
Corpus iuris civilis, 1575

in The Plantin Press Online

(5,310 words)


Record ID cp010687
Voet reference number 1035
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription Digestum Vetus, ‖ SEV ‖ PANDECTARVM ‖ IVRIS CIVILIS ‖ TOMVS PRIMVS, ‖ Ex Pandectis Florentine, quæ olim Pisanæ dicebantur, quoadeius fieri potuit, repræsentatus: ‖ Commentariis Accursij, & multorum insuper aliorum tam veterumquàm neotericorum Iureconsultorum Scholiis at- ‖ que obseruationibus illustratus. ‖ Epigramma Græcum Pandectis Florentinis præfixum: ‖ ΒΙΒΛΟΝ Iουοτινιαvòs άναξ τεχνήσάτο την δε, ‖ Η’νρα Τριβωνιανòs μεγαλω κάμε παμβασιληι, ‖ Οĩά τιs Η’ρακληι παναίολον άσπιδα τολξαs, ‖ Η’s επ́ι μαρμάιρουσιν άγάλματα δεμίοωνἈν́θρωποι δ Ἀσιης τε, δορνκτήτου τε Λιβύσσης, ‖ Ευρώπης τε πιθον ται òλου σημαντορι κόσμου. ‖ Hos versus Latinè reddit And. Alciatus Praetermissorum.ij. circa principium. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum. ‖ Architypographum Regium. ‖ M.D.LXXV.
Collation Folio (342-225): †a-†e⁸, †f-g⁶, aⁱ⁰, b-z⁸, aa-zz⁸, aaa-yyy⁸, zzzⁱ⁰; pages [1-104], Columns 1-2222, [2223-2224] (Errors: 41 for 411, 478 for 487, 868 for 867, 867 for 868, 1010 for 1100, 1654 for 1645, 1792 for 1692, 1796 for 1696, 1803 for 1903, 1807 for 1907, 1901 for 1910, 2043 for 2042)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Excerpts from De Pandectis Florentinis, De Iustiniano ex Platina in libro De vitis pontificum, De Triboniano et eius sociis ex Bernhardino Rutilio (italic type) [3-5]: Iurisconsultarum nomina et libri ex quibus Pandectae consarcinatae sunt, Ex libro quarto Epistolarum Angeli Politiani, epistola nona (italic type, words in greek type, marginals in italic type) [6-8]: Rubricae digesti veteris (on two columns, parts in italic type) [8-104]: Indices (on three columns, words in greek type); Columns 1-10: Tituli…digestorum (parts in italic type) 10: Six lines Greek poem ‘Epigramma hoc loco in Pandectis Florentinis appositum’ (being the same as the one on the title-page), with the Latin translation of the poem by Alciatus (italic type) 11-2222: Text (with glosses and marginals, parts in italic type and greek type) [2223-2224]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 8/I - A 9/I
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains the first part of the Pandectae (libri I-XXIIII, tit. II), with glosses, being a reprint of the so-called Pandectae Florentinae (‘Digestorum seu Pandectorum libri L, ex Pandectis Florentinis repraesentati’), edited by Lelius Taurellus (Torelli), at the order of Duke Cosmos de’Medici, from the manuscript in the Florentine Archives, and published in Florence, 1553, in folio, in 4 vols.
Further reading


Title page transcription Infortiatum, ‖ SEV ‖ PANDECTARVM ‖ IVRIS CIVILIS ‖ TOMVS SECVNDVS, ‖ Ex Pandectis Florentinis, quæ olim Pisanæ dicebantur, ‖ quoad eius fieri potuit, repræsentatus: ‖ Commentariis Accursij, & multorum insuper aliorum tam veterum quàmneotericorum Iureconsultorum scholiis atq. obseruationibus illustratus. ‖ ⊕ 11 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum, ‖ Architypographum Regium. ‖ M.D.L.XXV.
Collation Folio (345 × 220): [*ⁱ: not numbered], a-b⁸, c⁶, A-ZVIII, AA-ZZVIII, AAA-QQQVIII, RRRX; pages [1-46], Columns 1-2020 (Errors: 244 for 144, 359 for 356, 459 for 495, 953 for 653, 608 for 680, 612 for 912, 1048 for 1084, 1051 for 1151, 1138 for 1158, 9292 for 1292, 1343 for 1334, 407 for 1407, 1458 for 1478, 1786 for 1686, 1675 for 1975)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3]: Infortiati rubricae (on two columns, parts in italic type) [4-46]: Indices (on three columns; words in italic type and greek type) [46]: Note on the division of the Pandectae (italic type); Columns 1-2020: Text (with glosses and marginals; parts and marginals in italic type) [2019-2020]: ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Excudebat sumptibus Christophori PlantiniIoannes Withagius ‖ M.D. LXXV [2021-2024]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 8II: pages [3-4] missing
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains the second part of the Pandectae, with glosses, reprinted from the Pandectae Florentinae (libri XXIV, tit. III-XXXVIII, tit. XVIII).
Further reading


