
Imperatorum Romanorum numismata a Pompeio Magno ad Heraclium, 1579

in The Plantin Press Online

(758 words)

Record ID cp010331
Voet reference number1760
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Adolphus OCCO
Title page transcriptionImpp. Romanorum ‖ NVMISMATA ‖ A POMPEIO MAGNO ‖ AD HERACLIVM: ‖ QVIBVS insuper additæ sunt inscriptiones ‖ quædam veteres, arcus triumphales, & ‖ alia ad hanc rem necessaria. ‖ Summa diligentia & magno labore collecta ab ‖ ADOLPHO OCCONE R.P. AVG. ‖ MEDICO, antiquitatum studioso. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXIX.
Collation4⁰ [171]: *-**⁴, A-Z⁴, a-z⁴, Aa-Ee⁴; pages [1-16], 1-398, [399-408]
Fingerprint157904 - # a1 *2 na$ : # a2 2*3 $sibi,$d - # 1b1 A $C : # 1b2 Z3 F - # 2b1 a2 I5I : # 2b2 z3 108 - # 3b1 2A N. : # 3b2 2E3 .$Her
Number of sheets53
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Four line Latin poem (italic type) and two line Greek poem [3-10]: Serenissimo…Sacri Rom. imperii principi Alberto comiti Palatino Rheni, utriusq. Bavariae duci…Adolphus Occo medicus signed by (Augsburg, 1 January 1579; parts in italic type) [11-16]: Poems on Occo and his publication by Hieronymus Wolphius Oetingensis, Nicolaus Reusnerus Leorinus, Nicodemus Frischlinus (italic type) 1-398: Text (parts in italic type and greek type, marginals in roman type and greek type) [399-405]: Indices (on two and three columns) [406]: Errata (parts in italic type and greek type); Libellus ad lectorem (italic type) [407]: Privilege (Brussels, 23 August 1578, s. Iac. Blyleven); ANTVERPIAE EXCVDEBAT CHRISTOPHORVS ‖ PLANTINVS ARCHITYPOGRAPHVS REGIVS, ‖ ANNO M.D. LXXIX [408]: Blank
Edition information
CopiesMuseum Plantin-Moretus- A 24Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeGhent University LibraryBritish Library LondonBibliothèque nationale de FranceUL Liège- R04572BUNamur- R6A.0499
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, pages 204-205 (1579, no. 25)Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 2239
Online bibliographical referencesSTCV c:stcv:12926127USTC 401781
Note 1Description of the coins of the Roman emperors from Pompeius to Heraclius.
Note 2In the foreword the author explains that he had been working on the subject for 24 years. Of the coins he personally saw and inspected a large number belonged to his own collection (partly inherited from his father, partly brought together by himself), others belonged to Marcus Fugger (the famous Augsburg banker).
Note 3Ortelius, when informing his nephew Emmanuel van Meteren in a letter of 17 November 1586 (Suppl. Corr., no. 199) about author's fees, explains that instead of receiving money the authors often had to pay to get their works printed, quoting explicitly the example of Occo: 'Ick hebber oock by geweest dat Plantijn 100 daelders toe creech vanden aucteur, om dat hij syn boeck drucken soude willen, ende dat was Adolphus Occo, tot syn medaliboeck, ende dat is, om dat mogelyck de Typographus hem liet voorstaen datted nyt wel vercocht en soude worden (I was also present when Plantin received 100 'daelders' from the author to print his book, and that was Adolphus Occo, for his book on medals, and that is while the typographer affirmed that it probably would not sell very well)'. Occo had indeed to open his purse to have his book published: 150 florins Carolus guilders he paid to Plantin through the intermediary of Jehan Vivien as early as 28 July 1578, but he received a number of copies at discount prices, with the possibility to sell them a month before they were put on the market ('pour luy restituer en aultant d'exemplaires de son livre estant imprimé et ce au prix de 15 stuivers et melieur marché que n'est la tacxe des libraires et delivrant ung mois devant que on commence a distribuer lesdicts Exemplaires'). On 7 (or 17 ?) December 1578 the books for Occo were shipped to the address of Tobias Lutz, bookseller at Augsburg - 190 copies, worth 171 florins Carolus guilders - together with some other books ordered by the physician worth 4florins Carolus guilders, bringing the overall value to 175 florins Carolus guilders This meant that the author had still to pay 25 florins Carolus guilders, but Jan Moretus notes dryly that his father-in-law cancelled the debt (Arch. 18, folio 279).
Note 4It may be noted that if in December 1578 the books for the author already were shipped to Germany, the dedicatory is dated 1 January 1579.
Note 5Listed in M 296, folio 1r (Adolfi Occonis Numismata Imp. Rom., f[euilles] 51, [price:] stuivers 18, 1579), 9v (Imperatorum Rom. Numismata, f[euilles] 53…) and 12v (Numismata Imp. Romanorum…f[euilles] 53…), and M 164, folio 1v (f[euilles] 51). The number of sheets is in fact 53.
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