
Epitome theatri orbis terrarum [French edition; text by Pieter Heyns]. Antwerp, Philip Galle, [printed by Plantin], 1583

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(514 words)

Record ID cp010225
Voet reference number1831
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Author Abraham ORTELIUS (ORTELS)
Title page transcriptionLE ‖ MIROIR DV MONDE, ‖ REDVIT PREMIEREMENT EN ‖ RITHME BRABANÇONNE, PAR M.P. HEYNS; ‖ Et maintenant tourné en prose Françoise: auquel se represente clairement ‖ & au vif, tant par figures, que caracteres, la vraye situation, ‖ nature, & proprieté de la terre vniuerselle: ‖ NON MOINS DVISANT ‖ Par chemin à tous voyagers curieux, que l'excellent Theatre d'Abraham Ortelius, ‖ est vtile & conuenable en la Bibliotheque de tous estudiants ingenieux. ‖ ⊕ 18 ‖ [to the left side of the printer's mark:] REVEV, ‖ Corrigé & augmenté de plu- ‖ sieurs belles Cartes. ‖ [to the right side of the printer's mark:] PSAL. XLVI. IX. ‖ Venez, & contemplez les ‖ faicts du Seigneur. ‖ [continuing beneath the printer's mark:] A ANVERS, ‖ De l'Imprimerie de Christofle Plantin, pour Philippe Galle. ‖ M.D.LXXXIII.
Collation4⁰ oblong (125 × 175): †-††⁴, †††⁲, A-Y⁴; folios [1r-10v], 1r-84v, [85r-v]
Number of sheets
Pages[1r]: Title [1v]: Au spectateur…(s. P. Heyns; italic type) [2r]: illustration [2v-4r]: A…messieurs Philippe van Schoonhoven…bourgmaistre de la magnifique ville d'Anvers; Adrian Bardoul et Bartholomé Pels, chefs des notables…; Estienne Raquet, Iean de Laet, Iaques de la Faille le Ieune, Adrian Vierendeel et Iacques vander Walle: tous colonnels de la gendarmerie bourgeoise en la ville susdite signed by (s. Pierre Heyns, 1 October 1582; civilité type) [4v-5r]: Ode à l'auteur (s. La Iessée) [5v-10v]: Aux voyagers (italic type) [10v]: Advertissement au lecteur (italic type); Cartes adioustees aux premieres (italic type); Errata (roman type and italic type) 1r-84r: Text (words in italic type and gothic type) 84v-[85r]: Table [85v]: Privilege (to Philip Galle: Brussels, 20 July 1577, s. Iac. Blyleven)
Edition information
IllustrationsSame illustrations as in the 1583 Dutch edition (cf. preceding no.)
CopiesBritish Library London- C 2 b 20- C 2 b 21Bibliothèque nationale de France- G 3107Huntington LibraryLibrary of Congress - Washington D.C. (USA).
Bibliographical referencesKoeman, III, page 75, no. 50 Not in Ruelens-de Backer and Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.)
Online bibliographical references
Note 1Second French edition of the Epitome, with 83 maps, of which 11 are new (cf. preceding no.).
Note 2This French edition was already on the market at the end of 1582, and, consequently, must have preceded the Dutch edition of 1583 (which seems to have been finished in September 1583 or shortly before).
Note 3Again, as for the French 1579-edition, Plantin seems to have taken the larger part of, if not the complete edition. Indeed, he charged Galle in 1582 at an unspecified date (but before 2 November) 'pour compte apart du Miroir du Monde' 34 florins Carolus guilders 'pour aultant qu'il doit pour l'impression', but at the same time he took from Galle 600 copies for a total value of 630 florins Carolus guilders, to be paid cash 210 florins Carolus guilders and the remaining sum from six to six months (Arch. 20, folio 129; text reproduced in Denucé, I, page 249).
Further reading

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