Title page transcription Infortiatum, ‖ SEV ‖ PANDECTARVM ‖ IVRIS CIVILIS ‖ TOMVS SECVNDVS, ‖ Ex Pandectis Florentinis, quæ olim Pisanæ dicebantur, ‖ quoad eius fieri potuit, repræsentatus: ‖ Commentariis Accursij, & multorum insuper aliorum tam veterum quàm neotericorumIureconsultorum scholiis atq. obseruationibus illustratus. ‖ ⊕ VH, Nutius no. 12 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Philippi Nutii. ‖ An. M.D. LXXV.
Collation Folio (336 × 225)
Fingerprint 157502 - # a1 a en : # a2 c e$in - # b1 A n : # b2 3R4 a.$&.$l.$se
Number of sheets 264
Pages Same edition but for: 1⁰) the title-page, showing the imprint of Philippus Nutius 2⁰) the resetting and reprinting of the larger part of the last quire (Columns 1989-2020: RRRII-IX), including the colophon on Columns 2019-2020, which had been dropped
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 9IIGhent University Library - Jur. 4262Municipal Library Mons - 4323-111-D
Bibliographical references Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, 726
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:7035963
Further reading


Title page transcription Digestum Nouum, ‖ SEV ‖ PANDECTARVM ‖ IVRIS CIVILIS ‖ TOMVS TERTIVS, ‖ Ex Pandectis Florentinis, quæ olim Pisanæ dicebantur, quoadeius fieri potuit, repræsentatus: ‖ Commentariis Accursij, & multorum insuper aliorum tam veterumquàm neotericorum Iureconsultorum scholiis atqueobseruationibus illustratus. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum, ‖ M.D. LXXV.
Collation Folio (340 × 220): a-bVIII, cX, A-ZVIII, AA-ZZVIII, AAA-NNNVIII, OOOX; pages [1-52], Columns 1-1926, [1927-1928] (Errors: 5-6 for 9-10, 24 for 14, 101 for 110, 448 for 438, 827-828 for 927-928, 676 for 976, 680 for 980, 1001 for 1010, 1415-1416 for 1431-1432)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3]: Rubricae Digesti novi (on two columns) [4-52]: Indices (on three columns); Columns 1-1926: Text (with glosses and marginals; parts and marginals in italic type and greek type) [1927-1928]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 8/III - 9/III
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains the third part of the Pandectae, with glosses, reprinted from the Pandectae Florentinae (libri XXXIX-L).
Further reading


Title page transcription Digestum Nouum, ‖ SEV ‖ PANDECTARVM ‖ IVRIS CIVILIS ‖ TOMVS TERTIVS, ‖ Ex Pandectis Florentinis, quæ olim Pisanæ dicebantur, quoadeius fieri potuit, repræsentatus: ‖ Commentariis Accursij, & multorum insuper aliorum tam veterumquàm neotericorum Iureconsultorum scholiis atqueobseruationibus illustratus. ‖ ⊕ VH, Nutius no. 12 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Philippi Nutii, ‖ M.D.LXXVI.
Collation Folio (300 × 210)
Number of sheets
Pages Same edition with only the change of the title-page, showing the imprint of Philippus Nutius, whilst the date has been changed from 1575 into 1576
Edition information
Copies Bibliothèques de l'UMONS - 4323-111-D
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading


