Record ID | cp010265 |
Voet reference number | 1822 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | c:lvd:15167306 |
Author | Abraham ORTELIUS (ORTELS) |
Title page transcription | [Engraved title-page:] Pasted on centre-part (where in Latin editions: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum) a paper with the Spanish title: THEATRO ‖ DE LA ‖ TIERRA ‖ VNIVERSAL ‖ DE ‖ ABRAHAM ORTELIO, ‖ COSMOGRAPHO D'EL ‖ REY NVESTRO SENOR: ‖ Con sus declaraciones traduzidas d'el Latin [Printed typographically underneath:] Impresso en Anueres por Christoual Plantino, Prototypographo d'el Rey nuestro ‖ Sen̄or en sus Estados Baxos. An̄o M.D.LXXXVIII. |
Collation | Folio: *⁶, A⁴, [maps: quires not numbered]; pages [1-20], 100 double sheets |
Fingerprint | |
Number of sheets | |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-4]: Al principe de Espan̄a don Philippe d'Austria, Christoual Plantino, humilde vassallo y criado d'el Rey Catholico su padre nuestro Sen̄or, salud y prosperidad…(Antwerp, 2 May 1588) [5-7]: Abraham Ortelio Antverpiano…a los benevolos lectores salud (Antwerp, 1570) [8-11]: Indices [12]: illustration (Portrait of Ortelius) [13]: La despedida d'el auctor al lector [14-16]: Navegacion, caminos y medios por donde y en que modo las pedrerias, especerias, y otras cosas peregrinas de los Asianos e Indianos solian venir à nuestras provincias, y tanbien como el dia de oy son traydas à Europa [17-18]: Nombres de algunas mercaderias peregrinas, y los lugares, de donde nos las traen (on three columns) [19]: Privilege (Regensburg, 22 October 1576; Privy Council, Antwerp, 3 February 1579, signed by Sille; Council of Brabant, Brussels, 5 March 1579, s. Blyleven); approbation (Antwerp, Sebastianus Baer Delphius) [20]: Blank 1-100: Double sheets with maps |
Edition information | |
Illustrations | Title-page and portrait of author as in preceding nos for the maps, see immediately below |
Copies | British Library London- Maps 9 Tab 9Newberry Library, ChicagoGeodetic Institute, DelftRoyal Library of San Lorenzo de El EscorialBiblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze - Florence (Italy)National Maritime Museum, Greenwich - Greenwich (Great Britain)Biblioteca Nacional de PortugalBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaMaritiem Museum, Rotterdam - Rotterdam (The Netherlands)Oak Spring Garden Library - Upperville (USA, Virginia)Library of Congress - Washington D.C. (USA). |
Bibliographical references | Denucé, II, pages 119-120 Peeters-Fontainas, J. Impressions espagnoles, no. 990 Palau y Dulcet, no. 205363 Koeman, III, page 52, no. 23 Not in Ruelens-de Backer |
Online bibliographical references | |
Note 1 | Spanish edition with 100 map-sheets, being the same as in the Latin edition of 1584 and the French edition of 1587, at the exclusion of the 12 map-sheets of the 'Parergon' (= maps showing the situation in Antiquity). From the Latin 1584 and the French 1587 editions have been taken (and translated into Spanish) Ortelius's forewords to the reader and the notes on pages [14-18]. Has been added: Plantin's dedicatory to the Spanish crown-prince Philip. The edition is presented on the title-page (and in a number of Plantin's letters) as having been translated from Latin (= the 1584-Theatrum-edition), but at least the notes on pages [14-18], which only figure in the French Theatrum-editions, must have been translated from French. |
Note 2 | This is the only Theatrum-edition published at the initiative and at the expense of Plantin. The typographer bought from Ortelius a number of 'copies', that is the corresponding number of sheets with the maps; in all 255 copies, which, at 6 florins Carolus guilders per copy, represented an investment of 1,530 florins Carolus guilders (Arch. 20, folio 314; texts reproduced in Denucé, II, pages 211 and 213). Of these, 50 copies were on 'grand papier', the others on 'petit papier'. The 50 large copies are entered in Plantin's ledger on 27 April 1588 ('…Ortelius doibt avoir…pour les 50 pr[emier]s Theatrum esp[agnols] les figures qu'il a imprimées, la somme de [grand papier]'), followed by two entries for 12 copies each ('Item pour l'impression des figures des 12 pièces du petit; Item pour aultres douze qu'il a imprimés figures petits'), which must have been delivered shortly after 27 April 1588; then: 12 other copies on 15 September 1588, 12 on 9 November 1588, 12 on 20 December 1588, 50 on 19 March 1589, and 25 'qu'il a imprimés dès le mois de Juillet [1589]'. At the death of Plantin 70 copies were still to be printed ('Qu'il [= Ortelius] a encores pour imprimer à son logis') (cf. also Arch. 21, folios 25 and 30; texts reproduced in Denucé, II, pages 215 and 216). |
Note 3 | Plantin had the texts translated (from Latin and French) into Spanish by the (Spanish ?) Franciscan friar Balthasar Vincentius, residing at the Franciscan Monastery in Louvain. The translation was already well advanced in the summer of 1587, as Plantin, in his letter to Vincentius of 3 July, asks to send to Antwerp the finished parts (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1275; also in Denucé, II, page 120, and Suppl. Corr., no. 206; in his letter Plantin also asks Vincentius for a neat handwriting, with special care for those letters which could be confounded with others, such as u-n, e-c, t-r). Vincentius was paid 100 florins Carolus guilders and received a copy of the Spanish Theatrum, valued 18 florins Carolus guilders Moreover, the 16 florins Carolus guilders 7 stuivers he owed for books ordered from the Plantin Press were also remitted (Arch. 20, folio 284; cf. Denucé, II, page 120). |
