Record ID | cp010029 |
Voet reference number | 1675 |
Museum Plantin-Moretus | |
Uniform title | MISSALE ROMANUM |
Title page transcription | MISSALE ‖ ROMANVM, ‖ EX DECRETO SACROSANCTI ‖ Concilii Tridentini restitutum. ‖ PII V. PONT. MAX. ‖ IVSSV EDITVM. ‖ V. ‖ ANTVERPIAE, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini, ‖ Prototypographi Regii. ‖ M.D. LXXI. ‖ Cum Priuilegiis Pont. Max. & Regis Catholici. |
Collation | Folio [260]: *ˉ****⁶, A-Z⁶, aa⁶, Aa-Hh⁶, a-l⁶, AA-HH⁶, II⁴; pages 1⁰) [1-60]; 2⁰) 1-287, [288]; 3⁰) I-XCV, [XCVI]; 4⁰) 1-132; 5⁰) 1-99, [100-104] (Errors: second part: 28 for 29, 230 for 130, 351 for 251, 237 for 273, 175 for 275, 282 for 281; third part: XCI for XCII, XCII for XCIII; fourth part: 15-16-17-18 for 17-18-19-20, 34 for 43; fifth part: 15 for 17, 18 for 20). Printed in black and red, on two columns (with some exceptions) |
Fingerprint | 157102 - # a1 *2 odo$ : # a2 4*4 ndis;$ubi$ - # 1b1 A â : # 1b2 Z4 r:$qu - # 2b1 2a $ : # 2b2 2a3 Dó - # 3b1 2A pér : # 3b2 2H3 emiséri - # 4b1 a i : # 4b2 l4 yris - # 5b1 2A tus$ : # 5b2 2I2 ipsa$^157102 - # a1 *1 odo$ : # a2 *4 ndis;$ubi$ - # 1b1 A â : |
Number of sheets | 172.50 |
Pages | [1]: Title [2]: Blank [3-5]: Bull of Pius V on the reformation of the missal (Rome, 14 July 1570; italic type, parts in roman type) [6]: Privilege (Rome, 28 July 1570; Antwerp, Privy Council and Council of Brabant, 7 October 1570, signed by De Langhe) [7-42]: Introductory part (Rubricae generales missalis; Ritus celebrandi missam; De defectibus in celebratione missarum occurrentibus; Praeparatio ad missam; Gratiarum actio post missam; Aliae orationes ante missam dicendae) (parts in italic type) [43-60]: Calendar 1-240: Proprium missarum de tempore (parts in music) 240-287: Ordinarium missae (parts in music) [288]: Blank; I-XCV: Proprium missarum de tempore [XCVI]: Blank 1-132: Proprium missarum de sanctis 1-94: Commune sanctorum 94-99: Benedictiones [100]: Series chartarum [101]: ANTVERPIÆ EXCVDEBAT ‖ CHRISTOPHORVS PLANTINVS ‖ REGIVS PROTOTYPOGRAPHVS ‖ ANNO DOMINI M.D. LXXI. NONO ‖ KALEND. AVGVSTI [102-104]: Blank |
Edition information | |
Illustrations | representing mostly scenes from the New Testament and the Evangelists: I. Copper engraving: vignette on title-page, 97 × 91, representing the Last Supper (with the monograms of the designer Pieter van der Borcht and the engraver Joannes Wiericx) II. Woodcuts: 1) 1 illustration, in 4th part, page [100], representing the coat-of-arms of Philip II within cartouche 2) 1 illustration, 240 × 160, in 2nd part, page [171]: Christ on the Cross (monograms of the designer, Pieter van der Borcht, and the woodcutter, Arnold Nicolai) 3) 1 illustration, 20 × 15, in 4th part, page 2: Saint 4) 179 illustrations (from 77 blocks), c. 54 × c. 54 5) 9 illustrations (from 8 blocks), 20 × 20, in 2nd part 6) In 2nd part, page 186: space left for an illustration c. 100 × 115, which, however, was not printed |
Copies | Ghent University Library- Res. 403- on vellumMunicipal Library LilleMariemont- on vellumBayerische StaatsbibliothekAustrian National LibraryVatican Apolstolic Library- on vellum |
Bibliographical references | Bib. Belgica (1964–1970 éd.), IV, pages 384-385 Weale-Bohatta, no. 1163 Bib. catholica Neerlandica impressa, no. 3306 P. Faider, 'Note sur deux éditions plantiniennes conservées au château de Mariemont. I. Un exemplaire sur vélin du Missale Romanum de 1571' in De Gulden Passer, 15, 1937, pages 37-43 Not in Ruelens-de BackerCockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, 8755 Bib. Belgica (1964-1970 éd.) M 31 p. 384 |
Online bibliographical references | STCV c:stcv:7035667USTC 411662 |
Note 1 | On 3 August 1570 Plantin tells de Goneville, representative of Cardinal Granvelle, that he has received in good order 'les feilles du Missel' (mailed from Rome) and the copy of the contract (for printing the missals, arranged with the Roman printer Faletti, who had received the monopoly for the publication of these liturgical works from the pope) (Corr., II, no. 239). |
Note 2 | In his letter Plantin explains also that he had already started with the preparations for the publication ('pour lequel j'avois commencé et maintenant fais continuer les préparations'). On 21 October 1570 Hans Elsevir printed a proof-sheet; the real printing began on 26 January 1571 (Rooses, Musée, page 103). According to the colophon, the work was finished on 24 July 1571. |