Title page transcription CODICIS ‖ DN. IVSTINIANI ‖ SACRATISSIMI ‖ PRINCIPIS ‖ PP. AVGVSTI, REPETITÆ ‖ prælectionis libri XII. ‖ ACCVRSII Commentariis, & multorum veterum ac recentiorum Iurisprudētum, ma- ‖ ximè ANTONII CONTII, I.C. & in schola Biturigum Iuris professoris ordi- ‖ narij, annotationibus tā ad textum quàm ad glossas, recèns illustrati, mendisq; quamplu- ‖ rimis passim repurgati: additis & restitutis plus septuaginta Græcis constitutionibus, ‖ vel earum argumentis & epitomis, quæ antea in omnibus tam impressis quàm manu- ‖ scriptis desiderabantur: quas si non suis locis insertas inueneris, ex Prætermissorum clas- ‖ sibus seorsum à nobis impressis repetere, lector studiose, non grauaberis. ‖ Accesserunt his CHRONICI CANONES ab vniuerso Orbe condito vsq; ad Vrbem conditam, exveteribus legis Mosaicæ editionibus Græcis Hebraicisq̓ certissima ratione demōstrati: ab Vrbe verò con- ‖ dita, Fasti Regij & Consulares vsque ad Iustiniani mortem, ex optimis & authenticis tabulis, libris, ‖ & monumentis collecti & digesti, eodem ANTONIO CONTIO auctore. ‖ Notæ porrò literarum prout per totum Codicem legendæ sunt, statim post indices collocantur. ‖ Omnia fideliter & accurratè recognita & emendata. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum, ‖ Architypographum Regium ‖ M.D.LXXV.
Collation Folio (343 × 226): A-C⁸, D⁶, *⁲, A-Z⁸, AA-ZZ⁸, AAA-VVV⁸, XXX⁶, α-β⁶, γ-δ8, ā⁶, ēⁱ⁰; pages [1-64], Columns 1-2136, folios [1r-1v], 2r-20v, [1r-16v] (Errors: Columns 65-66 for 73-74, 220 for 202, 780 for 680, 788 for 887, 916 for 919, 959 for 956, 657-658-659 for 957-958-959, 035 for 1036, 1359 for 1356, 1396 for 1369, 3087 for 2087, 4088 for 2088, 3000 for 2100, 1082 for 2108; folios 11 for 7, 19 for 18)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Imperatorum nomina, quorum constitutiones duodecim libris codicis sunt insertae (on two columns; part in italic type) [3-4]: Rubricae Codicis (on two columns; italic type, part in roman type) [5-59]: Indices (on three columns) [60]: Blank [61-63]: Antonius Contius lectori…(Bourges, 1 April 1565) [64]: Blank; Columns 1-2136: Text (roman type, parts and marginals in italic type) [1r]: PRÆTERMISSORVM ‖ IN DVODECIM LIBRIS ‖ CODICIS IVSTINIANEI, ‖ CLASSES DVÆ, ‖ QVARVM PRIOR QVIDEM, EA QVÆ IN ‖ NOVEM PRIORIBVS LIBRIS OMISSA SVNT, ‖ COMPLECTITVR: POSTERIOR VERO, EA ‖ QVÆ IN RELIQVIS TRIBVS. ‖ [fleuron] [1v]: Blank 2r-20v: Text (on two columns; roman type, italic type, greek type, marginals in italic type and greek type) [1r-6r]: Antonii Contii Chronici canones (italic type, parts in roman type, marginals in italic type) [7r-16r]: Fasti consulares [16v]: Enumeration [for the bookbinder] of the quires
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - R 44.16
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains the first libri (I-IX) of the Ex repetita praelectione libri XII, with glosses, and at the end some additions. Very likely a reprint of a French (Paris or Lyons) publication, edited by the Bourges lawyer, Antonius Contius.
Further reading


Title page transcription CODICIS ‖ DN. IVSTINIANI ‖ SACRATISSIMI ‖ PRINCIPIS ‖ PP. AVGVSTI, REPETITÆ ‖ prælectionis libri XII. ‖ ACCVRSII Commentariis, & multorum veterum ac recentiorum Iurisprudētum, ma- ‖ ximè ANTONII CONTII, I.C. & in schola Biturigum Iuris professoris ordi- ‖ narij, annotationibus tā ad textum quàm ad glossas, recèns illustrati, mendisq; quamplu- ‖ rimis passim repurgati: additis & restitutis plus septuaginta Græcis constitutionibus, ‖ vel earum argumentis & epitomis, quæ antea in omnibus tam impressis quàm manu- ‖ scriptis desiderabantur: quas si non suis locis insertas inueneris, ex Prætermissorum clas- ‖ sibus seorsum à nobis impressis repetere, lector studiose non grauaberis. ‖ Accesserunt his CHRONICI CANONES ab vniuerso Orbe condito vsq; ad Vrbem conditam, exveteribus legis Mosaicæ editionibus Græcis Hebraicisq̓ certissima ratione demōstrati: ab Vrbe verò con- ‖ dita, Fasti Regij & Consulares vsque ad Iustiniani mortem, ex optimis & authenticis tabulis, libris, ‖ & monumentis collecti & digesti, eodem ANTONIO CONTIO auctore. ‖ Notæ porrò literarum prout per totum Codicem legendæ sunt, statim post indices collocantur. ‖ Omnia fideliter & accurratè recognita & emendata. ‖ ⊕ VH, Nutius no. 12 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Ex oficina Philippi Nutii ‖ M.D.LXXVI.
Collation Folio (300 × 210)
Number of sheets
Pages Same edition with only the change of the title-page, showing the imprint of Philippus Nutius, whilst the date has been changed from 1575 into 1576
Edition information
Copies Bibliothèques de l'UMONS - 4323-111-D
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading


