
Breve summa llamada sossiego y descanso d'el anima, 1556

in The Plantin Press Online

(503 words)

Record ID cp010647
Voet reference number 1220
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Francisco de FUENSALIDA
Title page transcription ❧ BREVE ‖ SVMMA LLA= ‖ MADA, ‖ Sossiego y descanso ‖ d'el Anima. ‖ ⊕ 5 ‖ EN ANVERS. ‖ En Casa de Christoual ‖ Plantin. ‖ 1556.
Collation 12mo [85]: A-Hⁱ⁲; folios 1 recto-93 verso, [94 recto-96 verso] (Error: 82 for 92)
Fingerprint 1556 - # b1 A2 ue : b2 H7 ien
Number of sheets 12
Pages [1 recto]: Title [1 verso]: Blank 2 recto-3 verso: Al muy illustre…senor, Don Pedro de Avila, marques de las Navas…su servidor y capellan Francisco de Fuensalida, professor de Latin en la…ciudad de Avila 4 recto-93 recto: Text (italic type, parts in roman type) 93 verso: approbation (Toledo, signed by Pedro de la Gasca) [94 recto]: EN ANVERS. ‖ En casa de Christoual ‖ Plantino cerca de la Bolsa nueua. ‖ Con Priuilegio. ‖ 1556 [94 verso]: ⊕ 3 [95 recto-96 verso]: Blank
Edition information
Copies British Library London - C. 62. aa. 8.Biblioteca Nacional de España
Bibliographical references Peeters-Fontainas, J. Impressions espagnoles, no. 485 Palau y Dulcet, 5, page 513, no. 95255 Not in Ruelens-de Backer. Peeters-Fontainas, J. Impressions espagnoles 485
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12927069USTC 440116
Note 1 Religious-philosophical treatise on the tranquillity of the soul.
Note 2 Probably a reprint of the edition published with the same title at Alcala, Juan de Brocar, 1541 (mentioned by Palau y Dulcet, 5, page 513).
Note 3 The author, presenting himself as professor of Latin at Avila and 'capellan' of the Marquis de las Navas, dedicated his work to the said Marquis. The Marquis de las Navas was in 1555-1556 in the Netherlands, as a follower of Philip II, and had some contacts with Plantin. It may, consequently, be surmised that the Marquis induced Plantin to reprint the work of his protégé which by then must have been out of print.
Note 4 Plantin sold in 1556 a number of copies of the 'Sossiego del anima, espagnol' to French colleagues (12 October 1556, 6 copies to Martin le Jeune, Paris: 6 stuivers, and 6 copies to Arnould l'Angelier, Paris: 6 stuivers; 9 November 1556, 6 copies to Jehan Mallet, Rouen: 9 stuivers; 14 November 1556, 12 copies to Arnould l'Angelier, Paris: 12 stuivers Cf. Arch. 34, pages 5, 6, 9, 11). Other copies were sold in 1557 (1, worth 4 stuivers, to Pero Junches (?) d'Arellano, capellan du Roy, on 8 May 1557; 2 to Christoval de Hierros on 10 May 1557; and 1 'Missa, Sossiego et Confessionario r[eliês] ensemble' to Martin Nutius on 5 August 1557. Cf. Arch. 38, folios 82 verso, 85, and 85bis), and 1558 (3, worth 2½ stuivers, to Robert d'Wal on 19 January 1558: Arch. 35, folio 7; 12, worth 12 stuivers, to Joannes Steelsius on 14 March 1558: Arch. 38, folio 55).
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 18r (Sossiego de lanima espagnol, 12⁰, A⁰ 1556, f[euilles] 8, [price:] stuivers 1).
Further reading

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