
Novum Testamentum [in Syriac], in 8⁰, 1575

in The Plantin Press Online

(683 words)

Record ID cp010541
Voet reference number 667
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3252933
Uniform title BIBLE: Editions in Syriac
Title page transcription [No title-page: see reproduction of page 1].
Collation 8⁰ [138]: A-H⁸; pages 1-121, [122-128]. Printed, according to Hebrew tradition, from back to front
Number of sheets
Pages [1]-121: Text (in Hebrew; on two columns) [122-127]: Variae lectiones ex Novi Testamenti Syrici manuscripto codice Coloniensi nuper a Fr. Raph. collectae (parts in Hebrew and greek type; on two columns) [128]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 55.33CambridgeBritish Library LondonCambridge University Library
Bibliographical references Darlow-Moule, no. 8951 Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Syriac text of the New Testament printed in Hebrew type (without vowel-points). The version itself is reprinted from vol. 5 of the Polyglot-Bible. With an appendix of various readings, compiled by F. Raphelengius from 'a Cologne ms.'. This manuscript is to be identified with the one used by Fabricius Boderianus for his edition in vol. 5 of the Polyglot-Bible (see no. cp011685), but apparently he did not incorporate the variants into his text (cf. Darlow-Moule, no. 8951). At the end of the Syriac text the editor states 'Caeterae Canonicae et Apocalypsis, etsi exstent apud Syros, tamen et in exemplaribus, quae secutus est Widmanstadius, et in antiquissimo codice manuscripto, quo usi sumus, defuerunt' (about Widmanstadius: see no. cp010219).
Note 2 Set in the same type-composition as the in 24mo edition (see following no.): very likely first the text of the in 8⁰ publication (on two columns) was printed and then the composition re-arranged for printing the in 24mo edition (on one column).
Note 3 In some letters to friends Plantin gave information about the printing of this New Testament: to Genebrard, 20-26 October 1574 (Corr., IV, no. 573: '…nous serons…encouragés de poursuivre nos labeurs encommencés tant a l'impression de nouveau testament Syriacque en petits volumes…'), to C.a Capite Fontium, 30 April 1575 (Corr., IV, no. 624: 'Le nouveau testament Syriacque est ung peu plus que demy faict. J'espere qu'il sera achevé environ la St. Jehan Baptiste: car nous y besongnons lentement tant a cause de la pauvre vente que faisons pardeça de nos livres que pour nos autres occupations'), to Arias Montanus, 13-14 August 1575 (Corr., IV, no. 643, page 311: 'In Syriaco testamento restat folium imprimendum'), to Arias Montanus, 29 October 1575 (Corr., V, no. 664, page 46: 'Novum Testamentum Syriacum in 24. necdum absolutum est tantae molis erat'), to Genebrard, 9-13 January 1576 (Corr., V, no. 694: 'J'ay achevé le nouveau testament Syriacque de pareille forme au vieil testament Hebraicque, de quoy je vous prie recevoir en gré ces deux exemplaires…'), to Camerarius, 13 January 1576 (Suppl. Corr., no. 121: 'Impressi nuper novum testamentum Syrice minima [= in 24mo] et mediocri forma [= in 8⁰] typis hebraicis minutiss.').
Note 4 The New Testament in Syriac in 8⁰ and in 24mo form separate publications and are as such listed separately in Plantin's book-catalogues (M 296, folio 12v: Novum Testam. Syriacum 8⁰ 1575, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers -; Idem in 24mo, f[euilles] 8½, [price:] stuivers -). They were, however, also considered to be complementary volumes to the in 8⁰ and in 24mo Hebrew Old Testaments issued by Plantin in 1574 (see nos. cp012656 and cp011199). The in 8⁰ Syriac edition did not even receive a separate title-page, whilst the in 24mo Syriac edition is mentioned as forming part of the Hebrew Bible in Ms. 164, folio 4r, and M 296, folio 2r (Idem [= Biblia hebraica] 24⁰ cum Test. grȩco, 1575, f[euilles] 41½, [price:] stuivers 25; cum test[amento] Siriaco [price:] stuivers 30). Cf. also the letter to Genebrard quoted above and the letter to de Morillon, 3 March 1576 (Corr., V, no. 707: 'J'envoye…dix petits volumes reliés…ascavoir les Bibles latines en cinq volumes et les hebraicques avec le testamen en Syriac en quatre volumes et ung nouveau testamen Latine').
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