Title page transcription VOLVMEN LEGVM ‖ Paruum, quod vocant: ‖ IN QVO HÆC INSVNT ‖ Tres posteriores libri Codicis DN. Iustiniani ‖ Sacratiss. Principis, eadem cura qua priores nouem, emendati. ‖ Græcæ leges quæ in tribus hisce nouissimis libris Codicis desiderantur, ex secundaclasse Prætermissorum repetendæ sunt. ‖ Authenticæ seu Nouellæ Constitutiones eiusdem Prin- ‖ cipis: in quas quid operæ sit impensum, tertia ab hinc pagina ‖ ANTONII CONTII apud Biturigas Iuris professoris ordi- ‖ narij epistola disertè commonstrat. ‖ Feudorum libri duo. ‖ Constitutiones Friderici II. Imperatoris. ‖ Extrauagantes duæ Henrici VII. Imperatoris. ‖ Tractatus de pace Constantiæ. ‖ Omnia Commentariis suis illustrata, & sedulò recognita. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum, ‖ M.D.LXXV.
Collation Folio (346 × 220): *X, a-iVIII, kX, A-TVIII, V-XVI, *VI, A-FVIII; pages 1-20, Columns 1-324, [325-328], 1-642, [643-646], pages [1-12], Columns 1-190, [191-192] (Errors in Columns: 1st part: 166 for 116; 2nd part: 57 twice numbered, 252 twice numbered, 254 omitted, 279-280 for 277-278, 205-206 for 305-306, 218 for 318, 596 for 496, 533-534 twice; 3rd part: 119 for 109)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-4]: Antonii Contii iurisconsulti et in Biturigum metropoli doctoris ordinarii praefatio in librum Novellarum (italic type, marginals in roman type) [5]: Rubricae (on three columns) [6-18]: Indices (on three columns) [19]: Blank [20]: Andreae Alciati de Iustiniani novellis, et cur authentica hodie vocentur, ex Parerg. lib. II cap. XLVI. ratio (italic type); Dictionis authenticorum etymologia, seu interpretatio (italic type); Columns 1-324: Text (with glosses and marginals, parts and marginals in italic type) [325-328]: Blank; Columns 1-534: Text (with glosses and marginals; parts and marginals in italic type and greek type) [533-34 bis]: Blank 535-642: Text (with glosses and marginals; parts and marginals in italic type and greek type) [643-644]: Index (italic type) [645-646]: Blank; page [1]: Feudorum typus (italic type); pages [2-9]: Feudorum declaratio (on two columns, parts in italic type) [10]: Illustri viro, ac iureconsulto praestantissimo…viro domino Nicolao Boerio Burdegalen. in senatu praesidi meritissimo, Petrus Rebuffus S.P.D. (italic type) [11-12]: Blank; Columns 1-190: Text (with glosses and marginals; parts and marginals in italic type) [191-192]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 10 - A 279
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains the last three libri of the Ex repetita praelectione libri XII (1st part: Columns 1-324), the Novellae constitutiones (2nd part: Columns 1-642), and some medieval laws as described on the title-page (3rd part: Columns 1-190); all three parts with glosses. Very likely a reprint of a French (Paris or Lyons) publication, edited by the Bourges lawyer, Antonius Contius.
Further reading


Title page transcription VOLVMEN LEGVM ‖ Paruum, quod vocant: ‖ IN QVO HÆC INSVNT ‖ Tres posteriores libri Codicis DN. Iustiniani ‖ Sacratiss. Principis, eadem cura qua priores nouem, emendati. ‖ Græcæ leges quæ in tribus hisce nouissimis libris Codicis desiderantur, ex secundaclasse Prætermissorum repetendæ sunt. ‖ Authenticæ seu Nouellæ Constitutiones eiusdem Prin- ‖ cipis: in quas quid operæ sit impensum, tertia ab hinc pagina ‖ ANTONII CONTII apud Biturigas Iuris professoris ordi- ‖ narij epistola disertè commonstrat. ‖ Feudorum libri duo. ‖ Constitutiones Friderici II. Imperatoris. ‖ Extrauagantes duæ Henrici VII. Imperatoris. ‖ Tractatus de pace Constantiæ. ‖ Omnia Commentariis suis illustrata, & sedulò recognita. ‖ ⊕ VH, Nutius no. 12 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Philippi Nutii, ‖ M.D.LXXVI.
Collation Folio (300 × 210)
Number of sheets
Pages Same edition with only the change of the title-page, showing the imprint of Philippus Nutius, whilst the date has been changed from 1575 into 1576
Edition information
Copies Bibliothèques de l'UMONS - 4323-111-D
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading


