
Grammaticae epitomes, 1571-1572

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,444 words)

Record ID cp010670
Voet reference number 1076
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription
Number of sheets
Edition information
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 As explained by Plantin in the letter to the reader, dated 1 April 1571, (in the introductory part published in 1571), the Provincial Council of Malines, held the previous year, had prescribed the use in the schools of abridged versions of Despauterius's grammar. In that perspective Plantin decided to publish Epitomes, amended, corrected and simplified.
Note 2 For this purpose the notes were used of a friend, whose name is not disclosed. It was supposed by Nauwelaerts that this scholar was Simon Verepaeus, but this is not very likely (see Verepaeus). In M 296, folio 4v, the edition is entered as 'Despaut. In Epitomen redactus, p[er] Synodum'. The last word has been scratched and another word filled in. The result cannot be read with any certainty, but it looks like '…Nausim'. If this is the name of the real author, his identity remains uncertain.
Note 3 In M 164, folio 8v, and M 296, folio 4v, details are given about this edition. The entry refers clearly to the 1571-1572 series (= in 4; number of sheets), but for each volume two prices are given, the second being perhaps the price for the volumes of the 1573-1576 series (in M 164 the second introduced by 'nunc'): 'Despaut. In Epitomen redactus, p[er] Synodum, 4⁰. Rudimenta in 4o, f[euilles] 13½, [price:] stuivers 1½, nunc 2. Etymologia in 4⁰, f[euilles] 18½, [price:] stuivers 3, nunc 3½. Syntaxis in 4⁰, f[euilles] 10, [price:] stuivers 2, nunc 2½. Prosodia in 4⁰, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers 1, 1½.
Note 4 References: besides BB, also M.A. Nauwelaerts, 'Bijdrage tot de bibliographie van Simon Verepaeus' in De Gulden Passer, 25, 1947, page 67, no. V, 4; F. Claes, 'Lijst van Nederlandse woordenlijsten en woordenboeken gedrukt tot 1600' in De Gulden Passer, 49, 1971, page 192, no. 227.
Further reading

I. Grammaticae epitomes [Introductory part], 1571.

Title page transcription GRAMMATICÆ ‖ DESPAUTERIANÆ ‖ RECENS IN EPITOMEN ET ‖ commodiorem ordinem redactæ, infinitisque in ‖ locis correctæ & explicatæ, ‖ LIBRI QUATUOR. ‖ I. De primis Grammaticæ Latinæ rudimentis. ‖ II. De Etymologia seu Analogia. ‖ III. De Syntaxi. ‖ IIII. De Prosodia, seu arte versificatoria. ‖ Vniversi operis rationem & commoditatem Epistola ad Lu- ‖ dimagistros & præfatio declarabunt. ‖ Singulorum autem librorum capita sequens pagina indicabit. ‖ Decreto Synodi provincialis Mechliniensis statutum est, vt VNICA ‖ Despauterij Grammatica, in compendium contra- ‖ cta, in scholis prælegatur. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ ANTVVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini Prototypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXI. ‖ Cum Privilegio ad octennium.
Collation 4⁰ (180 × 126): Aⁱ-⁲ B⁳-⁴; pages 1-16
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title 2: Table 3: Plantin to the reader (Antwerp, 1 April 1571) 4-8: Ad Inferioris Germaniae ludimagistros de operis ratione et commoditate (14 December 1570) 9-16: De grammatica, eiusque docendae ratione praefatio
Edition information
N.B. Description according to BB (following copy KU Leuven Libraries).
Copies Bibliothèque nationale de France- X 2074CambridgeKU Leuven Libraries- destroyed in Second World WarMuseum Plantin-Moretus- Arch. 1228, folio 104v: only title-page
Bibliographical references Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), II, pages 179-180 (D 460) Not in Ruelens-de Backer.
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 This small 16 pages volume may be considered to form the introductory part to the 1571-1572 series. It very likely accompanied the first part of the series (see following no.).
Note 2 In the letter to the reader, 1 April 1571, Plantin gives details on the genesis of the edition (cf. introductory note on the series).
Note 3 In the introductory to the ludimagistri of the Netherlands the - anonymous - author explains how he amended and ameliorated Despauterius's work.
Further reading

II. Grammaticae epitomes. I. Rudimenta, 1571.

Title page transcription GRAMMATICÆ ‖ DESPAUTERIANÆ ‖ RECENS IN EPITOMEN ET ‖ commodiorem ordinem redactæ, infinitisque in ‖ locis correctæ & explicatæ, ‖ Liber Primus, ‖ Sive ‖ Prima Grammaticæ Rudimenta, ‖ facili ac perspicua brevitate in ‖ tabulas redacta. ‖ Singula capita sequens pagina indicabit. ‖ Decreto Synodi provincialis Mechliniensis statutum est, ut Unica ‖ Despauterij Grammatica, in compendium contra- ‖ cta, in scholis prælegatur. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ Antvverpiæ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini Prototypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXI. ‖ Cum Privilegio ad octennium.
Collation 4⁰: A⁲, B-M⁴, N⁶; pages 1-105, [106-108] (Error: 43 for 42)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title 2: Table and Greek alphabet 3-99: Text 100-105: Breves, faciles, et utiles aliquot sententiae, pueris initio proponendae 105: approbation (Louvain, 14 April 1571) [106]: Privilege (Brussels, 30 April 1571) [107-108]: Blank
Edition information
N.B. Description according to BB (following copy KU Leuven Libraries).
Copies Cf. no. I. Not in Museum Plantin-Moretus, Arch. 1228
Bibliographical references Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), II, page 180 (D 461) Not in Ruelens-de Backer.
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Text in four large chapters: De declinationibus et conjugationibus; De octo orationis partibus; Generaliores quaedam Etymologiae regulae; Aliquot syntaxeos regulae. Many tables; a great number of Latin words and expressions are translated into Dutch and French.
Further reading

