
De amphitheatro liber. Leiden, 1585

in The Plantin Press Online

(460 words)

Record ID cp010645
Voet reference number 1532A
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Justus LIPSIUS (LIPS)
Title page transcription IVSTI LIPSI ‖ DE ‖ AMPHITHEATRO ‖ LIBER. ‖ In quo forma ipsa Loci expressa, ‖ & ratio spectandi. ‖ Cum æneis figuris. ‖ ⊕ 40 ‖ LVGDVNI BATAVORVM, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ CIƆ. IƆ. LXXXV.
Collation 4º [161]: A-N⁴, O⁲; pages 1-105, [106-108]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-5: Nobilissimis…Iano Dousae, Paulo Busio, Abrahamo ab Almonde, Academiae curatoribus, I. Lipsius dedico (5 January 1584) 6-7: Ad lectorem (italic type) 8: Two poems by Theodores Esuchos (italic type; signature in greek type) 9-76: Text (parts in italic type and greek type, marginals in roman type and italic type) [77-78]: Index (italic type) [79]: Privilege (Vienna, 21 February 1565, signed by Haller; Fontainebleau, 5 August 1582, s. De Neufville) [80]: Blank [81]: IVSTI LIPSI ‖ DE ‖ AMPHITHEATRIS ‖ QVÆ‖ EXTRA ROMAM ‖ LIBELLVS. ‖ In quo Formæ eorum aliquot & typi. ‖ ⊕ 40 ‖ LVGDVNI BATAVORVM, ‖ Ex Officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ CIƆ. IƆ. LXXXV [82]: Blank 83-84: Iustus Lipsius Abrahamo Ortelio suo S.D. (italic type) 85-104: Text (parts in greek type and italic type, marginals in roman type and italic type) 105: illustration [106]: Ad lectorem (italic type) [107]: Privilege (Fontainebleau, 5 August 1582, s. De Neufville) [108]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Engravings: 8 engravings (4 hors-textes: Colosseum at Rome, nos. 1 and 2 ; Verona; Doué no. 2; 4 in text: detail of Colosseum, on page 45; Pola on page 94; Nîmes on page 96; Doué no. 1 on page 105). The same illustrations as in the 1584-edition, with one exception: Doué no. 2 has been replaced by another view of the same amphitheatre: 109 × 230; inscription, above left: LES • ARENES • A • DOVE • EN • POICTOV. ‖ LAEVINVS. F. AN. 1584 (this Laevinus is probably the designer and not the engraver; he may be identified with Joannes Livineus, the nephew of Livinus Torrentius). The typographical text on Rome no. 2 (Colosseum, interior) has been slightly altered: in the inscription above, 'page 61' has been changed into 'cap. XIII.'; the text underneath has now Ex officina Christophori Plantini
Copies Trinity College Library
Bibliographical references Not in Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.) (cf. however III, page 897, giving the description of the Antwerp-edition, which is identical with the exception of the title-page: see following no.) Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 The text is a reprint of the 1584-edition, but the two parts have been brought together into one volume.
Note 2 The book has been printed in the Officina Plantiniana in Leiden, but part of the edition received a title-page with Plantin's Antwerp imprint.
Note 3 Not listed in M 296 and M 321.
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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