Title page transcription INSTITVTIONVM, ‖ SIVE ‖ Primorum totius Iurisprudentiæ elementorum ‖ LIBRI QVATVOR, ‖ DN. IVSTINIANI, sacratissimi Principis, authoritate iussu̓que compositi: ‖ Commentariis ACCVRSII, & multorum insuper aliorum doctorum hominumscholiis atque obseruationibus illustrati: ‖ Non sine locupletissimo cùm verborum tum rerum Indice. ‖ Accessit ad voluminis calcem, ipsius IVSTINIANI Imperatoris vita, ex ‖ variis auctoribus opera Ægidij Perrini fori Ecclesiastici Iosaiensis ‖ apud Lutetiam Parisiorum quondam Officialis, ‖ diligenter collecta. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Apud Christophorum Plantinum, ‖ Architypographum Regium. ‖ M.D.LXXV.
Collation Folio [272]: a⁸, b-c⁶, A-S⁸; pages [1-40], Columns 1-576 (Errors: 121 for 221, 151 for 251, 422 for 412)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Institutane vocanda sint haec legum cunabula…an Institutiones (italic type) [3-8]: Rubricae Institutionum (parts in italic type, on two columns) [9-38]: Indices (on three columns) [39-40]: Blank; Columns 1-564: Text (with glosses and marginals; parts and marginals in italic type); Columns 565-576: Aegidii Perrini Arremarensis, in Iustiniani vitam ad clarissimum virum Ioannem Raguyerum, Arremarensem epistola nuncupatoria (italic type, parts in roman type, marginals in italic type)
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 10 - A 279
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains the Institutionum libri IV, with glosses. Very likely reprinted from a French (Paris or Lyons) publication.
Further reading


Title page transcription INSTITVTIONVM, ‖ SIVE ‖ Primorum totius Iurisprudentiæ elementorum ‖ LIBRI QVATVOR, ‖ DN. IVSTINIANI, sacratissimi Principis, authoritate iussu̓que compositi: ‖ Commentariis ACCVRSII, & multorum insuper aliorum doctorum hominumscholiis atque obseruationibus illustrati: ‖ Non sine locupletissimo cùm verborum tum rerum Indice. ‖ Accessit ad voluminis calcem, ipsius IVSTINIANI Imperatoris vita, ex ‖ variis auctoribus opera Ægidij Perrini fori Ecclesiastici Iosaiensis ‖ apud Lutetiam Parisiorum quondam Officialis, ‖ diligenter collecta. ‖ ⊕ VH, Nutius no 12 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Phippi Nutti, ‖ M.D. LXXVI.
Collation Folio (300 × 210)
Number of sheets
Pages Same edition with only the change of the title-page, showing the imprint of Philippus Nutius, whilst the date has been changed from 1575 into 1576
Edition information
Copies Bibliothèques de l'UMONS - 4323-111-D
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Further reading


Title page transcription D N. ‖ SACRATISSIMI ‖ PRINCIPIS ‖ IVSTINIANI ‖ PP. A ‖ Iuris enucleati ex omni vetere iure collecti ‖ DIGESTORVM seu PANDECTARVM ‖ libri quinquaginta: ‖ C V M breuissimis doctissimorum quorundam Iurisconsultorumannotationibus in margine adscriptis, quibus plerique loci velrestituuntur, vel diligentiùs explicantur: ‖ Opera & diligentia L. CHARONDÆ Iurisconsulti. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regii, ‖ M.D.LXXV.
Collation Folio [185]: *8-**ⁱ⁰, A-B⁶, C-Z⁸, a-z⁸, Aa-Ee⁸; pages [1-36], 1-805, [806-808] (Errors: 447 for 446)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Brussels, 16 October 1573, signed by I. De Witte) [3-5]: Amplissimo…senatui Parisiensi, L. Charondas S.D. (Paris, 1 January 1572; marginals in roman type and italic type) [6]: Lectori L. Charondas I.C. S.D. (Paris, 1 January 1572) [7-8]:…D. Frederico Perenoto, Ronst et Aspramont baroni…Antverpiensis civitatis gubernatori…et…DD. consulibus et senatoribus eiusdem civitatis…Christophorus Plantinus S.P. (Antwerp, 5 March 1575) [9-10]: Illustrissimo…principi Cosmo Medici, Florentinorum duci, domino suo Franciscus Taurellius Salutem (Florence, 7 July; italic type) [11-12]: Exemplar praefationis D. Taurellii I.C. clarissimi, in quo notas tantum immutavimus et nostras inseruimus (on two columns, parts and marginals in italic type) [13-18]: De confirmatione digestorum (on two columns, parts in italic type and greek type, marginals in roman type, italic type and greek type) [19-27]: Text of Decretum Justiniani in Greek with Latin translation (greek type and roman type; marginals in roman type, italic type and greek type; on two columns) [28-30]: List of the Greek titles (roman type and greek type) [31-35]: Tituli (on two columns; parts in italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) [36]: Six lines Greek poem on the Corpus with Latin translation by Contius (italic type) [1]-805: Text (on two columns, parts in italic type and greek type, marginals in roman type, italic type and greek type) [806-807]: Interpretatio Graecorum (on two columns, parts in italic type and greek type, marginals in roman type and italic type), [807]: approbation (Antwerp, 7 October 1573, s. B. Arias Montanus) [808]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 12 - A 11
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains the Pandectae, edited by Ludovicus Charondas.
Further reading


