
Libellus sodalitatis, hoc est christianarum institutionum libri quinque, 1587

in The Plantin Press Online

(465 words)

Record ID cp010720
Voet reference number 1041
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Franciscus COSTERUS (DE COSTER)
Title page transcription Libellus Sodalitatis: ‖ HOC EST, ‖ Christianarum Institutionum ‖ Libri quinque, ‖ In gratiam Sodalitatis B. Virginis Mariæ: ‖ Auctore ‖ R.P. FRANCISCO COSTERO ‖ Doctore Theologo Societatis IESV. ‖ V. ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. 1587.
Collation 16mo [95]: *-**⁸, A-Z⁸, a-f⁸; pages [1-32], 1-463, [464]
Fingerprint 158716 - # a1 *2 $me : # a2 2*3 o$M.$ - # b1 A q : # b2 f5 ,$q
Number of sheets 15.50
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Gregorius XIII Pont. Max. in diplomate confirmationis Sodalitatis B. Virginis. X. Sept. M.D. LXXVII (italic type) [3-14]: Universae Sodalitati beatissimae Virginis Mariae…(s. Franciscus Costerus; one marginal in italic type) [15]: Sodalitas Coloniensis catholico pioque lectori (italic type) [16-17]: Carmen Sodalitatis Moguntinae, quo sacratissimae Virginis Mariae Societati liber se commendat (italic type) [18]: Sodalitatis Treverensis ad Virginem Deiparam apostrophe (italic type) [19-22]: Approbationes (Mainz, 3 July 1585, signed by Stephanus Weberns; Cologne, Ioannes Walschartz Tungrensis; Trier, 12 June 1585, s. Decanus et Facultas Theologica Treverens.; Louvain, 23 April 1586, s. H. Cuyckius) [23-26]: Table (italic type) [27-28]: Hymnus in laudem D. Virginis (parts in italic type) [29-32]: Professio fidei orthodoxae iuxta decretum concilii Tridentini edita 1-463: Text (parts in italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) [463]: Privilege (Brussels, 17 March 1586, s. S. de Grimaldi) [464]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations V. on title-page: woodcut, 36 × 52, surrounded by typographically printed texts: [Above:] ME CHRISTE matris vox iuuet [To the right:] Quas trado puræ Matri lege mēte coronas. [Under:] Pro me Parens Natum roga. [To the left:] Hoc Gnati sanctum libro tuteris honorem. - The Blessed Virgin with the Child, with at each side a kneeling man: copied from the engraving on the title-page of the other 1587 in 16mo-edition (see nos. cp010611 and cp010538)
Copies KB National Library of the Netherlands- 1703 G 37University Library FreiburgBibliothèque nationale de FranceUniversity Library StuttgartUniversity Library Wroclaw- Breslau
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 299 (1587, no. 16) Backer-Sommervogel [S.J.], 2, column 1511 Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3934 Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), I, page 856.Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, 5514
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:7038166
Note 1 Reprint in 16mo of the in 8⁰ edition of 1586. The second in 16mo edition bearing the year 1587 on the title-page: see preceding no.
Note 2 The text seems to be identical to the one in the other in 16mo edition, but is somewhat more compactly printed so that some eight pages could be gained (e.g.: the first 'book' of this edition ends on page 120; in the other edition on page 123).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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