
Missale Romanum, in 4⁰, 1574

in The Plantin Press Online

(421 words)

A. Version with woodcut-illustrations. No copy known B. Version with copper engraving-illustrations.

Record ID cp010529
Voet reference number 1686
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription MISSALE ‖ ROMANVM, ‖ EX DECRETO SACROSANCTI ‖ Concilij Tridentini restitutum, ‖ PII V. PONT. MAX. ‖ IVSSV EDITVM. ‖ V. ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regii. ‖ M.D.LXXIIII. ‖ Cum Priuilegiis Pont. Max. & Regis Catholici.
Collation 4⁰ (275 × 195):…Printed in black and red
Number of sheets
Edition information
Illustrations V. on title-page: copper engraving, 75 × 75, representing St. Peter and St. Paul (with the monogram of the designer, Pieter van der Borcht)
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- Arch. 1228, folio 26r: only title-pageNo complete copy known
Bibliographical references Not in Ruelens-de Backer and Weale-Bohatta
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Issued in two versions: one with woodcut- and one with copper engraving-illustrations.
Note 2 In a note accompanying a letter to de Villalva, 22 May-3 June 1574, Plantin specifies to have printed 543 'Missales in 4to grande con figuras en madera' and 1,000 'Missale in 4to grande con figuras en cobre' (Corr., IV, page 97).
Note 3 The edition was shipped to Spain in several consignments: 476 copies 'Missalia grand' on 29 March 1574 (Arch. 22, folios 32r-33r), 395 copies 'grand des communs [= with woodcut-illustrations]' and 231 'grand à figures de cuivre' on 3 June 1574 (Ibidem, folios 36v-38r), 280 copies 'grand, fin papier, con figuras de cobre' on 5 June 1574 (Ibidem, folios 41r-vo), 259 'grandes con figuras en cobre' and 24 'con figuras en cobre de los del mas grande papel de l'aquila grande' (Ibidem, folio 42v), and finally 196 copies 'grande con figuras en cobre' on 16 October 1574 (Ibidem, folio 45v). That are 871 copies 'commun' (with woodcuts), 966 with copper engravings, and 24 with copper engravings printed on the large Italian eagle-paper; in all 1,861 copies. On 20 August 1575 were shipped to Spain another 42 copies 'Missalia Rom. 4⁰, 1574, grand, fig[ures] [de] cuivre, point réglés, des vieux' (Arch. 22, folio 69r).
Note 4 Listed in M 296, folio 11v (In 4⁰ grand pro hisp[ania], a⁰ 74, fig. de cuivre, f[euilles] 106½) and 20v (Missale in 4⁰ magno 1574. Habet 37 parvas fig[uras], 9 magnas, et 19 ornamenta marg[ina] lia, sunt 65). This means, therefore, that the version with the copper engravings has 65 illustrations: 37 small, 9 large, and 19 borders.
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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