Record ID | cp010757 |
Voet reference number | 2053 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:1133017 |
Author | Stephanus Winandus PIGHIUS |
Title page transcription | THEMIS DEA, ‖ SEV ‖ DE LEGE DIVINA; ‖ STEPHANI PIGHII ‖ CAMPENSIS. ‖ AD AMPLISS. ANTONIVM PER- ‖ renotum Cardinalem Granuellanum. ‖ ITEM ‖ MYTHOLOGIA EIVSDEM IN QVA- ‖ tuor anni partes, ab auctore recognita. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXVIII. |
Collation | 8⁰ [125]: A-N⁸, O-P⁴; pages 1-207 (= for 211), [212-224] (Errors: a) quire O: O[ⁱ], O [for O], O[], O[⁴]; b) 13 for 31, 192 for 129, 205-206-207 for 209-210-211) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title[2]: Blank; 3-149: Text (parts and marginais in lt and greek type)[150-151] : Auctorum catalogus quorum testimoniis in hoc dialogo usi sumus (on two columns; lt)[152]: Blank[153]: Mythologia EIΣ ΤΑΣ ΩΡΑΣ, vel anni partes. Ex symbolis antiqui cuiusdam toreumatis argentei, quod extat apud reverendissimum episcopum Atrebatensem[154]: Dominici Larnpsonii epigrarnma in toreuma Antonii Perenotti argenteum antiquissimum (italic type); 155-207 (= for 211): Text of the Mythologia (in form of a letter to Antonius Perrenotus Granvelle, Bishop of Arras; parts and marginals in italic type and greek type)[212-213]: Auctorum nomina qui in hoc opusculo citantur (on two columns; italic type)[214]: Blank[215]: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 2 December 1567, s. De Langhe; Council of Brabant, 3 December 1567 , s.De Langhe)[216]: Blank[217-220]: Nicolaus Florentius Stephano Pighio suo S.D. (Rome, 4 December 1567; parts in italic type)[221-224]: Stephanus Pighius Nicolao Florentio suo S.D. (italic type)[224] : Errata. |
Edition information | |
Illustrations | Two woodcuts: 1) on page 23, c. 125 × c. 70, showing the herme of a female ‘themis’ in profile and in face, with at the foot four women in Roman dress (illustrating the first treatise, Themis dea)2) as hors-texte, c. 120 × c. 200, reproduction of a Roman vase (illustrating the second treatise, Mythologia). Designed by Pieter van der Borcht and cut by Antoon van Leest (see Notes) |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 1800KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialGhent University LibraryBritish Library LondonBibliothèque nationale de France |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, pages 84-85 (1568, no. 28) |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Two treatises on specific problems of Roman archaeology: a) Themis dea, seu de lege divina (pages 3-149): description of a marble herme acquired by Cardinal Rudolphus Pius de Carpi at Rome, recognized to represent ‘Themis’; followed by a discussion of the problem of Themis and Roman mythology, in the form of a conversation in the residence of the Cardinal at Rome at which participated, besides Pighius and the Cardinal, his friend Antonius Morillonius (Morillon), the Spanish ambassador Didacus Hurtadus de Mendoza, and a certain Antonius Augustinus (cf. also de Vocht, Collegium Trilingue, III, page 311, and IV, pages 203-204); b) Mythologiaείς τάς ὥραςvel anni partes (pages 155-207 [= for 211]): description of a silver Roman vase with relief, found at Arras and acquired by Cardinal Granvelle. |
Note 2 | The second treatise is followed by a letter to Pighius by Nicolaus Florentius, Rome, 4 December 1567, regarding the Themis-problem (pages [217-220]) and by Pighius’s answer to Florentius (pages [221-224]). The text of those two letters was mailed to Plantin by Pighius, to be inserted in his work, on 19 January 1568 (Corr., III, no. 351: ‘Mitto duas epistolas, ut praeterlapsa hebdomada scripseram Themidi adjiciendas, si opere pretium videbitur. Priorem Florentii velim imprimi ex hoc exemplari non ex autographo ipsius, quod ad me remittas’). |
Note 3 | A letter of Pighius (Jongkees, ‘S.W. Pighius’, page 152) implies that the second treatise had already been published before (‘illum rursum editum de anni temporibus libellum’), but no copy is known. |
Note 4 | The two woodcuts were designed by Pieter van der Borcht, who was paid, on 27 October 1567, 15 stuivers for ‘la figure de Themis’, and 2 florins Carolus guilders for ‘la figure du vase de mons. le Cardinal’ (Arch. 31, folio 89v). They were cut by Antoon van Leest, who received [in July 1568 ?] 5 florins Carolus guilders for ‘Themis Dea’ (and the title-page of Heyns’s ABC), and another 5 florins Carolus guilders for ‘Le vase de Pighius long.’ (Arch. 31, folio 64v). It may be deduced from some references in Plantin’s letters that the illustrations were charged to the author. Cf. letters to Pighius, 11 August 1567 (Voet, page 163: ‘Mechliniae [by P. van der Borcht, who lived at Malines] figuras designandas reliqui. Ligna buxea curo parari hodie eo mittenda.’), 22 August 1567 (Corr., I, no. 81, and Corr., III, no. 344: Plantin has already spent 3 florins Carolus guilders 12 stuivers ‘pro ligno duarum figurarum cum designatione’), 16 October 1567 (Corr., III, no. 346: has received the wood-blocks with the drawings [from Van der Borcht]), 4 November 1567 (Voet, page 165: mails a proof of the finished wood-block of the Themis, the one of the vase will soon follow [‘Ecce autem typi Themidis figuram impressam mitto; vasis vero brevi ad te missurus’]). It lasted, however, somewhat longer before Van Leest had the wood-block with the vase finished: on 12 January 1568 Plantin mailed to Pighius 12 copies of his work, but without the vase-illustration (Corr., III, no. 349: ‘En 12 mitto Exemplaria Themidos quae hodie absolvimus, deest Vasis typus quem ab incisore extorquere nondum potui, postridie se daturum promisit, quod si fecerit ilico excudemus’). Pighius acknowledged on 3 March 1568 having received the bill for the expenses he had to pay (Voet, page 166). |
Note 5 | The printing was practically finished in December 1567 as Plantin then mailed a copy to de Çayas (24 December: Corr., I, no. 97), and to the author (27 December: Voet, page 166: ‘Specimen hic habes…Themidos tuae quam quantum potero, per operas bibones et absolvam’). Twelve finished copies, but lacking the vase-illustration, were mailed to the author on 12 January 1568 (Corr., III, nos. 349 and 350). The addition of the two letters to be inserted in the Themis, and sent by Pighius on 19 January 1568, and the finishing of the vase-illustration must have postponed the final issue for another couple of weeks. |
Note 6 | Besides the 12 copies mailed on 12 January 1568 Pighius received in that year other copies as well (3 March 1568 [Voet, page 167]: 12 copies, of which the author sent some to Rome and Spain; 20 February 1568 [Corr., III, no. 353]: six bound copies). Pighius asked for and received copies as late as November 1575 (Corr., V, no. 677) and May 1568 (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1377). |
Note 7 | Other copies were mailed to de Çayas (Corr., I, nos. 107 and 108: 15 February 1568), to Masius (Corr., III, no. 352: 2 February 1568; no. 354: 17 March 1568), to J. Camerarius (Suppl. Corr., no. 58: 12 April 1568). |
Note 8 | Listed in M 296, folio 18v (Themis Dea Stephani Pigghii, 8⁰, An⁰ —, f[euilles] 14½, [price:] stuivers 4). |
Further reading |