III. Grammaticae epitomes. II. Etymologia, 1572.

Title page transcription GRAMMATICÆ ‖ DESPAUTERIANÆ ‖ RECENS IN EPITOMEN ET ‖ commodiorem ordinem redactæ, infinitisque in ‖ locis correctæ & explicatæ, ‖ Liber Secundus: ‖ In Quo ‖ Etymologia ‖ Seu Potius Analogia Puerili Ætati ‖ convenientissimè explicatur. ‖ Singula capita sequens pagina indicabit. ‖ Decreto Synodi provincialis Mechliniensis statutum est ut Unica ‖ Despauterij Grammatica, in compendium contra- ‖ cta, in scholis prælegatur. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ Antvverpiæ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini Prototypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXII. ‖ Cum Privilegio ad octennium.
Collation 4⁰: A⁲, B-V⁴; pages 1-158, [159-160]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title 2: Table; Definido et divisio grammatices 3-158: Text 158: approbation (Louvain, 14 April 1571) [159]: Privilege (Brussels, 30 April 1571) [160]: Blank
Edition information
N.B. Description according to BB (following copy KU Leuven Libraries).
Copies Cf. no. I. Not in Museum Plantin-Moretus, Arch. 1228
Bibliographical references Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), II, page 181 (D 464) Not in Ruelens-de Backer.
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Simplification and adaptation of Despauterius's Grammaticae prima pars.
Note 2 Text in 7 chapters: De nominum generibus; De recta nominum declinatione; De nominibus anomalis et heteroclitis; De comparatione; De verborum praeteritis et supinis; De verbis anomalis et defectivis, De verborum formis. With many tables.
Further reading

IV. Grammaticae epitomes. III. Syntaxis, 1572.

Title page transcription GRAMMATICÆ ‖ DESPAUTERIANÆ ‖ RECENS IN EPITOMEN ET ‖ commodiorem ordinem redactæ, infinitisque in locis correctæ & explicatæ ‖ Liber Tertius. ‖ In Quo ‖ Syntaxis Seu Recta Partium ‖ orationis consecutio doctè & apertè traditur. ‖ Singula capita sequens pagina indicabit. ‖ Decreto Synodi provincialis Mechliniensis statutum est ut Unica ‖ Despauterij Grammatica, in compendium contra- ‖ cta, in scholis prælegatur. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ Antvverpiæ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini Prototypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXII. ‖ Cum Privilegio ad octennium.
Collation 4⁰: A⁲, B-Q⁴; pages 1-127, [128-130]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Syntaxeos totius schematismus 3-127: Text 127: approbation (Louvain, 14 April 1571); Privilege (Brussels, 30 April 1571) [128-130]: Blank
Edition information
N.B. Description according to BB (following copy KU Leuven Libraries).
Copies Cf. no. I. Not in Museum Plantin-Moretus, Arch. 1228
Bibliographical references Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), II, page 182 (D 466) Not in Ruelens-de Backer.
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Adaptation of Despauterius's Syntaxis, with numerous examples and annotations; in 11 chapters.
Further reading

V. Grammaticae epitomes. IV. Prosodia, 1572.

Title page transcription GRAMMATICÆ ‖ DESPAUTERIANAE ‖ RECENS IN EPITOMEN ET ‖ commodiorem ordinem redactæ, infinitisque in ‖ locis correctæ & explicatæ ‖ Liber Quartus: ‖ In Quo ‖ Prosodia ‖ Et Ars Versificatoria Seu Carminum ‖ ratio perspicuè tractatur. ‖ Singula capita sequenti pagina indicantur. ‖ Decreto Synodi provincialis Mechliniensis statutum est ut Unica ‖ Despauterij Grammatica, in compendium contra- ‖ cta, in scholis prælegatur. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ Antvverpiæ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini Prototypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXII. ‖ Cum Privilegio ad octennium.
Collation 4⁰: A⁲, B-H⁴; pages 1-63, [64]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title 2: Table; Considerations on the utility of the prosodia 3-63: Text 63: approbation (Louvain, 14 April 1571) [64]: Privilege (Brussels, 30 April 1571)
Edition information
N.B. Description according to BB (following copy KU Leuven Libraries).
Copies Cf. no. I. Not in Museum Plantin-Moretus, Arch. 1228
Bibliographical references Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), II, page 183 (D 469) Not in Ruelens-de Backer.
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Adaptation of Despauterius's Ars versificatoria. The general lines have been followed, but the text has been reduced to its essential parts.
Note 2 Text in 3 chapters: De syllabarum quantitate (books II and III of the original treatise); De pedibus metricis (beginning of book I); De diversis carminum generibus, et eorum compositione (book I).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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