
Horae Latinae, in 16mo, 1567

in The Plantin Press Online

(618 words)

Record ID cp010578
Voet reference number 1354
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Uniform title HORAE
Title page transcription
Number of sheets
Edition information
Bibliographical references
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 The cost-accounting note in Arch. 4, folio 77 verso, gives the following details about 'Horae latine, 16º, lectre italique': the wages for composing and printing are entered from 28 June until 16 July 1567, and amount to 96 florins Carolus guilders 14 stuivers Each copy contains 16 sheets; 2,500 copies were printed, for which 83 reams of paper 'petit carré' were used (including 3 reams of 'imperfections'), which, at 1 florins Carolus guilders 8 stuivers per ream, came to 112 florins Carolus guilders, bringing the overall costs to 208 florins Carolus guilders 14 stuivers
Note 2 Listed in M 296, folio 8 verso ([Horae Rom.] In 16º l[itte]ra Ital. aº 1567, f[euilles] 16, [price:] stuivers 4).
Note 3 Of this publication 1,500 copies were forwarded to the 'Poule Grasse'(Birckman) in Antwerp, to the account of 'Johan de Moline (d'Espagne)', bookseller in Lisbon. Plantin received for this transaction 168 florins Carolus guilders (Arch. 4, folio 77 verso). In a letter to Jehan de Molina, 7 June 1567 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, I, no. 34), Plantin explained that he started printing 'vos heures' three weeks ago, that he would be content with 3½ florins Carolus guilders per printed ream (instead of 4½ florins Carolus guilders usually charged for the editions 'de rouge et noir'), that to print the 1,250 or 1,500 copies asked by the Molina, he has been compelled 'faire double journée, à cause que nos imprimeurs ne veulent faire pour jour que 1000 de rouge et noir' (= meaning that for the ordinary editions Plantin's pressmen made an average of 1,250 sheets a day per press, but that for the liturgical publications, printed in black and red, they only came to 1,000 sheets a day, implying that for the extra 250 to 500 copies required by Molina, two days per sheet were necessary). However, to keep the prices charged to de Molina as low as possible he was printing to his own account and at the advice of Arnoult [Mylius, of the Birckman firm] 500 copies. These extra copies Molina could also have at the same price. Before he received an answer of de Molina, Plantin would not sell any copies in the Netherlands. In a new letter to de Molina, 22 July 1567 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, I, no. 61) Plantin acknowledged the receipt of a letter of the bookseller, dated 20 April [1567]. There must have been problems about the number of copies, the settlement of the accounts, and the finishing of the edition: 'Il m'a despieu et displait assés que je n'ay peu commencer et parfaire plus tôt les Heures que m'avés commandé, et encores plus de ce que je les avois tant advancées, quand j'ay receu vos lettres du 20 avril, qu'il estoit impossible de les retarder ou délaisser sans quelque 60 fis. de perte. Parquoy je les poursuis et espère de les avoir achevées, au plus tard dedans trois semaines de ce jourd'huy. Je vous ay assés adverti par mes autres du nombre que j'en imprime [et] que tout est à vostre commandement, ainsi que je vous ay faict advertir par Arnoult des Birckmans et escrit en mes lettres du 7 du présent…'. An agreement must finally have been reached as 1,500 copies were forwarded to Birckman to the account of de Molina. For a similar Horae-edition printed for de Molina in 1568, see nos. 1358-1362.
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The Plantin Press Online

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