Record ID | cp010612 |
Voet reference number | 2467bis |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Author | Joannes Ludovicus VIVES |
Title page transcription | LES ‖ DIALOGVES ‖ DE IEAN LOYS VIVES, ‖ TRADVITS DE LATIN ‖ EN FRANÇOIS. ‖ Pour l'exercice des deux langues. ‖ PAR B. IAMYN. ‖ A MONSEIGNEVR CHARLES DE ‖ LORRAINE. ‖ Ausquels est adioustée l'explicatiō Françoise des mots ‖ latins plus rares & moins vsagez. Par ‖ Gilles de Housteuille. ‖ Auec ample declaration & traduction des ‖ passages grecs en Latin par P. ‖ de la Motte. ‖ [Open space] ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ Par Christophle Plantin. ‖ M.D.LXVI. |
Collation | 8⁰ [131]: A-S⁸, T⁴; folios 1r-126v (= for 116v), [117r-148v] (Errors: 8 not numbered; 40-49 omitted, meaning that from 50 onwards numeration too high by 10 units; 87 for 97, 127 for 123) |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1r]: Title [1v]: Blank 2r-3r: A mon seigneur Charles de Lorraine B. Iamyn tres-humble salut 3v: Vives Philippo Caroli Caes. Aug. F. haeredi, optimam mentem (italic type) 4r-126v (= for 116v): Text (on two columns; roman type and italic type) [117r-v]: Aegidius de Housteville Sanctimarianus Constantinas, Cadomi studiosae iuventutis in gymnasio Montano institutor, lectori ('Cadomi, ex schola Montana', 28 February 1553) [118r-143v]: Index Latino Gallicus (on two columns; roman type and italic type) [144r-147r]: Interpretatio per Petrum Mottam (italic type) [147v-148v]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Ghent University Library- R 757 |
Bibliographical references | Not in Ruelens-de Backer and Palau y Dulcet |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Text of a series of dialogues in Latin intended for the study of this language by Vives (on one column; italic type), with the French translation (on the other column, in roman type) by B. Iamyn; followed by a short dictionary of Latin nouns with their explication in French compiled by Gilles de Housteville (118r-143v) and an 'interpretation' of difficult words or passages by Petrus Motta (de la Motte) (144r-147r). |
Note 2 | The Latin edition seems to have been published for the first time in Antwerp, c. 1538, under the title Familiarum colloquiorum formulae, sive linguae Latinae exercitatio. The first dated edition was issued at Basel in 1539 by Robertus Winter. The first known edition with the 'interpretation' of difficult words was published in Lyons by Guillielmus de Milis in 1544. Cf. Palau y Dulcet, 27, pages 424-425. |
Note 3 | The version with the French translation by B. Iamyn and the short dictionary compiled by G. de Housteville seems to have been first issued at Lyons by Gabriel Cotier in 1560 and re-published by the same in 1564 and 1567 (or 1568). Cf. Palau y Dulcet, 27, page 431; Baudrier, Bibliographie lyonnaise, 4, pages 71, 74, 79. Another edition was published by Jean Ruelle in Paris in 1563 (cf. Palau y Dulcet, 27, page 431). Brunet, V, Column 1334, speaks of an edition in Paris by Gabriel Buon in 1556 which could be in fact a publication issued in 1566 ('Dialogues de Jean Loys Vives, traduits du latin en francois pour l'exercice des deux langues, par Benjamin Jamin. Paris, Gabriel Buon, 1556, in-16 (Méon, 3087). Le même exemplaire est sous la date de 1566 dans le catal. de Brienne'). |
Note 4 | The edition showing Plantin's imprint is nowhere cited in the manuals and reference-works. It is neither mentioned in Plantin's own book-catalogues (M 296, M 164), nor, more surprisingly, in the cost-accounting ledger for 1563-1567 (Arch. 4). The type and the (few) initials used, as also the formula of the imprint on the title-page ('Par Christophle Plantin') and the absence of a printer's mark, show clearly that in fact the edition has not been printed in the Plantin Press. The Dialogues must have been issued by another printer-publisher, who sold Plantin a number of copies with the latter's imprint. This 'adapted' version is perhaps to be identified with the edition published by Gabriel Buon in Paris in 1566 - if the reference given by Brunet is exact. |
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