
L'enseignement des paroisses contenant familieres concions des Evangiles de tous les dimenches de l'an, 1562

in The Plantin Press Online

(873 words)

Record ID cp010344
Voet reference number 1304
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1079930, c:lvd:1079936, c:lvd:1079951
Author Adrien du HECQUET
Title page transcription L'ENSEIGNE- ‖ MENT DES PAROISSES, ‖ CONTENANT FAMILIERES CON- ‖ cions des Euangiles de tous les ‖ Dimenches de l'An: ‖ Oeuure tresutil aux Pasteurs des ames, diuisé ‖ en trois liures & parties. ‖ Autheur F. Adrien du Hecquet, religieux de ‖ l'ordre des Carmes, du conuent d'Arras, ‖ Docteur en Theologie: ‖ Reueu & Augmenté par le mesme ‖ Autheur. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christophle Plantin. ‖ M.D.LXII. ‖ AVEC PRIVILEGE.
Collation 8º [116]: A-R⁸, S⁴; folios 1r-139v, [140r-v] (Errors: 4 for 42)
Fingerprint 156208 - # b1 A3 r$omni : # b2 S2 ntes
Number of sheets
Pages [1r]: Title [1v]: illustration (portrait of the author) [2r-v]: Reverendissimis..dominis Roberto Croio Cameracensi, et Antonio Perrenoto Atrebatensi episcopis, F. Adrianus Hecquetius Atrebatensis Carmelita S.P.D. (italic type) [3r-v]: Piis ac candidis omnibus dominici gregis pastoribus, F. Adrianus Hecquetius…(text and marginals in italic type) [4r-v]: Table [4v]: Frere Adrien du Hecquet…au lecteur. S 5r-47r: Text (marginals in italic type) 47v: Fratris Adriani Hecquetii…distichon (italic type); Idem author ad librum (italic type) [48r-v]: Blank [49r]: LA SECONDE ‖ PARTIE DE L'ENSEIG- ‖ NEMENT DES PAROISSES, CON- ‖ tenant familieres concions de tous les di- ‖ menches depuis la Trinité jusques ‖ aulx Aduentz. Oeuure tres- ‖ utile aux Pasteurs des ‖ ames. ‖ Autheur F. Adrien du Hecquet, religieux de ‖ l'ordre des Carmes, du conuent d'Arras. ‖ Docteur en Theologie: ‖ Reueu & Augmenté par le mesme ‖ Autheur. ‖ ⊕ 8 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christophle Plantin. ‖ M.D.LXII. ‖ AVEC PRIVILEGE. ‖ [49v]: Blank 50r-54r: Omni…domino D. Antonio Perrenoto Atrebatensi episcopo…Frater Adrianus Hecquetius…(Arras, 29 September 1554; marginals in italic type) 54v: Poem by A. Hecquetius to Antonius Perrenotus (italic type) 55r-56r: Table 56v: Blank 57r-58r: Circumspectissimis…catholicarum parochiarum pastoribus, F. Adrianus Hecquetius Atrebatinus…(Arras, 28 September 1554; italic type, marginals in roman type) 58v-110r: Text (parts and marginals in italic type) 110v: Blank 111r: LA SVITE ET ‖ TROISIEME PARTIE DE L'EN- ‖ SEIGNEMENT DES PAROISSES, ‖ Presentant diuerses matieres & ‖ plusieurs exhor- ‖ tations. ‖ Autheur F. Adrien du Hecquet, religieux de ‖ l'ordre des Carmes, du conuent d'Arras. ‖ Docteur en Theologie: ‖ Reueu & Augmenté par le mesme ‖ Autheur. ‖ ⊕ 8 ‖ A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christophle Plantin. ‖ M.D.LXII. ‖ AVEC PRIVILEGE 111v: Blank 112r-vo: Spectatissimis…dominis D. magistro Iacobo du Reth reverendissimi domini episcopi Atrebatensis vicario, ac domino Ludovico Porrio eiusdem praesulis officiali…F. Adrianus Hecquetius Atrebatinus Carmelita…(italic type) 112v:…domino Ludovico Porrio…frater Adrianus Hecquetius…(italic type) 113r-139r: Text (parts and marginals in italic type) 139v: A ANVERS, DE L'IMPRIMERIE ‖ DE CHRISTOPHLE PLANTIN. ‖ ANNO M.D. LXII [140r-v]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Oval woodcut on page [2], 77 × 53, with the portrait of the author and the inscription 'F. Adrianus Hecquetius Atrebatinus'
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 149
Bibliographical references In Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 4697, with wrong title and without indication of the year Not in Ruelens-de BackerCockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 5921
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12919624
Note 1 Contains homilies and comments on the Gospels of the Sundays of the year (folios 5r-47r: from Adventus till Trinitas; 58v-104v: from Dominica I till Dominica XXV post Trinitatem), a series of 'briefves concions, ou exhortations, lesquelles le Pasteur pourra annexer et adiouster a la fin d'aulcuns Sermons des dimenches' (folios 104v-110r), and finally, in the third part, 'La suite des concions familieres' (folios 113r-139r).
Note 2 According to the forewords the author must have finished his work in 1554.
Note 3 The book was printed by Plantin for the Antwerp publisher Arnold Birckman. The printing must have been finished early in 1562, but before the copies were supplied Plantin got into difficulties with the authorities; his goods were seized and he himself was forced to flee to Paris. Arnold Birckman acted quickly. In a request to the Antwerp magistrate he explains that he commissioned Plantin to print for him 15 books; the titles are given, but, as the document has suffered, only one title remains legible: 'Les Enseignements de la Paroisse'. Birckman affirms that he provided the printer with the necessary items (meaning probably the paper) and that Plantin was paid a long time ago but had failed to deliver. The creditors of Plantin had not made an inventory of these books but had nevertheless the intention to sell them at their own profit. Consequently, Birckman asked the magistrate to order the 'amman' (judiciary officer) to forward him his books, promising to give 'sufficente cautie'. His request was complied with by the magistrate (cf. J. Cools, 'Arnold Birckman, 1529-1542' in De Gulden Passer, 2, 1924, page 76).
Note 4 Listed in M 296, folio 6r (Enseignements des paroisses de hecquet p[ou]r les Birck[man], [price:] stuivers 4½), and M 164, folio 11v (Enseignement des paroisses de Hecquet p[ou]r les Birck[man], [price:] stuivers 8½). The difference in price can be a mistake, or perhaps in M 164 the price of another work of Hecquet (see following no.) has been included.
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