
De arte cyclognomica tomi III, 1569

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,044 words)

Record ID cp010259
Voet reference number 1242
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Cornelius GEMMA (JEMME)
Title page transcription CORNELII GEMMAE ‖ LOVANIENSIS MEDICINÆ ‖ PROFESSORIS, ‖ DE ARTE CYCLOGNOMICA, ‖ TOMI III. ‖ DOCTRINAM ORDINVM VNIVERSAM, VNAQVE PHI- ‖ losophiam Hippocratis, Platonis, Galeni & Aristotelis in vnius com- ‖ munissimæ, ac circularis Methodi speciem referentes, quæ per ani- ‖ morum triplices orbes ad sphæræ cælestis similitudinem fabricatos, ‖ non Medicinæ tantùm arcana pandit mysteria, sed & inueniendis, ‖ constituendisq̓ue artibus, ac scientiis cæteris viam compendiariam ‖ patefacit. ‖ V. ‖ Ternus, ter triplices animus si compleat orbes, ‖ Principio finem, Manibus astra ligat. ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXIX.
Collation 4º [193]: 1º) ‡⁴, ‡‡⁲, A-T⁴; pages [1-12], 1-151, [152] (Errors: 110 for 100); 2º) a-y⁴; pages 1-176 (Errors: 65 for 64, 91 for 119, 139 for 133); 3º) Aa-Ss⁴; pages 1-411 (= for 141), [142-144] (Errors: 31 for 32, 41 for 57, 44-45 for 60-61, 48 for 64, 411 for 141)
Fingerprint 156904 - # a1 2* re : # a2 2*2 cæte - # 1b1 A u : # 1b2 T o - # 2b1 a co : # 2b2 y2 d$na - # 3b1 2A2 erius$t : # 3b2 2R3 ne$pri
Number of sheets 60.50
Pages [1]: Title[2]: Blank[3-5]: Poem by C. Gemma (italic type, part and marginals in roman type)[6-8]: Serenissimo regi Philippo…S.P. (part in italic type)[9-12]: Illustriss. principi…domino Federico de Toleto, etc.…S.P. (Louvain, 30 January 1569, signed by Corn. Gemma; parts in italic type, word in greek type)1-151: Liber I (parts in italic type and greek type, marginals in roman type, italic type and astrological signs)[152]: Blank1-176: Liber II (parts in italic type, words in greek type, marginals in italic type)1-128: Liber III (parts in italic type, words in greek type, marginals in italic type)129-134: Appendix (parts in italic type, words in greek type)135-411 (= for 141): Dialogus Herculis et Athlantis in quo prognosis venturae aetatis…ab eodem authore composita, anno 1563…411 (= for 141): approbation (s. Sebastianus Baer, Antwerp)142-143: Privilege (Brussels, Privy Council, 17 March 1567 old style, s. Vander Aa; Council of Brabant, 18 February 1567, s. I. de Witte; Vienna, 21 February 1565, s. Haller)[144]: Ad lectorem: Errata
Edition information
Variants (according to Van Ortroy, page 377): A. Without the ‘Ad lectorem’ — list of Errata on the last page (3rd part, page [144]) (Austrian National Library [74F85]). B. With the ‘Ad lectorem’ — list of Errata on the last page (all other known copies).
Illustrations Woodcuts of varying dimensions: 1) On the title-page caduceus, with accompanying texts printed typographically; to the left: Ζἑυς ἐιδος πἀντων; to the right: IOVIS OMNIA PLENA (this illustration is reproduced in 3rd part, page 128, with the explanation of its meaning)2) 73 ills, in text (including the illustration on the title-page), representing astronomical and geometrical problems (the only one which can be styled as ‘artistical’ in 3rd part, page 96: Aristeus, Arethusa, Proteus, and Cyrene in a symbolical representation, 92 × 168). They were executed by Antoon van Leest (see Notes). The original wood-blocks are preserved in Museum Plantin-Moretus
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 46.19Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpCambridgeBiblioteca Nacional de PortugalBritish Library LondonVatican Apolstolic Library. According to Van Ortroy, page 378, also in: Allard PiersonStaats- und Stadtbibliothek AugsburgBonn University and State Library - Bonn (Germany, BRD)Municipal Library CologneRoyal Danish LibraryUniversity Library EdinburghUniversity Library FreiburgMunicipal Library FrankfurtGhent University LibraryGotha Research Library - Gotha (Germany, BDR)University of Glasgow Library - Glasgow (Great Britain)Göttingen State and University LibraryUniversity of Groningen LibraryHamburg State and University Library - Hamburg (Germany, BRD)University Library IenaKarslruheKasselJagiellonian Library - Cracow (Poland)Leiden University LibrariesUniversity Library LundMunicipal Library LyonsAmbrosiana, MilanBayerische StaatsbibliothekBodleian LibrariesBibliothèque nationale de FranceMazarine, Paris, UL RostockRL StockholmStuttgartUppsala University LibrarySan Marco, VeniceAustrian National LibraryLibrary of Congress - Washington D.C. (USA)Herzog August BibliothekUniversity Library Wroclaw (= Breslau)University Library Würzburg
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 95 (1569, no. 25)Van Ortroy, pages 374-378J. Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica, I, London, 1906, page 309Claude Sorgeloos, ‘La bibliothèque du Cultura Fonds: acquisitions 1991–1999’ in Le livre & l’estampe, 46 (2000), nr. 187 Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, nr. 1248
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12918204
Note 1 Philosophical — medical — astronomical treatise with astrological overtones, in three books (each separately numbered).
Note 2 The woodcuts were executed by Antoon van Leest, who supplied in June 1568 ‘Cyclognomicae artis Gemmae 19 figures diverses dont y en 7 à 1 florins Carolus guilders pièce et 12 à 5 [stuivers] pièce: 10 florins Carolus guilders’ The other deliveries of wood-blocks supplied by Van Leest in July-August 1568 are too succinctly described to identify them with any certainty, but a short note entered after 11 August 1568 summarizes the whole consignment ‘Les 80 figures de Cyclonome coustent 55 florins Carolus guilders 10 stuivers’ (Arch. 31, folio 64v). An additional number of small woodcuts were forwarded by Van Leest on 29 March 1569 (‘Pour le livre de Gemma 3 figures 8 [stuivers], encores 8 [stuivers], 2 [stuivers]: 18 stuivers’ [Arch. 31, folio 65r]).
Note 3 A note in Arch. 31, folio 160, gives some interesting technical details on ‘Cyclognomia Corn. Gemmae’. After noting the date of the privileges (17 Martii 1567 stilo Brabantico ad sexennium Vander Aa et 18 Februarij 1567 J. de Witte), it continues: ‘commencé le 2 Janvier l’an 1569 par Corneille Tol, Hans Nuys et Gerard Deckers [= three of Plantin’s compositors], à 12 [stuivers] la forme in 4º. Imprimé à 850’.
Note 4 Gemma must have contacted Plantin as early as the beginning of 1567: in a letter of 16 July 1567 Plantin tells the professor that he can only decide to print eventually the work of Gemma when having first seen the manuscript (Corr., I, no. 57).
Note 5 Listed in M 296, folio 3r (Cornelius Gemma de arte cyclonomica, 4º, f[euilles] 60, [price:] stuivers 25) and folio 7v ([Gemma Corn.] Ars Cyclo. eiusdem, 4º, 1569, [price:] stuivers 25, f[euilles] —), and M 164, folios 6r and 14r.
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