
Explanation of the true and lawfull right and tytle of…prince Anthonie…, King of Portugall, concerning his warres againste Phillip King of Castile.…Leiden, 1585

in The Plantin Press Online

(270 words)

Record ID cp010275
Voet reference number66
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription[Typographical V.] ‖ THE EXPLANATION. ‖ OF THE TRVE AND ‖ LAVVFVLL RIGHT AND TYTLE, ‖ OF THE MOSTE EXCELLENT PRINCE, ‖ ANTHONIE the first of that name, ‖ King of Portugall, ‖ concerning his warres, againste Phillip King of Castile, and ‖ against his Subiectes and adherentes, for the recouerie of his kingdome. ‖ TOGETHER VVITH A BRIEFE HI- ‖ storye of all that hath passed aboute that matter, vntill the ‖ yeare of our LORD. 1583. ‖ Translated into English and conferred with the ‖ French and Latine Copies. ‖ [Typographical V.] ‖ By the commaundement and order of the Superiors. ‖ At Leyden ‖ In the Printing house ‖ of Christopher Plantyn. ‖ 1585.
Collation4⁰ [152]: [Aⁱ], A-G⁴; pages [1-2], 1-55, [56]
Number of sheets
Pages[1]: Title [2]: Privilege (Delft, 15 January 1585, signed by I. Van Langen) 1-55: Text (parts in italic type) [56]: Blank. On folding sheet hors texte (175 × 290): Genealogy of Emmanuel I, King of Portugal
Edition information
CopiesBritish Library London - 1451. e. 24
Bibliographical referencesRuelens-de Backer, page 288 (1585, Leiden, no. 11) See also Notes
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Falsely attributed to the Plantin Press: English translation made (by Claude Desainliens alias Hollyband, the schoolmaster) and printed in London (by Thomas Purfoot), but reproducing Plantin's Leiden imprint. Cf. E.M. Tenison, Elizabethan England, IV, 1933, pages 24-25, 39-44 (with reproduction of the title-page); R. Breugelmans, 'Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina Christophori Plantini. A checklist of Plantin's Leiden imprints, 1583-1586' in Quaerendo, 5, 1975, page 94.
Further reading

The Plantin Press Online

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