Note 3 | Plantin kept Granvelle informed in his letters of 16 December 1570 (to de Goneville: Corr., II, no. 259: 'Incontinent j'ay receu les lectres de Vostre Signeurie du 7 du passé, j'ay commencé à donner ordre pour besongner en toute diligence au Missal, espérant le continuer, incontinent que les gelées se passeront, de telle sorte que, par la diligence de diverses presses, je rataindray le temps escoulé, en attendant la résolution de la sorte delectre'), 25 February 1571 (to Granvelle: Ibidem, no. 263: 'J'ay envoyé la semaine passée, ce que j'avois imprimé du Missal…'), 14 April 1571 (to de Goneville: Ibidem, no. 271: Plantin acknowledges having received from Malpas, 'chantre' at Malines, the corrections sent by de Goneville regarding the Missal 'duquel j'envoye maintenant treze cahiers, qui sont 39 feilles, et continuera d'envoyer ainsi les feueilles jusques à la fin'. He specifies, moreover, to have the intention to print only 750 copies, and this for two reasons: the first and most important being that changes may occur: 'j'ay doubté et craint que plusieurs choses [ainsi que par cy-devant est advenu au Bréviaire et advient souvent es livres nouveaux] fussent obmises ou deussent estre changées par après'; secondly, that he has not been able to stock the necessary amounts of paper nor has had enough time to have the illustrations cut), 25 August 1571 (to Granvelle: Ibidem, no. 285: Plantin hopes that the cardinal 'aura receu l'achèvement du Missal' [meaning very likely the last sheets, mailed by post], and asks how to proceed to send to 'Messieurs de Sainct Pierre à Rome' the copies on vellum, ordered by Granvelle, and of which he had printed 10 copies). Later in the year Plantin tells de Goneville that he shipped through the Hannoni (Italian merchants residing in Antwerp) to Granvelle at Naples 8 'Missale grand papier', 5 'Missale parchemin', and 3 'Missale papier commun' (Ibidem, page 275). This shipment (or the last sheets sent separately) must, however, have arrived somewhat damaged as in his letter of 5 January 1572 to de Goneville Plantin states at the end 'Depuis encores avoir aussi escrit ceci, j'ay receu celles de V.S. du 13 décembre, et suis fort triste que nul des Missals ne soyent arrivés parfaicts…' (Ibidem, no. 303; cf. also the letter of 6 March 1572: Ibidem, no. 317). |
Note 4 | Other copies were presented or sold to the Bishop of Ghent (letter of H. van den Keere to Plantin, 29 July 1571: Ibidem, no. 281), the Archbishop of Cambrai (letter of Plantin, 18 August 1571: Ibidem, no. 284), the Bishop of Tournai (letter of Plantin, September 1571: Ibidem, no. 287), the Bishop of Ypres (letter of Plantin, 22 November 1571: Ibidem, no. 292: having received one copy, the bishop ordered 8 other copies), to Cardinal Caraffa at Rome (letter of Plantin, January 1572: Ibidem, no. 305), to E. Vendius, councillor to the Duke of Bavaria (letter of Plantin, [February 1572]: Ibidem, no. 312). |
Note 5 | In the letter to Caraffa, Plantin thanks both Caraffa and Granvelle for having facilitated the publication by sending the corrected version ('Missale tuis laboribus diligentiaque correctum tuaque et Illmi Cardin. Granvellani opera et favore mihi, illud ut imprimerem, commissum…'). Something to the same effect is said in Plantin's letter to F. de Torres, representative of the Spanish King at Rome, 7 January 1572 (Ibidem, no. 306). Cf. also Plantin's letter to G. d'Oignies, Bishop of Tournai, 15 March 1572 (Ibidem, no. 321): 6 copies on vellum sent to the 'messieurs de St. Pierre à Rome' 'selon que, dès le temps que Sa Saincteté m'envoya de Rome la copie corrigée par ses députés, lesdicts signeurs m'avoyent ordonné de ce faire par mon très illustre Sr. le Cardinal de Granvelle, qui m'a faict entendre que chaicun désire fort nostre Impression en Italie'. |
Note 6 | Of this first edition 75 copies were shipped to Spain on 18 October 1571, representing, at 4 florins Carolus guilders per copy, a value of 300 florins Carolus guilders (Arch. 22, folios 1r-vo). |
Note 7 | In the letter to de Goneville of 14 April 1571, quoted above, Plantin tells that this first edition was limited to 750 copies. In his letter of 25 August 1571 to Granvelle the typographer spoke of 10 copies on vellum printed for the 'Messieurs de Sainct Pierre à Rome', while the details of the consignment shipped to Granvelle at the end of 1571 make it clear that of the copies on paper part of the edition was printed on 'papier commun', another part on 'grand papier'. Plantin must in fact have printed more than 10 copies on vellum, as in his letter to G. d'Oignies, Bishop of Tournai, of 15 March 1572 (Ibidem, no. 321) he declares to have finished 24 'Missels en bon vélin' of which 6 had been shipped to the 'messieurs de St. Pierre à Rome' (and 5 to Cardinal Granvelle). In a second letter to the bishop, on 25 March 1572, he lists the mailing of two missals on vellum: one copy of the first edition, costing 40 florins Carolus guilders, and another, belonging to the second edition, costing 50 florins Carolus guilders (for more details, see following no.). |
Note 8 | M 296, folio 20v, lists: 'Missale Rom. Pii V in f⁰ pap[ier] com[mun], [price:] florins Carolus guilders 4, f[euilles] 190; Idem in f⁰ maioris chartȩ, [price:] flor. 4, stuivers 10'. The entry very likely refers to this first edition. |
Further reading |