
In L. Apuleii opera omnia quaestiones et coniecturae, 1586

in The Plantin Press Online

(887 words)

Record ID cp010187
Voet reference number 2262
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:3219231
Author Godescalcus STEWECHIUS (STEEWECH)
Title page transcription Godescalci StewechI Heusdani ‖ IN ‖ L. APVLEII ‖ OPERA OMNIA ‖ QVÆSTIONES ‖ ET CONIECTVRÆ. ‖ Inqueîs præter castigationes infinitas, ri- ‖ tus prisci obseruati, explicati. ‖ Accesserunt quoque aliorum doctorum virorum ‖ in eundem scriptorem emendationes. ‖ ⊕ 29 ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXXXVI.
Collation 8⁰ [117]: A-O⁸; pages 1-212, [213-224]
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 34: Illustrissimo…Hermanno a Burgundia, domino in Somelsdijck, Sint Annelant, Veuualeue, etc. signed by (Frankfurt, 30 September 1585, s. Godescalcus Stewechius) 5: Iani Gulielmi ad Godescalcum Stewechium elegia (italic type, words in roman type) 6: A. Gerardi Dalanthi ad Godescalcum Stewechium Senarii (italic type, words in roman type) 7-212: Text (parts in italic type and greek type; parts on two columns in italic type) [213-220]: Index (on two columns) [221]: Varii auctores emendati (on two columns) [222]: ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT ‖ CHRISTOPHORVS PLAN- ‖ TINVS. ANNO M.D. ‖ LXXXVI [223-224]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 428KBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeBritish Library LondonVatican Apolstolic Library.
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, pages 290-291 (1586, no. 11)
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Commentaries and explanations on passages of the works of Apuleius, each starting with a short dedicatory; at the end some 'emendationes' by other scholars (including Justus Lipsius, Janus Guilielmus, Franciscus Modius): De asino liber I (pages 7-18; dedicatory: Godescalcus Stewechius Iulio Strozzae V.I. S.D.P., dated Toul, pages 7-8), liber II (18-29; God. Stewechius Theodoro Alysio Lotharingiae praesidi, 18-19), liber III (30-38; God. Ste. Iacobo Susio V.N. S.P.D., 30), liber IV (39-49; God. Ste. A. Gerardo Dalantho medico S.P.D., 39-40), liber V (50-58; God. Steu. Hieronymo Berchemio I.C. S.D.P., dated Toul, 50), liber VI (59-66; God. Ste. Iacobo Bornonio I.C. S.P.D., dated Pont-à-Mousson, 1 March 1585, 59-60), liber VII (66-76; God. Ste. Iusto Lipsio V.C., S.D., 66-67), liber VIII (77-88; God. Steu. Francisco Modio. S.D., 77-78), liber IX (89-107; God. Steu. Ioan. Matalio Metello Sequano I.C. S.D.P., 89), liber X (107-120; God. Steu. Iano Gulielmo S.D.P., 107-108), liber XI (121-130; God. Ste. Gabrieli Rolandio I.C. S.D.P., 121); Floridorum libri IV (130-153; God. Ste. Rogero, Ioanni, et Ioanni I.F. Outheusdanis, cognatis suis, adolescentibus nobilibus S., 130-131); De dogmate Platonis liber (154-159; God. Stewechius Adriano Quarraeo V.N. S.D., 154); De philosophia liber (160-163; God. Stewechius Simoni Helmio Delphio praeceptori quondam suo. S.D., 160); De Deo Socratis liber (164-177; God. Ste. Carolo Maldereo V.N. S., 164); Apologia I. (177-189; God. Ste. Arnoldo Baert I.C. S.D., 177-178), Apologia II. (189-199; God. Ste. Francisco Lestraeo I.C. S.D., 189-190); Loca aliquot a Godescalco Stewechio alibi emendata (200-203); Iusti Lipsi in Apuleio emendationes, quarum ipsum memini rationem dedisse in Epistolicis, in Electis, et in Cornelio Tacito (203-205); Iano Guilielmi in Apuleio correctiones, ex ipsius libris Verosimilium (205-207); Diversorum in Apuleio correctiones (207-208); Ex catalectis Fran. Modii Brug. (208-212).
Note 2 According to the dedicatory to Julius Strozza, pages 7-8, Stewechius had been inspired by and tried to improve on the commentary on Apuleius's De asino aureo of Philippus Beroaldus (a copy of which he acquired at the Frankfurt Fair through Plantin).
Note 3 The poem by A. Gerardus Dalanthus (on page 6) is probably the one originally intended for Stewechius's Vegetius (cf. no. 2419.
Note 4 In a letter of 27 August 1586 Plantin tells the author that he is printing his Quaestiones in Apuleium (Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1131).
Note 5 In that same letter Plantin is more evasive about another work Stewechius submitted to him for publication: the Electa in Arnobium (which in fact was only printed a long time after Stewechius's death, in Antwerp, by J. Trognaesius in 1604: cf. Biographie Nationale [de Belgique], 23, Column 764; see also a letter of L. Torrentius to Wamesius, 23 June 1589, on the subject: Suppl. Corr., no. 218).
Note 6 Stewechius also tried to have published by Plantin a text-edition of Apuleius, which had to be complementary to his Quaestiones et coniecturae. The original manuscript is still preserved in Museum Plantin-Moretus, M 63 (cf. Denucé, Manuscrits, no. 389, pages 233-234), with its title-page and dedicatories, including one in the form of a letter to Plantin, dated Trier, 10 November 1586 (text of this letter in Corr., VIII-IX, no. 1172). Stewechius was so sure about the outcome that he even forwarded a sheet with detailed instructions (in Dutch) for the compositors who had to set the Apuleius (Arch. 117, folio 1). However, the project was ultimately shelved (very likely because Stewechius died before having arranged with Plantin the last details, including, as for the Vegetius-edition, an advance sum to cover the typographer's initial expenses).
Note 7 Listed in M 296, folio 7v (Godescalci Stewichii Quȩs [tiones] in Apulei opera, 8⁰, f[euilles] 14, [price:] stuivers 5), and M 321.
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