
Plantarum seu stirpium icones, 1581

in The Plantin Press Online

(955 words)

Record ID cp010285
Voet reference number 1580
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1132956
Title page transcription PLANTARVM ‖ SEV ‖ STIRPIVM ‖ ICONES. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ M.D.LXXXI.
Collation 4º oblong (172 × 223): ***⁴, A-Z⁸, a-z⁸, AA-EE⁸, Aa-Rr⁸, Ss-Xx⁴, Yy⁶; pages [1-8], 1-816, 1-280, [281-316] (Errors: 1º) 169? for 149, 168-169 for 152-153, 172 for 156, ? for 159, 221 not numbered, 298 for 296, 342 for 324, 385 for 358, 312 for 412, 42? for 423, 902 for 602, 283 for 683, 701 for 703; 2º) 94-95 for 82-83, 92 for 91, 82-83 for 94-95, 134-135 for 130-131)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-4]: Clariss…D. Severino Gobelio sereniss. Daniae regis doctori medico, Christophorus Plantinus, S.D. (Antwerp, 1 June 1581; italic type) [5-8]: Table (on four columns) 1-816: Text vol. I 1-280: Text vol. II [281-315]: Index (on four columns; roman type, italic type, and gothic type) [316]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations Woodcuts: 2,176 ills, of plants of varying dimensions (1, 616 in the first part; 560 in the second part). N.B.: 1º) RDB counts 2,191 illustrations, BB 2,181 (1, 622 in the first, and 559 in the second part), Nissen 2, 173 (1, 615 and 558). In fact, the count is often difficult to make as some blocks are printed so closely together that one cannot be sure if they are isolated or not 2º) The original wood-blocks are preserved in Museum Plantin-Moretus
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 55.16KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeKB National Library of the NetherlandsBritish Library LondonHerzog August Bibliothek
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 230 (1581, no. 34) Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), III, pages 1136-1137 Nissen, C. Die Botanische Buchillustration (2. Aufl.), II, 1220
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Album with illustrations of plants, each accompanied by the Latin name of the plant and the reference to the description in Lobelius's Latin publication of 1576 and/or in his Dutch publication of 1581; followed by an Index synonymicus stirpium, giving under Latin catchwords the translation of the names into Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and English.
Note 2 This album follows closely the order of plants as given in Lobelius's Kruydtboeck. Plantin must have thought that the Kruydtboeck, owing to the fact that it was issued in Dutch, could only reach a limited market. Whilst printing the Kruydtboeck he prepared a similar edition which, stripped of the descriptions and comments, had in any case the Latin denominations and could as such, and with its abundant illustrations and relatively cheap price, be attractive to a larger public.
Note 3 BB notes that in the first part, page 69, the second illustration has been replaced by another one pasted over it. This change is not to be found in the Museum Plantin-Moretus-copy.
Note 4 In the dedicatory to Severinus Gobelius Plantin affirms that the physician was the first to have incited him to issue the edition. The printer gives other useful and interesting details about the publication and about some other botanical editions (of Dodonaeus and Clusius) he has the intention of printing.
Note 5 A second edition was published, only slightly altered but with a different title (Icones stirpium seu plantarum, tam exoticarum quam indigenarum…), by the Plantin Press in 1591 (BB, III, page 1137).
Note 6 Plantin speaks about this edition in a letter of 22 April 1581 to Camerarius (Suppl. Corr., no. 157; see for more details in the notes of preceding no.).
Note 7 Severinus Gobelius is in the dedicatory entitled 'sereniss. Daniae regis doctor medicus'. He was in fact at that time the physician of the Elector of Brandenburg. In his letter of 11 October 1581 Plantin made his excuses for the error and promised to print promptly half a sheet with the corrections Gobelius might suggest (Corr., VI, no. 954: 'Quoniam vero D. Johannes ab Achlen [Antwerp merchant trading with Prussia] retulit nos errasse in titulo dedicatoriae promptus ero semifolium recudere ubi nobis praescribere placuerit quid velles mutatum additumve'). Gobelius probably did not react and the 'semifolium' was never printed, as in none of the known copies of the Icones a correction sheet is to be found. In the same letter Plantin tells his correspondent that he could not provide, in any case not at short notice, copies with the illustrations coloured by hand, but that he would send instead a coloured copy of the Kruydtboeck (for more details see the notes in preceding no.).
Note 8 Plantin sold Gobelius 150 copies of the Icones, which, at 36 stuivers per copy, came to 270 florins Carolus guilders They were shipped to Prussia through the intermediary of Jan van Achelen. This entry is noted in the ledger at the date of 7 July 1581. Some months later, on 9 October 1581, an additional shipment was noted: 'P[ieces] 150 Indices avec additamenta pour les p[ieces] 150 Effigies sudits n'ayant estés imprimés par devant' (Arch. 18, folio 442; text reproduced in Corr., VI, no. 954, page 316). This suggests that the Index must have been finished quite a long time after the Icones itself was printed (and a number of copies already sold).
Note 9 Listed in M 296, folio 5v (Effigies Plantarum seu stirpium lobelii, 4º, 1581, f[euilles] 135, [price:] stuivers 35) and folio 9v (Icones Plantarum seu stirpium 4º Lobelii, 1581, f [euilles] 135, [price:] stuivers 35), M 164, folio 10v, and Ms. 321.
Further reading

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