
Stirpium historiae pemptades sex, 1583

in The Plantin Press Online

(881 words)

Record ID cp010031
Voet reference number 1101
Museum Plantin-Moretus c:lvd:1132891
Author Rembertus DODONAEUS (DODOENS)
Collation Folio [272]: †⁶- ††⁴, A-Z⁶, a-z⁶, AA-ZZ⁶, aa-ee⁶; pages [1-20], 1-860, [861-888] Errors: 28 for 44, 187 for 195, 231-232 for 243-244, 318 for 326, 32 for 332, 487 for 587, 780 for 800)
Fingerprint 158302 - # a1 +2 que$ : # a2 ++3 dri$ - # b1 A m : # b2 2e4 ica$aq
Number of sheets 227
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-8]:…urbis Antverpiensis consulibus, senatoribus, quaestoribus, tribunis, praefectis, decanis reliquoque magistratui, Remb. Dodonaeus signed by (Antwerp, 1582; words in gothic type) [9-15]: Poems by Iohan. Posthius, Jacobus D.F.P.N. Sufius, Franco Estius Gorcomius (italic type) [16]: Remb. Dodonaeus lectori S [17-18]: Auctores qui in istis Stirpium pemp- tadibus citantur (on three columns; italic type, parts in roman type) [19]: Nomina eorum ex quorum hortis stirpium copia facta est… [20]: Blank 1-860: Text (parts and marginals in italic type, greek type and gothic type; page 478: Poem by Johannes Postius) [861]: Errata (parts in italic type and on two columns, words in greek type) [862]: Blank [863]: 3 illustrations with accompanying texts in roman type and italic type [864]: Blank [865-886]: Indices (on three columns; in greek type and Latin; roman type, italic type, greek type and word in gothic type) [887]: Privilege (Prague, 11 August 1580, signed by I. Vieheuser and A. Erstenberger; Fontainebleau, 5 August 1582, signed by De Neufville) [888]: Blank
Edition information
Illustrations 1,306 woodcuts representing plants; in varying dimensions. See Note 2
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- R 44.6KBR Royal Library of BelgiumGhent University LibraryLeiden University Libraries- copy with corrections and annotations by C. Clusius)British Library LondonUtrecht University Library
Bibliographical references Ruelens-de Backer, page 255 (1583, no. 15) Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), II, pages 217-220 Nissen, C. Die Botanische Buchillustration (2. Aufl.), II, page 50, no. 517.Bib. Belgica (1964-1970 éd.)D 117 Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica 962
Online bibliographical references STCV c:stcv:12921841USTC 401987
Note 1 Monumental botanical study divided into 6 large sections (pemptades), containing each 5 books. The classification of the plants in 26 groups differs much from (and is far superior to) the one followed till then by Dodonaeus. Detailed description of the publication in BB, II, pages 217-220.
Note 2 Only a few illustrations seem to have been cut especially for this edition. The greater part had already been used in other botanical treatises: the studies of Dodonaeus himself, Clusius and Lobelius published by Plantin in previous years, whilst also were contributed a large number of the some 1,000 wood-blocks reproduced in Dodonaeus's Cruyde-boeck as published by Joannes Loeus (Dutch editions in 1554 and 1563; French translation in 1557; English translation in 1578) and bought by Plantin from the widow of Joannes Loeus in April 1581 (cf. Rooses, Musée, page 221). Mention of these wood-blocks and their former use is made by the author in the foreword 'Remb. Dodonaeus lectori S.' (page [16]).
Note 3 Dodonaeus had already contacted Plantin about this publication early in 1581: in the draft of a letter to Camerarius, 19 April 1581, Plantin tells casually 'Dodonaeus scribit frequenter se brevi huc venturum ut ipsius de re herbaria opus latinum tandem integrum imprimamus' (Corr., VI, no. 926). In the fair copy the message was somewhat modified: 'Dodonaeus iam saepe Colonia nobis scripsit, se huc venturum ut adsit impressioni sui herbarii latini cuius exemplar dicit se paratum habere' (the letter as mailed to Camerarius is dated 21 April 1581: Suppl. Corr., no. 517).
Note 4 Moreover, Dodonaeus had already arranged for a privilege of the Emperor to the name of Plantin as early as August 1580, in which is said: '[nobody may print the Pemptades] praeter eum cui a Dodonaeo commissae fuerint, hoc est, Christophorum Plantinum Architypographum'. It is, however, not excluded that the last sentence 'hoc est…' has in fact been added by Plantin himself when making in 1583 the summary of the privilege for reproduction in his publication (cf. no. cp011777, Note 6).
Note 5 The printing must have started early in 1582: on 28 June 1582 Plantin explains to Camerarius that Dodonaeus's herbal had been in press for six months; he hopes, however, to have the job finished shortly after the next September Frankfurt Fair (Suppl. Corr., no. 174: 'Remberti Dodonaei Herbarium integrum latine tandem ab aeo factum ab hinc sex plus minus mensibus sudat sub praelis a quibus ante has (sed uti spero paullo post) proximas nundinas Francof. non liberabitur.'). The printing must actually have been finished in September 1582 as Plantin on 16 October 1582 had already mailed some copies to Camerarius (Suppl. Corr., no. 176: 'Nuper aliquot exemplaria Bibliorum misimus ad D. Goulach quibus adiunximus aliquot exemplaria Pemptadum Dodonaei e quibus unum tibi gratum esse percupio').
Note 6 Listed in M 296, folio 16v ([Remberti Dodonei] Herbarius, f⁰, 1573 [= for 1583], f[euilles] 227, [price:] florins Carolus guilders 6), and M 321 (sub 1582).
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