Title page transcription CODICIS ‖ D N. IVSTINIANI ‖ SACRATISS. PRINCIPIS ‖ PP. AVG. REPETITÆ ‖ PRÆLECTIONIS ‖ LIB. XII. ‖ PERMVLTIS Græcis Latini̓sque Constitutionibus, inscriptionibus, ‖ legum contrariarum & obscurarum interpretationibus, argumentis, ‖ siue summariis, vt vocant, præter alias editiones aucti & locupletati, ‖ opera & diligentia L. CHARONDÆ Iurisconsulti. ‖ ACCESSERVNT Chronici canones, fasti regij & consulares vsquead Iustiniani mortem ex optimis auctoribus collecti, ‖ ANT. CONTIO I.C. auctore. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regii. ‖ M.D.LXXV.
Collation Folio [285]: AA-ZZ⁸, aa-hh⁸; pages 1-494, [495-496] (Errors: 30 for 26, 79 for 75, 156 for 256, 470 for 472, 473 and 485 not numbered)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-4: V.C. Philippo Valtonio avunculo iurisconsulto, L. Charondas I.C. S.D. (Paris, 1 September 1573; italic type) 5: Imperatorum nomina quorum constitutiones…sunt insertae (on two columns; italic type) 6: Literarum notae…(= list of abbreviations. on four columns) 7-9: Introductory part (on two columns; marginals in roman type and italic type) 9-16: Table (on two columns; words in italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) 17-470 (= for 472): Text (on two columns, parts in italic type and greek type, marginals in roman type, italic type and greek type) [471-484]: Antonii Contii chronici canones…(tables; italic type, parts and marginals in roman type) [485]-493: Fasti consulares (on columns, parts in italic type) 493-494: Chronologia annorum, et consulum…(on columns, italic type) [495]: Peroratio auctoris cum brevi synoptico (parts in italic type and greek type) [496]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 13 - A 11Ghent University Library - Jur. 4243
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains the Ex repetita praelectione libri XII, edited by L. Charondas, with as appendix a chronicle of Ancient History till the Persian Empire, and the Fasti consulares, both compiled by Antonius Contius.
Further reading


Title page transcription AVTHENTICÆ ‖ SEV NOVELLÆ CONSTI- ‖ TVTIONES DN. IVSTINIANI ‖ SACRATISS. PRINCIPIS, ‖ Cum veteri tralatione, Græcis nunc primùm Ant. ‖ Contij I.C. opera apposita. ‖ Accessit etiam Georgij Haloandri versio collata cum GræcoScrimgeri exemplari. & plures quæ hactenus desidera- ‖ bantur additæ sunt constitutiones. ‖ ⊕ 11 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXV.
Collation Folio [280]: A⁶, B-P⁸, Q⁶, Aaa-Hhh⁸, Iii⁶; pages 1-246, [247-248], 1-138, [139-140] (Errors: 1st part: 197 for 179, 184 for 186; 2nd part: 127-128 for 131-132)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3: V.C. Philippo Valtonio I.C. avunculo Lud. Charondas I.C. signed by (italic type, word in roman type) 4-6: Index (on two columns; parts in italic type) 7-246: Text (on two columns; one column in roman type with parts in italic type and roman type, the other column in greek type, with parts in roman type; marginals in italic type and greek type) [247-248]: Blank 1-138: Novellarum constitutionum…Gregorio Haloandro interprete…(on two columns; parts in italic type and greek type, marginals in roman type, italic type and greek type) [139-140]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 13 - A 11Ghent University Library - Jur. 4243 [2]
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains the Novellae constitutiones, edited by L. Charondas: a) Greek text with Latin translation (as stated in the foreword: in imitation of the Greek-Latin edition of Antonius Contius, Charondas followed an ancient Latin translation, adding some remarks and ‘re-establishing’ three ‘constitutiones’ after P. Pithoeus); b) Latin translation as made by Georgius Haloandrus and followed by L. Russardus and F. Duarenus (as also explained by Charondas in the foreword).
Further reading


