
Novum Testamentum [in Greek and Latin], [edited by B. Arias Montanus], in 8⁰, 1583

in The Plantin Press Online

(512 words)

Record ID cp010465
Voet reference number 648
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:651084
Uniform title BIBLE: POLYGLOT (in Greek and Latin)
Title page transcription NOVVM ‖ TESTAMENTVM ‖ GRÆCE, ‖ CVM VVLGATA INTERPRETATIONS ‖ Latina Græci contextus lineis inserta. ‖ Quæ quidem interpretatio, cùm à Græcarum dictionum ‖ proprietate discedit, sensum, videlicet, magis quàm ver- ‖ ba exprimens, in margine libri est collocata: atque alia ‖ BEN. ARIAE MONTANI HISPALENSIS ‖ operâ è verbo reddita, ac diuerso characterum genere di- ‖ stincta, in eius est substituta locum. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXXXIII.
Collation 8⁰ [141]: A-Z⁸, Aa-Zz⁸, aa⁸; folios 1 recto-371 verso, [372 recto-376 verso] (Errors: 24 for 22, 22 for 24, 186-188-188-190-190-192-192-193, 214 for 213, 216 for 215)
Fingerprint 158308 - # 1b1 A2 èse$ : # 1b2 2Z5 ,$&$e - # 2b1 2a eg: : # 2b2 2a5 ari$
Number of sheets 47
Pages [1 recto]: Title [1 verso]: Blank 2 recto-371 recto: Text (roman type, greek type and italic type, marginals in roman type and greek type) 371 verso: Approbationes (Antwerp, 1 December 1571, signed by B. Arias Montanus; Louvain, 25 March 1571 old style, signed by Augustinus Hunnaeus, Cornelius Reyneri Goudanus, Ioannes Wilhelm. Harlemius) [372 recto-376 verso]: Benedictus Arias Montanus…ad christianum lectorem (Antwerp, 1 August; words in italic type and greek type) [376 verso]: Blank
Edition information
Two variants A. As described above (Museum Plantin-Moretus, A 581). B. Without the approbationes on folio 371 verso and letter to Arias Montanus, folios [372-376] (Museum Plantin-Moretus, A 863).
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus - A 581: variant A - A 863: variant BNot checked which variant: Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpBibliothèque municipale de Arras - Arras (France, dép. Pas-de-Calais)CambridgeUniversity Library of Erlangen-NürnbergGhent University LibraryHeidelberg University LibraryBritish Library LondonCambridge University LibraryBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaBibliothèque nationale de FranceVatican Apolstolic Library
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 252 (1583, no. 3) Masch, II, page 272 Reusch, page 77 Darlow-Moule, no. 4643a Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 5234 Adams B-1709
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12926010USTC 414623
Note 1 Greek text of the New Testament with interlinear Latin translation. In the same type-composition as the in folio-edition of 1584 (see cp011063): the forms of the in folio (with the text on two columns) were printed first, and then rearranged (on one column) for printing the in 8º.
Note 2 Plantin, when starting the in folio-edition, had from the beginning the intention of making a reprint in 8⁰ of the New Testament, specifically intended for the 'schools'. Cf. his letter to Arias Montanus, October-November 1580 (Correspondance de C. Plantin, VI, no. 892): 'Novum autem testamentum statui edere graeco-latinum semel pro iisdem Bibliis [= Old Testament in Hebrew with interlinear Latin translation] et iterum in 8⁰ pro scholis'.
Note 3 1,600 copies were printed (Arch. 788).
Note 4 Listed in M 296, folio 12 verso, and M 321 (under 1583) (8⁰, f[euilles] 47; [price:] 1 florins Carolus guilders).
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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