
Theatrum orbis terrarum, [printed by Plantin], 1579

in The Plantin Press Online

(940 words)

Record ID cp010438
Voet reference number 1817
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1132993
Author Abraham ORTELIUS (ORTELS)
Title page transcription [Engraved title-page, with engraved texts:] [Centre-piece:] THEA ‖ TRVM ‖ ORBIS ‖ TERRA ‖ RVM [underneath:]Opùs nunc denuò ab ipso Auctore recognitum, multisquè locis castigatum, & quamplurimis ‖ nouis Tabulis atquè Commentarijs auctum.
Collation Folio (430 × 290): A⁶-B⁴, [maps: quires not numbered], A-F⁶, G⁸; pages [1-20], 93 double sheets, 1-77, [78-86] (Errors: 19 for 21, 19 for 27)
Fingerprint 000002 - # a1 A2 T : # a2 B pu - # 1b1 a3 eni : # 1b2 a4 uth - # 2b1 B ib : # 2b2 G5 $M^000002 - # a1 A2 T : # a2 B pu - # 1b1=1b2 a4 het - # 2b1 B gi : # 2b2 G5 $Mar
Number of sheets 27
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Poem by Daniel Rogersius (italic type) [3]: Dedicatory to Philip II (roman type capitals) [4-6]: Adolphi Mekerchi…frontispicii explicatio (italic type, parts and marginals in roman type, words in greek type) [7-9]: Abrahamus Ortelius Antverpianus…benevolis lectoribus S.D. (Antwerp, 1570) [9]: Poem by Hadrianus Junius (italic type) [10-13]: Catalogus auctorum tabularum geographicarum…(roman type and italic type) [14-16]: Indices [17]: Ornatissimo viro D. Abrahamo Ortelio…(s. Gerardus Mercator, Duisburg, 22 November 1570; italic type) [17-19]: Poems by J. Vivianus, Daniel Rogersius, Gerartus Falkenburgius (italic type, parts in greek type) [20]: illustration (Portrait of Ortelius) 1-93: Double sheets with maps, numbered 1-93 [1]: NOMENCLATOR ‖ PTOLEMAICVS ‖ OMNIA LOCORVM VOCA- ‖ BVLA QVÆ IN TOTA PTOLEMÆI ‖ Geographia occurrunt, continens ad fidem Græci ‖ codicis purgatus & in ordinem non minus ‖ vtilem quàm elegantem digestus. ‖ ⊕ 30 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Abrahamo Ortelio Cosmographo Regio, ‖ excudebat Christophorus Plantinus, ‖ M.D.LXXIX [2]: Abrahamus Ortelius candido lectori (italic type) [3]-77: Text [78-84]: De Mona Druidum insula…epistola…Humfredi Lhuyd…(s. Humfredus Lhuyd, Denbigh, 5 April 1568; parts in italic type) [85]: Privilege (Regensburg, 22 October 1576, signed by Rudolphus and Estenberger; Antwerp, Privy Council, 3 February 1579, s. Sille; Brussels, Council of Brabant, 5 March 1579, s. Blyleven; part in civilité type) [86]:…Series et signa chartarum…; approbation (s. Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Antwerp); ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Auctoris ære & cura impressum, absolutúmque ‖ apud Christophorum Plantinum, ‖ M.D.LXXIX. ‖ V
Edition information
Variants (cf. Koeman, III, pages 44 and 45): A. With in the Catalogus auctorum (pages [10-13]) 120 names B. With in the Catalogus auctorum (pages [10-13]) 127 names (e.g. copy Museum Plantin-Moretus). This means that this part of the introduction (probably quire B: pages 13-19, or part of it) must have been reset and reprinted.
Illustrations Copper engravings: 1) Title-page: 370 × 230 (used from the first edition on, but already renewed in 1571; the text underneath has been added in 1573; the meaning of the frontispiece is explained by Mekerchus in his 'frontispicii explanatio': cf. Koeman, page 32; reproduced in Koeman, III, illustration 1) 2) Portrait of A. Ortelius, engraved by P. Galle or in his studio, within richly decorated cartouche and with a two lines dedication in the engraving itself: 'Spectandum dedit Ortelius mortalib. orbem, ‖ Orbi spectandum Galleus Ortelium. [In smaller type:] Papius.', 327 × 218 (the portrait is shown for the first time in this 1579-edition) 3) On 93 double sheets are reproduced 117 maps of varying dimensions (enumerated in Koeman)
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 60.1Allard PiersonNederlands Historisch Scheepvaartmuseum (Maritime Museum), AmsterdamKBR Royal Library of BelgiumNewberry Library, ChicagoBibliotheka Jagiellonska, CracowBiblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze - Florence (Italy)Ghent University LibraryNational Maritime Museum, Greenwich - Greenwich (Great Britain)Leiden University LibrariesBritish Library LondonBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaBodleian LibrariesBibliothèque nationale de FranceVatican Apolstolic LibraryAustrian National LibraryLibrary of Congress - Washington D.C. (USA)Ossolineum
Bibliographical references Denucé, II, pages 68-70, 106-108 Koeman, III, pages 44-45, no. 15A Not in Ruelens-de BackerKoeman, C. Atlantes Neerlandici, III, Ort 15
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:7043219USTC 441252
Note 1 The first edition to which Plantin contributed by printing the typographical texts.
Note 2 The first edition in which figure: a) the Nomenclator Ptolemaicus (replacing the Synonymia locorum of the preceding editions, which had been published as a separate book in 1578: see no. cp013466), and b) the Parergon Theatri, being maps showing the situation in Antiquity (91: Peregrinatio Divi Pauli; 92: Romanum imperium; 93: Graecia vetus), introduced on recto-side of first sheet of map 91 by the title 'Parergon Theatri' and a note to the reader (Lectori S.).
Note 3 Plantin charged Ortelius 120 florins Carolus guilders for printing the typographical texts; the paper itself was supplied by Ortelius and stocked for some time in Plantin's premises at the Friday Market: 'Item pour aultant que monte l'impression de son Theatrum pour 120 Rames à rayson de 20 stuivers la rame' (at the date of 19 May 1579). On the opposite page, at the date of 30 August 1579, is stated (by J. Moretus who kept the ledger): 'Nota des rames 131 de papier grand pour imprimer son Theatrum lesquelz sont au logis de mon pere ou il tient son imprimerie' and in margin 'Lesditz rames ont été employez en l'impression de son Theatrum et le reste [= meaning the 11 reams out of the 131 which were not used] il a receu' (Arch. 19, folio 113; reproduced in Denucé, II, pages 180-181).
Note 4 As each copy contains about 120 sheets and as 120 reams were used, the edition must have been printed in about 500 copies.
Note 5 Plantin himself bought from Ortelius large numbers of copies of this edition, paying 12 florins Carolus guilders a piece.
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