Title page transcription IVSTINIANI ‖ IMPERATORIS ‖ EDICTA. ‖ ITEM ‖ IVSTINI, TIBERII, AC LEONIS, ‖ ALIORVMQVE IMPERATORVM ‖ CONSTITVTIONES. ‖ Henrico Agylaeo, & Enimundo Bonefidio I.C. ‖ Interpretibus. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regii, ‖ M.D.LXXV.
Collation Folio [280]: AAa-BBb⁶, CCc-DDd⁸, EEe⁶, FFf-GGg⁸, HHh-IIi⁶; pages 1-126 (= for 122), [123-124] (Errors: 69-72 omitted, meaning that from 73 onwards numeration too low by 4 units, 101 for 110)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title 2-66: Text (on two columns: one column in roman type with parts in italic type and marginals in italic type and greek type; the other column in greek type; on page 25 as introduction to Imperatoris Leonis Augusti novellae constitutiones: Illustriss. Heroi Gulielmo…Auraicensium principe…Henricus Agylaeus S.P.D., Besançon, 1 April 1560; italic type) [67-68]: Blank 73 (= for 69)-102 (= for 98): Text (same disposition as before) 103 (= for 99)-126 (= for 122): Text (on two columns; parts and marginals in italic type) [123]: approbation (s. Johannes Molanus) [124]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 13 - A 11
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains: a) the Edicta of Justinianus and later Eastern Roman emperors in Greek with Latin translation (pages 2-102); b) the Feudorum libri II (pages 103-122), with additional edicts of medieval emperors (Frederick II, Henry VII; Peace of Constance) (pages 122-126).
Note 2 Very likely the editor followed for the Edicts of Emperors Justinianus, Justinus, and Tiberius, the edition of H. Scringerus, Geneva, Henricus Stephanus, 1558. For the Edicts of the later emperors (from Leo) his model was in any case the edition of Henricus Agylaeus, Geneva, Henricus Stephanus, 1560, of which the dedicatory to William, Prince of Orange, dated 1 April 1560, is even inserted in this publication (page 25).
Further reading


