
XXV fables des animaux, 1578

in The Plantin Press Online

(719 words)

Record ID cp010345
Voet reference number 1962
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1133013
Author Etienne PERRET
Title page transcription XXV. ‖ FABLES DES ANIMAVX. ‖ VRAY MIROIR EXEMPLAIRE, ‖ PAR LEQVEL TOVTE PERSONNE RAI- ‖ sonnable pourra voir & comprendre, auec plaisir & contente- ‖ ment d'esprit, la conformité & vraye similitude de la personne ‖ ignorante (viuante selon les sensualitez charnelles) aux ani- ‖ maux & bestes brutes: ‖ COMPOSE' ET MIS EN LVMIERE ‖ PAR ESTIENNE PERRET, ‖ CITOYEN D'ANVERS. ‖ ⊕ 24 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ Imprimé par Christophle Plantin, pour l'Aucteur. ‖ M.D.LXXVIII.
Collation Folio (326 × 245): pages [1-52]
Fingerprint 157802^157802 - # *b1 face t$q : # *b2 Steeghen foy$
Number of sheets 13
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Two line poem (En ce liure verrez belle comparaison, ‖ De l'homme à l'animal, qui vit contre raison.); L'aucteur au lecteur; Quotation from Pseaume VIII [3]: illustration [4-51]: Text (parts in italic type; on even pages text, on uneven pages illustrations) [52]: Privilege (to Etienne Perret: Antwerp, 30 December 1577, signed by Nic. de Zoete); approbation (s. Walterus vander Steeghen, Antwerp)
Edition information
Illustrations 25 copper engravings, 272 × 198. See Notes
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 26.6KBR Royal Library of BelgiumBritish Library London
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 187 (1578, no. 16) Praz, M. Seventeenth-Century Imagery, page 450 J. Landwehr, Emblem Books in the Low Countries, 1970, no. 476 J. Landwehr, Fable-Books printed in the Low Countries, 1963, no. 221 J. Landwehr, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese books of devices and emblems, 1534-1827, 1976, no. 581 A.J.J. Delen, Histoire de la gravure dans les anciens Pays-Bas, 2me partie. Le XVIe siècle. Les graveurs-illustrateurs, 1934, pages 140-142 (with reproduction of one of the plates: pl. XXVI, 1)Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, nr. 3967 Landwehr, J. Emblem & fable books (3rd ed.), nr. 612 Claude Sorgeloos, ‘La bibliothèque du Cultura Fonds: acquisitions 1991–1999’ in Le livre & l’estampe, 46 (2000), nr. CS 319
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12918999
Note 1 Collection of 24 fables in French, each with an 'allusion' (= morale), a quotation from the Bible, and on the opposite page an illustration. Introduced (page [2]) by a note of the author to the reader on the theme 'En ce livre verrez belle comparaison, de l'homme à l'animal, qui vit contre raison', with on the opposite page (page [3]) an accompanying illustration (a man surrounded by animals).
Note 2 French adaptation of some of the fables in Dutch (themselves inspired from Aesopus) by Edward de Dene, published by Pieter de Clercq, Bruges, 1567, under the title De warachtighe fabulen der dieren (with 108 engravings). The illustrations of Perret's Fables are adaptations from the engravings in De Dene's Fabulen, realized by Marcus Gheeraerts (and are in reverse of the originals). Who made the adaptations for Plantin's edition is not known. Delen supposes Frans Huys, but without advancing convincing proof.
Note 3 As stated on the title-page the work was in fact printed by Plantin for the author, who, consequently, acted as his own publisher (and must have provided the paper and have made and printed the plates at his own expenses). The costs for printing the texts were to be paid to Plantin by Perret in copies, 104 in all, but only 70 copies seem to have been actually delivered to the printer (Arch. 18, folio 142: under 1578: 'Compte nouveau doibt pour aultant que on imprime pour luy [= Estienne Perret] les fables des animaux contiennent en tout 13 f[euilles] desquels on en a imprimé…Et est accordé qu'il livrerat pour cela p[ièces] 104 des fables imprimées avec les figures'. On the opposite page the delivery is noted under the date of 6 May 1578 of '70 fables des Animaux in folio contenants 25 figures de cuivre en 13 f⁰ de papier'. In Arch. 20, folio 85, at an unspecified date [probably c. 1582], is noted: 'Estienne Perret doibt dès l'an 1578 encore p[ièces] - - 4 [?, a blot of ink makes it impossible to read the first numeral; very likely the text said '34'] fables des animaux…lesquelles sont pour reste des p[ièces] qu'il debvoit livrer dès ledit a⁰ 1578'. In all probability Plantin never did receive those copies).
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