
Epistolae et libri contra haereticos, [edited by Marianus Victorius], 1578

in The Plantin Press Online

(425 words)

Record ID cp010643
Voet reference number1334
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3111941
Title page transcriptionEPISTOLÆ ‖ D. HIERONYMI, ‖ STRIDONIENSIS, ‖ ET LIBRI CONTRA ‖ HÆRETICOS, ‖ Ex antiquissimis exemplaribus, opera ac studio Maria- ‖ ni Victorij Reatini emendati, argumen- ‖ tis & Scholiis illustrati. ‖ ⊕ 31 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex Officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXVIII.
CollationFolio [302]: †⁸, ††⁶, A-Z⁸, Aa-Rr⁸, Ss⁴; pages [1-28], 1-637 (= for 639), [640]
Number of sheets
PagesSame edition as the first volume of the Opera divi Hieronymi (see preceding no.), with the omission of the first quire (8 pages, including the French title, the frontispiece, the general title, and the dedicatory letter of Plantin to Archduke Mathias of Austria) and quires aa-bb8 (= Index and Loera Sacrae Scripturae…), and with a slight change in the title-page of the first three books as given in the preceding no. on page [9]
Edition information
CopiesMaastricht University Library- 1140 A 11
Bibliographical referencesBib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3670 Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Plantin in the introductory part of the first volume of the Opera divi Hieronymi, containing the first three books, in a laudatory letter pays homage to Archduke Mathias. This was not likely to please the Spanish party. The printer, consequently, had it omitted in part of the edition by dropping the first 8 pages and some other parts of the introductory section (= pages [37-68]), and altering the title-page. He must have had this in mind from the beginning as in the original edition the privilege is repeated twice, once in the introductory quire (deleted in the 'amended' version) and once in the part that was retained for both versions.
Note 2The reason why Plantin inserted this, in Spanish eyes rather compromising dedicatory, is very likely hinted at in the casual remark he made to G. de Çayas in his letter of 19 August 1578: that part of the edition was at Louvain (in the printing office of Servatius Sassenus), that it was impossible (= very difficult) to recover the copies because of the war and that the University could not help in this matter without the co-operation of Archduke Mathias (Corr., VI, no 805, page 15: 'Hieronymi vero necdum, eo quod pars operum ejus sit Lovanii unde nobis nunc est impossibile propter bellum evocare, ad quod Universitas nos juvare non potest sine gratia Illmi. Austriaci').
Note 3This volume was also sold separately (cf. preceding no.).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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