Record ID | cp010145 |
Voet reference number | 1444 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Title page transcription | INDEX ‖ LIBRORVM ‖ PROHIBITORVM, ‖ CVM REGVLIS CONFECTIS ‖ PER PATRES A TRIDENTINA SYNODO ‖ delectos, Auctoritate Sanctiss. D.N. Pij IIII. ‖ Pont. Max. comprobatus. ‖ CVM appendice in Belgio, ex mandato Regiæ ‖ Cathol. Maiestatis confecta. ‖ ⊕ 20 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXX. |
Collation | 8º [133]: A-G⁸; pages 1-108, [109-112] |
Fingerprint | |
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Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-5: Pius Papa IIII. ad perpetuam rei memoriam (Rome, 24 March 1564, signed by Ant. Florebellus Lavellinus) 6-7: Praefatio (italic type) 8-13: Regulae indicis (italic type) 14-52: Text (italic type, parts in roman type) 53-55: Praefatio in subiectam appendicem…(Brussels, September 1569) 56-106: Text (roman type, italic type, gothic type) 107-108: Ex decreto sacrosancti concilii Tridentini sess. IIII. sub Paulo IIII [109-112]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Copies | Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 18.35 [2]- R 19.32- A 1726KBR Royal Library of Belgium- VH 22.786 A 2- VH 22.788 A 1- British Library London (11902. aa. 5). A similar edition but with 120 pages has been issued by the Plantin Press in 1570 (see following no.). Not checked which of the two 1570-editions: Allard PiersonCambridgeBiblioteca Nacional de EspañaBibliothèque nationale de FranceUtrecht University LibraryUL Liège- R3567AKU Leuven- Maurits Sabbe Library, P348.416.4* EDIC;P348.416.4* EDICUNamur- R4Z.0150 |
Bibliographical references | Ruelens-de Backer, page 102 (1570, no. 18) Reusch, Der Index…, I, pages 406 ff Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3234 Peeters-Fontainas, J. Impressions espagnoles, no. 621 Text reproduced in Reusch, Die Indices…, no. 17, pages 289-319 |
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Note 1 | Contains: a) The Trentine Index of 1564, with the bull of Pius IV (pages 3-5), the foreword detailing the rules followed (and to be followed) in compiling the Index (In Indicem Librorum Prohibitorum confectum a Deputatione Tridentinae Synodi reverendi fratris Francisci Forerii, Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum S. Theologiae professoris, et eiusdem deputationis secretarii praefatio) (pages 6-13), the Index itself (pages 14-52; classified alphabetically, with under each letter three groups: Auctores primae classis [of whom all works are condemned]; Certorum auctorum libri prohibiti [authors of whom certain works - or parts of works - are condemned]; Libri prohibiti, ab incertis nominis auctoribus compositi [anonymous works]); b) Appendix to the Trentine Index and compiled at the order of the Duke of Alva for the Netherlands with: 1º) Praefatio in subiectam appendicem venerabilium deputatorum, quibus a Duce Albano ex Philippi II Catholici Regis auctoritate, catalogi augendi cura commissa fecit, Bruxellis, mense Septembri, M.D.LXIX (pages 53-55), 2º) The appendix itself (pages 56-106): Latin authors (classified alphabetically, under each letter in the three 'classes' as in the Trentine Index; pages 56-74); a special section on the Bibles (in Latin, Dutch, and French; pages 72-75); special sections on works in French (pages 76-80), in Dutch (pages 81-96), in Spanish (pages 97-106); 3º) Extract from a bull of Paulus IV on the obligation of printing books duly approved by the religious authorities (pages 107-108). |
Note 2 | In 1570 were published by the Plantin Press two in 8º editions of the Index, each with identical text and in the same type bodies and faces but with slightly different pagination and some other small differences (cf. also following no.). It is not possible to state with any certainty which of the two came out first. However, this 112 pages-edition seems to be somewhat more hurriedly printed than the 120 pages-edition, and may therefore have been the first put onto the market. |
Note 3 | The ordinance of Philip II on the observation of the Index, dated 15 February 1569 (= probably 1570), presented as a separate edition, formed in fact a kind of introduction to the Index, and is normally found together with it (see no. cp010879). |
Note 4 | In the foreword to the Appendix it is not stated who compiled it. In a letter of 10 May 1570 (quoted by Reusch, I, page 408), Arias Montanus gives, however, some precious information: the Spanish theologian, residing with Plantin in Antwerp to supervise the Polyglot Bible, had been ordered in 1569 by the Duke of Alva to make a first list (= the Index of 1569, see no. cp013335). A more elaborate Appendix was planned. Bishops and universities were required to dress lists. At Brussels in a ten days-conference, at which took part the Inquisitors-General, the bishop of Antwerp, the dean of Brussels Tiletanus, and Alonso de Contreras (in a letter to Alva, quoted too by Reusch, Viglius d'Ayta is also named), the problem was studied. The final redaction was entrusted to Arias Montanus. |
Note 5 | The meaning and importance (and shortcomings) of this Antwerp Appendix to the Trentine Index are studied in great detail by Reusch, I, pages 408 ff. |
Note 6 | Listed in M 296, folio 9v (Index librorum prohibitorum in-8º. Anno -, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers 2). |
Further reading |