Title page transcription DN. IVSTINIANI ‖ PP. A. INSTITVTIONVM ‖ [IVRIS] LIBRI IIII. ‖ COMPOSITI PER TRIBONIANVM ‖ v: magnificum & Exquæstorem sacri palatij, ‖ & Theophilum, & Dorotheum vv. illustres ‖ & antecessores. ‖ ⊕ 24 ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXV.
Collation Folio [286]: aA-cC⁸, dD⁶, A-D⁸, E-F⁶, G⁸; pages 1-59, [60], [1-104]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3]: Lud. Charondae I.C. argumentum in institutiones iuris civilis, Iustiniani principis…ad Petrum Charondam filium (italic type, word in roman type) [4]: Index (on two columns) 5-59: Text (on two columns, parts in italic type and greek type, marginals in roman type, italic type, and greek type) 59-[60]: Index (on two columns) [60]: Interpretatio Graecorum (on two columns, parts in greek type) [1-97]: Indices (on two and three columns, parts in italic type) [98-104]: Coniunctiones titulorum (on three columns, parts and marginals in italic type) [104]: Chartarum ordo et numerus (roman type and italic type); ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS, ARCHITYPOGRAPHVS RE- ‖ GIVS, ANNO M.D. LXXV. XVI. KAL. APR
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 13 - A 11Museum Plantin-Moretus - detailed aboveKBR Royal Library of Belgium - cf. Cockx-Glorieux, I, pages 54-56British Library LondonBibliothèques de l'UMONS (series A with Nutius-imprint)See also in each series under each vol
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 159-161 (1575, no. 18).
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains the Institutionum libri IIII. As Charondas explains in the foreword he followed for this edition not only the texts as published by Contius and Russardus, but used also a number of manuscripts, in principal order one ‘ex Dionysiana bibliotheca’.
Note 1 This monumental edition of the Corpus iuris civilis is in fact formed by two separate series: A. The edition ‘cum glossis’, reprinted from similar Paris- or Lyons-publications, and consisting of the Pandectae in three volumes, the first part of the Ex repetita praelectione, the second part of the Ex repetita praelectione together with the Novellae of Justinianus and later edicts, and the Institutionum libri quatuor; B. The edition by L. Charondas, without glosses, and consisting of the Pandectae in one volume, the Ex repetita praelectione, the Novellae, the later Edicts of Justinianus and his successors, the Institutionum libri IIII. The ‘Chartarum ordo’ in the last volume refers only to this series.
Note 2 The A-series was published by Plantin in cooperation with Philippus Nutius. Part of the edition received even title-pages with Nutius’s imprint (no copy known for vol. I, but its existence very likely). The colophon of the second volume of the Pandectae bearing Plantin’s imprint states that it was printed ‘at the expenses’ of Plantin by Joannes Withagius (Verwithagen). The initials and ornamentation used in the other volumes make it clear that in fact the whole A-series must have been printed by this Antwerp typographer, who often worked for Plantin. The dealings with Nutius are detailed in Arch. 19, folio 50: of the 1,500 copies printed of the ‘Corpus Civile cum glossis’ 500 copies were ceded to Nutius, for a total sum of 2,092 florins Carolus guilders 9½ stuivers (representing the additional sum owed to Plantin by Nutius; the latter must have paid directly some other bills [probably to the supplier(s) of paper]; entered in the ledger on 23 March 1576). Nutius postponed to pay the last 900 florins Carolus guilders he owed Plantin ‘pour quelques defects dudit cours qu’il disoit luy defaillir encore’, until ‘lesquels on a imprimées et delivrées audit Nutius à son contentement’ (probably the sheets with Nutius’s imprint) — then he paid, on 15 June 1576. Another important customer was Petrus Bellerus (Arch. 19, folio 63), who took 250 copies of the ‘Corpus Civile cum glossis’ for the sum of 2,041 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers (detailed as follows: 1,361 sheets per copy, making 680½ reams of paper, at 3 florins Carolus guilders per ream). The entry is entered in the ledger on 2 May 1576. This could mean that this A-series was in fact not finished and brought on the market in 1575 but in 1576. Listed in M 296, folio 3r (Corpus Civile in f⁰ cum glossis [price:] florins Carolus guilders 18, f[euilles] —), and M 164, folio 6r. The same sale’s price of 18 florins Carolus guilders is given in a letter of Jan Moretus, September 1578 (Corr., VI, no. 807).
Note 3 If the A-series seems to have been a joint publishing-venture, the B-series was solely Plantin’s concern. In his dedicatory to the governor and the magistrate of Antwerp, 5 March 1575, and in Charondas’s foreword to the reader, 1 January 1572, both in the preliminary parts of the first volume, some interesting details are given about the genesis of the work. Plantin’s 1567-edition of the Corpus iuris civilis met such a success that it was sold out within a year. The work on the Polyglot Bible forbade Plantin for some time to embark on another great typographical enterprise, but finally he could think about a re-edition of the Corpus. Always trying to give the best, the archtypographer intended to improve upon his 1567-edition. He hesitated for some time how to proceed till he received a letter from Charondas proposing a revised version of Duarenus’s work; an offer Plantin gladly accepted. As Charondas’s foreword is dated 1 January 1572 it may be supposed that the transactions between editor and typographer started as early as 1571. The printing began in the beginning of 1574 (or the end of 1573): in a number of letters of 1574 Plantin is referring to the fact that he has the Corpus iuris civilis of Charondas on his presses (Corr., IV, no. 513: 6 February 1574; no. 541: 11 July 1574, working with two presses on the project; no. 570: 15 October 1574; no. 571: 20 October 1574). On 31 October 1574 the printer asks Charondas to send him the dedicatory to the Pandectae, stating at the same time that he hopes to finish the whole work in January 1575 in order to be able to ship copies to the Lent Frankfurt Fair (Corr., IV, no. 579). Plantin could stick very closely to his schedule: in a letter of 21 January 1575 to the Lyons bookseller Jehan Mareschal he explains that only the Indices and the first sheets (of the first volume) remain to be printed, which he hopes to achieve the same month (Corr., IV, no. 605). However, there must have been another delay, as the colophon at the end of the last volume specifies that it was only finished on 17 March 1575. An important customer was again Petrus Bellerus who took 250 copies for a sum of 883 florins Carolus guilders 15 stuivers (specified as follows: at 505 sheets per copy these 250 copies amounted to 252½ reams of paper, counted at 3 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers per ream) (Arch. 19, folio 63: 28 April 1575). The Antwerp City Magistrate awarded Plantin for his dedicatory and for the presentation of a copy a gilded silver cup worth 100 golden crowns on 24 March 1574 (o.s. = 1575) (cf. Bulletijn van de Maatschappij der Antwerpsche Bibliophilen, I, 1882, pages 117-118), but the printer never received this gift as Jan Moretus with some regret notes on 2 January 1579 (Arch. 18, folio 310).
Note 4 Listed in M 296, folio 3r (Corpus civile in f⁰ textus, a⁰ 1575, [price:] florins Carolus guilders 7; f[euilles] 504), and M 164, folio 6r.
Further reading

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