Record ID | cp010162 |
Voet reference number | 2411 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Title page transcription | VALERII MAXIMI ‖ DICTORVM FACTORVM'QVE ‖ MEMORABILIVM ‖ LIBRI IX. ‖ Infinitis mendis ex veterum exemplarium fide repur- ‖ gati, atque in meliorem ordinem restituti per ‖ STEPHANVM PIGHIVM Campensem. ‖ Accedunt in fine eiusdem annotationes in ‖ loca plusquàm DCCC. ‖ ITEM ‖ HAC ALTERA RECOGNITIONE ‖ fragmentum de Prænominibus antiquū incerti auctoris, ‖ quod decimi libri locum in multis exemplaribus occupat. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Architypographi Regij. ‖ CIƆ.IƆ. LXXIIII. |
Collation | 8⁰ [130]: A-Z⁸, a⁸, b⁴, A-G⁸; pages 1-392, 1-99, [100-112] (Errors, in 2nd part: 62 for 26) |
Fingerprint | 157408 - # 1b1 A2 tes$ : # 1b2 Z5 esti$ - # 2b1 a l : # 2b2 b4 ,$q - # 3b1 A m : # 3b2 G5 erg |
Number of sheets | 31.50 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-14: Illustrissimo principi Carolo Philippo de Croy, domino de Haurech, etc.…Stephanus Pighius S.D. (Brussels, 13 August 1566; parts in italic type, words in greek type) 15: Valerii Maximi vita incerto auctore (italic type) 16-18: Table 19-387: Text (italic type, parts and marginals in roman type) 388: Steph. Pighius lectori candido (Vienna, 13 January 1574) 389: In epitomen suam C. Titi Probi praefatio (italic type, part in roman type) 389-392: Liber decimus de nominibus praenominibusque, cognominibus, agnominibus (italic type, parts and marginals in roman type) 1-99: Stephani Pighii annotationes in Valerii Maximi [libros] (on two columns; parts in italic type and greek type) 99: approbation (s. Henricus Dunghen, Antwerp) [100-110]: Index (on two columns) [111]: Privilege (Vienna, 21 February 1565, signed by Haller); ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT ‖ CHRISTOPHORVS PLANTINVS, ‖ ARCHITYPOGRAPHVS REGIVS, ‖ ANNO M.D.LXXIV. PRIDIE IDVS ‖ IVNIAS [112]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 406- A 2291Heritage Library Hendrik Conscience AntwerpKBR Royal Library of BelgiumCambridgeBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaBiblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma.KU Leuven- Maurits Sabbe Library, P871 VALE Dict 1574UNamur- R6A.0547, Rés.28D.15 |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, pages 149-150 (1574, no. 24) Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), V, page 425Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 4593 Adams V-116 A. Pettegree & M. Walsby, Netherlandish Books, 2011 no. 29988 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:12916712USTC 401637 |
Note 1 | Reprint of the 1567-edition, with an additional piece: 'Liber decimus de nominibus praenominibusque, cognominibus, agnominibus', found in some manuscripts following Valerius Maximus, and attributed either to Julius Paris or C. Titus Probus (pages 389-392), and with additional annotations on this text (pages 91-99), beginning with 'Stephani Pighii animadversiones in epitomen de nominum ratione, veterum codicum collatione facta ad exemplar impressum Antverpiae anno M.D.LXVI. per Philippum Nucium' (meaning very likely that for his text-edition of the additional '10th book' Pighius followed closely the publication issued in Antwerp by Philippus Nutius in 1566). |
Note 2 | In the note to the reader, preceding the additional piece (page 388) and dated Vienna, 13 January 1574, Pighius gives some explanations on the 'liber decimus' and the authors to whom it is attributed, finishing with saying that, notwithstanding it was certainly not by Valerius Maximus, Plantin had insisted to have it included in this Valerius Maximus text-edition. |
Note 3 | According to the colophon the printing was finished on 12 June 1574. |
Note 4 | In making the running titles of the text-edition proper the suggestion by Cardinal Granvelle as given in his letter to Pighius of 17 September 1567 (see preceding no.) has been followed. |
Note 5 | The edition is mentioned in a number of Plantin's letters to and from Pighius: Corr., IV, no. 513 (to Pighius, 6 February 1574: 'Reliqua Val. Max. accepi…');no. 544 (Pighius to Plantin, 22 July 1574: sends some annotationes, which, if they cannot be reproduced in the edition under press, will be inserted in the Annales magistratum et provinciae on which Pighius is working [but which was finally only published in 1599]: '…dum aliud ago, loca incidunt aliquando Valerium adhuc explicantia vel emendantia, quae, si hac editione adiungi non poterunt, hoc ipsum significa, annalibus nostris inserentur non incommode'); no 556 (Pighius to Plantin, 5 September 1574: about the fact that Plantin shipped some copies of the finished 'Valerius meus' to Pighius in Vienna); no. 570 (to Pighius, 15 October 1574: has presented to Morillonius, in the name of Pighius, two bound copies of the Valerius Maximus); no. 625 (Pighius to Plantin, 6 May 1575: the books shipped by Plantin to Pighius in Vienna arrived there when the scholar had already left the city for Italy; Sambucus took them; the copies of Valerius Maximus he distributed among friends, with the exception of two unbound copies he sent to Pighius in Italy, who received them at Ferrara. One of them was completely ruined, but the remaining copy Pighius took to Rome to present it to Cardinal Sirletus); no. 645 (to Pighius, August 1574 or 1575); no. 647 (Pighius to Plantin, 6 September 1575: Pighius asks Plantin for books, including copies of his latest Valerius Maximus edition, in order to distribute them in Cleves, where he had settled down for the winter [and would remain for the rest of his life]); Corr., V, no. 677 (Pighius to Plantin, 23 November 1575: found on his return from Cologne the books sent to him at Xanten by, Plantin, including copies of the Valerius Maximus). |
Note 6 | Not listed in M 296. |
Further reading |