Note 4 | Plantin must have started thinking about this edition as early as 1586. The possibility to dedicate the Theatrum to the Spanish crown-prince Philip is evocated in a number of letters to Spanish patrons or officials of the Spanish court, starting with the epistle to P. Pantinus of 26 January 1587 (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1200; Denucé, II, pages 119-120; Suppl. Corr., no. 200). Other letters dealing with this problem: to H. Cocq, 7 February 1587 (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1210), to P. Pantinus, 23 March 1587 (Ibidem, no. 1230), to Arias Montanus, 27 March 1587 (Ibidem, no. 1236), 16 September 1587 (Ibidem, no. 1303), and 21-22 December 1587 (Ibidem, no. 1334). A richly bound copy, worth 90 florins Carolus guilders, was shipped to prince Philip on 28 July 1588 ('1 Theatrum Ortelii esp. painct et doré cuir rouge eg. de soye rouge et blanche large pour le prince d'Espagne': Arch. 65, folio 101v; cf. Denucé, II, page 120). |
Note 5 | The edition is mentioned in a large number of letters of 1588 and 1589, concerning mainly the shipment of copies to Spain: Corr., VIII-IX, no. cp011098 (to Arias Montanus, 9 April 1588: the Spanish Theatrum will be finished within 15 days), no. cp013069 (to Arias Montanus, 24 April 1588: 'Cupio itaque ut mittere digneris et me monere ad quem indices Theatri orbis terrarum Hispanica lingua impressum et Principi ut scis dicatum exemplaria mittenda, qui Principi Dno. nostro et ejus Patri Dno. nostro meo nomine offerat. Qui si ad te vel ad Çayam indica. Interea curo depingi et postea curabo compingi'), no. cp010858 (to Garnier, 21 May 1588: how to get the copies for the crown-prince to Spain), no. cp010427 (to de Çayas, 22 May - 1 June 1588: Plantin will ship the copy for the crown-prince to de Çayas, so that the secretary can personally present it to the prince; he also intends to send some other copies which de Çayas can present to whom he likes), no. cp011739 (to de Mendoça, 1 June 1588: about the shipment of the copy intended for prince Philip), no. cp011622 (to de Çayas, 14 June 1588: the two copies intended for the cardinal of Toledo and to be sent to and presented by de Çayas are now being coloured by hand), no. cp013146 (to Arias Montanus, 5 July 1588: has shipped several things ['varia'] to the king, the prince, and the cardinal of Toledo, including the [Spanish] Theatrum), no. cp011888 (to de Çayas, 5 July 1588: idem), no. cp011617 (to Garnier, 6 August 1588: proposes to present a copy to Alexander Farnese; interesting details how Plantin by two different ways has shipped copies for the king and the prince to Spain, in order to make sure that at least one consignment should arrive), no. cp012020 (to Arias Montanus, 6-22 August 1588: idem), no. cp013331 (to de Çayas, 27 August 1588: about the shipment of two copies by way of Paris), no. cp011999 (to Garnier, 27 August 1588: Plantin expresses his joy that Alexander Farnese accepted the Theatrum), no. cp012450 (to Arias Montanus, after 27 August 1588: cf. 1393), no. cp011335 (to Arias Montanus, after 5 November 1588: about copies shipped to Spain and to whom they should be presented), no. cp012747 (to de Çayas, 14 March 1589: has received by order of King Philip 1,000 florins Carolus guilders from Henricus a Castro; Plantin gave him 4 copies of the Theatrum, to be presented by de Çayas to whom he likes), no. cp012410 (J. Moretus to J. Boyer, bookseller at Medina del Campo, 14 March 1589: interesting details about the making of the Theatrum; '…que faictes mention ès vostres des Theatres d'Ortelius, desquels l'autheur n'imprime ne vend qu'au comptant et a chascune fois sinon fort petit nombre, comme j'ay faict de la edition derniere en espagnol, dediee au prince d'Espagne nostre Seigr, et les figures ne se impriment audit Theatre sinon par 25 exemplaires a la fois et ce pour eviter la longue attente qu'il fauldroit avoir pour la perfection de 200 ou 150 exemplaires avec lesdites figures, comme bien pouvés considerer, comment qu'imprimons ordinairement et que c'est desdits Theatres pour chascune edition'), no. cp011072 (to P. Pantinus, 14 March 1589: cf. no. cp012747, no. cp010726 (to Garnier, after 5 May 1589: is very astonished that de Çayas has not received his letters nor the 5 copies of the Spanish Theatrum), no. cp011581 (J. Moretus to de Çayas, 18 July 1589: four copies have been sent by way of H. de Castro on 8 March [1589]), no. cp013127 (J. Moretus to de Çayas, 24 December 1589: H. de Castro's correspondent at Medina del Campo has informed the merchant that the copies have arrived in good condition). |
Note 6 | Listed in M 321 (Theatro de la Tierra Universal de Abraham Ortelio, Cosmographo del Rey nuestro senor: con sus declarationes traduzidas del Latin, in f⁰. De petit papier [price:] flor. 18. Du grand papier [price:] flor. 20). |
Further reading |