Record ID | cp010482 |
Voet reference number | 918 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Author | Joannes CARPENTEIUS |
Title page transcription | IN VATICINIA ‖ ISAIAE, ‖ PROPHETAE ‖ CLARISSIMI, ‖ PARAPHRASIS, ‖ Heroico carmine conscripta, libros ‖ septem complectens: ‖ Auctore ‖ IOANNE CARPENTEIO ‖ IVRISCONSVLTO ATTREBATIO. ‖ Editio altera, additamento textûs ipsius ‖ Prophetæ auctior. ‖ ⊕ 33 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex Officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXVIII. |
Collation | 4⁰ [183]: A-Z⁴, a-k⁴, l⁶; pages 1-275, [276] |
Fingerprint | 158804 - # 1b1 A2 $ini : # 1b2 Z3 ibu - # 2b1 a in : # 2b2 l3 ar |
Number of sheets | 34.50 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-4: Ioannes Saracenus. Anagramma…Dodecastichon auctoris in idem anagramma (parts in italic type) 4: Alius anagrammatismus Ant. Meyeri [with poem in honour of Sarrazin] 5-12: Ad amplissimum…D. Ioannem Sarracenum, divi Vedasti Attrebatii abbatem…praefatio I. Carpentei (italic type, marginal in roman type) 13-26: Poems in honour of the author or his work 27-275: Text (italic type, marginals in roman type) 275: Approbationes (Parisian theologians, signed by Peletier and Huiart; Antwerp, 10 March 1588, s. D. Henricus Zebertus à Dunghen), Privilege (Brussels, 21 April 1588, s. I. de Witte) [276]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Illustrations | Two engravings: 1) on page 3, 98 × 85: the coat-of-arms of Jean Sarrazin, Abbot of St. Vaast at Arras, in a portico, with to the right St. Joannes, and to the left a woman reading in a [prayer-]book 2) on page 17, 78 × 78, within an [etched] border and the whole printed within a typographically printed border: the prophet Isaias. To judge from the style both engravings were designed and executed by Pieter van der Borcht |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 18Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeGhent University Library |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, pages 306-307 (1588, no. 6) Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3969.Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 575 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12925808USTC 402152 |
Note 1 | Contains: a) In the introductory part a series of poems in Latin and/or Greek in honour of the author (who is here often referred to as Carpentarius or Carpenterius) by: Joannes Silvius (in Greek, page 13); Natalis Novionus, prior of the Abbey of St. Vaast (14; italic type), Franciscus Moschus Nivigellanus (14-16; italic type), Robertus Obrisius (16; italic type); Franciscus Moncaeius (19-21; italic type), Antonius Meyerus (22; italic type), Philippus Meyerus (23; roman type), Philippus Carpenteius, filius [Joannis] (23; roman type), I. Auratus (24-25; italic type), Federicus Iamotius (in Greek with Latin translation [italic type]; 26); b) In the introductory part: Latin poem [by Carpenteius ?] on Isaias (17-18); c) Text: in the form of a 'carmen heroicum', a paraphrase in vaticinia Isaiae prophetae by Carpenteius, with in marginals the text itself of the prophet Isaias. |
Note 2 | The work is presented on the title-page as an 'editio altera', a second edition, with the addition of the text of the prophet given thus in the form of marginals accompanying the 'carmen heroicum'. We were, however, unable to trace a 'first edition' printed at Arras, Antwerp or elsewhere, and with or without the text of Isaias. |
Note 3 | Jean Sarrazin, Abbot of St. Vaast, contacted Plantin early in 1586 for the edition of an illustrated Vita S. Benedicti et 'l'histoire de Malchus'. The costs were too prohibitive, and the project was greatly altered (see following no.). In two other letters - of 4 September 1586 (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1132) and 3 August 1587 (Ibidem, no. 1286) - Plantin, in answer to further sollicitations of the Abbot of St. Vaast, declares himself willing to print whatever the abbot desires, providing the prelate should advance money to defray the costs of paper and printing. The editions, which the abbot had in mind, are not specified, but very likely they included the In vaticinia Isaiae…paraphrasis. Anyway, on 26 June 1588, Plantin mailed some proofsheets of the paraphrase to J. Sarrazin, showing how the typographer saw the printing combination of Isaias - text and paraphrase (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1382: 'Ayant long temps advisé en quele forme il seroit propre d'imprimer la Paraphrase du Prophete Isaye avec ses annotations d'ung costé et le texte de l'autre je n'en ay pas trouvé de plus propre que cele dont j'envoye ici à V. Rme Se. quelques espreuves faictes a la haste…'), whilst on 2 August 1588 he could already send 'cinq feilles imprimees en Isayas', promising at the same time 'l'impression duquel j'espere de continuer sans intermission jusques a la fin' (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1390). |
Note 4 | To make the publication possible Abbot Sarrazin paid, as hinted at in Plantin's letters, some money in advance. On 11 March 1588 was booked in Plantin's ledger, to the credit of the Abbot of St. Vaast, the sum of 100 florins Carolus guilders 'que nous avons receu…de ce qu'il a accordé de payer en subside et avancement d'ung livre de Paraphrase in esaiam envoyé pour imprimer'. An additional sum of 30 florins Carolus guilders was paid by the Abbot on 30 December 1588. As counterpart Plantin shipped to Sarrazin, on 26 November 1588, 200 copies of the publication, which, at 14 stuivers per copy, came to 140 florins Carolus guilders (and an additional 18 stuivers for the basket which contained them). Another 25 copies, worth 17 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers, were shipped on 13 December on behalf of the abbot to Brussels, but somehow a mistake must have been made as the 25 copies were later returned and the sum of 17 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers deducted from Sarrazin's account (Arch. 20, folio 256). |
Note 5 | Listed in M 321 (4⁰, f[euilles] 34½, 2 fig. de cuivre, cum vita P. Benedicti, f[euilles] 39½, [price:] stuivers 14). The Vita Benedicti (see following no.) is entered also separately in M 321, but this entry shows that both publications were normally sold together. |
Further reading |