawyer and classical scholar (born in Buren in Gelre, 1534; after studies at Louvain, Paris, and Orléans, he became professor of law in Germany; died in Prague in 1604). In the foreword 'Idem candido et erudito lectori' Gifanius gives useful and interesting information about the work of contemporary humanists on the subject and the assistance he himself received from other scholars in preparing his text. |
Note 3 | Plantin in a letter to Cardinal Granvelle, December 1567 or January 1568, let it be understood that Gifanius in fact followed closely the text-edition of Dionysius Lambinus [published in 1564] (Corr., I, no. 99: '[Caesar has been given to] un jeune homme docte nommé Obertus Gifanius [duquel j'ay imprimé le Lucretius, amendé après l'édition de Dionys. Lambinus]). Cf. also H. de Vocht, History of the Foundation and the Rise of the Collegium Trilingue Lovaniense, 1517-1550, IV, 1955, page 350. |
Note 4 | The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4 (see further in text) implies that in 1565 Gifanius was for some time residing in the house of Plantin's partner, Charles van Bomberghen, in Antwerp. |
Note 5 | The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 77, gives the following details about 'Lucretius in 8º': the printing started at the beginning of 1565. The wages for composing and printing B-C-D are entered on 17 and 24 April (probably an error for February), for E-N on 4, 10, 17 and 24 March, for O-P-Q and 'D refaict' on 1 April, together 29 florins Carolus guilders 14 stuivers, and for R-S on 14 April, amounting to 5 florins Carolus guilders 12 stuivers 'Pour l'escriture de l'Index à mre Antoine Tyron et me. Estienne [de Wallencourt]' are entered another 6 florins Carolus guilders The note continues: 'Il est faict a 1250 et y entré 54 rames de papier et pour D refaict 2 rames 12 mains, qui font 56 rames et 12 mains petit bastard coustant 24 stuivers la rame'. The quires B-S contain only part of the edition (pages 1-272). For some reason (probably because the Index as compiled by Tyron and de Wallencourt came in too late), the printing of the remaining part was interrupted until August: the wages for composing and printing T-V-X are noted on 18 August, for Y-Z-A (= Aa) on 25 August, for B (= Bb) - C (= Cc) on 31 August, for D (= Dd) - E (= Ee) on 7 September, for F (= Ff) on 15 September, for the introductory quires *, **, and A on 29 September, for G (= Gg) - H (= Hh) on 10 [September or October], and finally for 'Ii qui est la derniere feille' on 12 October. A sheet marked 'Ii', however, is not to be found in any of the known copies. If a confusion has not been made with another edition finished at that time, then the sheet must, for some reason or another, finally have been omitted. The costs for composing and printing this additional part amounted to 46 florins Carolus guilders 14 stuivers, bringing the total of the wages to 82 florins Carolus guilders 'Pour présent donné à Mr. Robert [= Obertus Gifanius] chez mons. Charles Bomb [erghen]' are noted an additional 20 florins Carolus guilders The note concludes with the remark 'Il contient 34 feilles et est fait a 1250 qui font 89 rames de petit bastard à 28 stuivers la rame'. This means: a) that in Plantin's opinion the edition must indeed have contained an Ii-quire (the publication as it stands now has only 33 quires - as also specified in Plantin's catalogue [M 296: see further in text]); b) that the information on the paper used, given above (56 reams 14 'mains', at 1 florins Carolus guilders 4 stuivers per ream), applies only to the first part printed, and that the total amount used came finally to 89 reams, counted not 1 florins Carolus guilders 4 stuivers but 1 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers per ream. The total costs were consequently: for the wages 82 florins Carolus guilders, for the paper 124 florins Carolus guilders 12 stuivers, for the additional expenses 26 florins Carolus guilders (6 florins Carolus guilders for compiling the index: 20 florins Carolus guilders as fee for the author), altogether 232 florins Carolus guilders 12 stuivers There were in fact more additional costs than mentioned here (see immediately further in text). Plantin himself, on the opposite page of the cost-accounting note, summarizing the total costs, speaks of 257 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers |
Note 6 | The fee paid to Gifanius (including remunerations for other work executed for the Plantin Press) is also noted in Arch. 3, folio 35, under the date of 29 September 1565 and the heading 'Lucretius débiteur à casse': 'J'ay payé à Mr. Obert Gifanius pour présent de ce qu'il a faict à Lucretius, Commentaria Caesaris et Aulus Gellius, baillé disie 22 pièces d'or de 35 stuivers pièce. Casse crediteur à Lucretius p[ar] Me. Obert Gifanius 38 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers |
Note 7 | 'Pour l'escriture de l'Index' the cost-accounting note specifies that 6 florins Carolus guilders were paid to the schoolmaster Antoine Tyron and to 'maistre Estienne [de Wallencourt] '. Their fees are also noted in Arch. 3 and Arch. 31. Tyron was in [January] 1565 paid 4 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers for having written the 'Index de Lucretius' (Arch. 31, folio 84; Arch. 3, folio 23v). Estienne de Wallencourt (or Walcourt) received on 24 April 1565 'pour ce qu'il a mis les nombres à l'Index Lucretii' 1 fi. 15 stuivers (Arch. 31, folio 84v; Arch. 3, folio 25v: 'A maistre Estienne pour avoir mis les nombres à une partie [de l'Index de Lucretius] 1 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers). In fact, another scholar, not mentioned in the cost-accounting note, did the larger part of the job credited to Estienne de Wallencourt: in the same note in Arch. 3, folio 25v, where de Wallencourt is noted 'pour avoir mis les nombres à une partie', 'Maistre Quentin [Stenhartsius]' is entered for 9 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers 'pour les nombres et coller led[ict] Index [de Lucretius]'. Stenhartsius received furthermore, on 25 October [1565], an additional fee of 6 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers 'pour les tables des lieux corrigés in Collectanea Gif. in Lucretium' (Arch. 31, folio 42v). |
Note 8 | The work was at first planned to be put on the market early in 1565. Finally, however, it was only finished in October 1565, too late for the September Fair at Frankfurt. A number of copies were sold with the date of 1565 on the title-page, but very likely to sell them better during the Lent Fair of 1566 at Frankfurt, part of the edition received a title-page with the date of 1566 (see following no.). In fact, when printing the last quires, Plantin anticipated the problem and confirmed in the colophon having published his Lucretius in 1566. |
Note 9 | Listed in M 296, folio 10v (Lucretius p[er] obertum Giffanium restitutus, 8º, f[euilles] 33, [price:] stuivers 7). |
Further reading |