
Gregorius Nazianzenus, Apologeticus; Hieronymus, De vita clericorum; Ambrosius, De dignitate sacerdotali liber, 1570

in The Plantin Press Online

(784 words)

Record ID cp010009
Voet reference number 1263
Museum Plantin-Moretus
Title page transcription S. GREGORII ‖ NAZIANZENI ‖ Apologeticus, ‖ Constantio Sebastiano Oliue- ‖ tano Interprete. ‖ S. HIERON. AD NEPOT. ‖ De vita Clericorum. ‖ S. AMBRO. MEDIOL. EPISC. ‖ De dignitate Sacerdotali liber. ‖ ⊕ 19 ‖ ANTVERPIÆ, ‖ Ex officina Christophori Plantini. ‖ M.D.LXX.
Collation 16mo [86]: A-M⁸; pages 1-187, [188-192] (Errors: 158 not numbered)
Number of sheets
Pages [1]: Title [2]: Blank 3-4: Typographus lectori 5-157: Text (italic type) [158]: Blank 159-187: Text (italic type, parts and marginals in roman type) [188]: approbation (s. Sebastianus Baer Delphius, Antwerp) [189]: Privilege (Brussels, 1569, signed by I. de Witte) [190-192]: Blank
Edition information
Copies Museum Plantin-Moretus- A 516Ruusbroec Institute Library
Bibliographical references Not in Ruelens-de Backer
Online bibliographical references
Note 1 Contains three treatises of early church-fathers: Gregorius Nazianzenus, Apologeticus (cf. page 3: '…libellum, in quo suae profectionis ac reversionis exponit consilium, atque Episcopatus quem sibi oblatum recusaverat, recte administrandi complectitur rationem') (5-122); St. Hieronymus, Ad Nepotianum, de vita clericorum (123-157); St. Ambrosius, De dignitate sacerdotali liber (159-187).
Note 2 The treatise of Gregorius Nazianzenus was translated from Greek into Latin by Constantius Sebastianus Olivetanus, an Italian scholar. In the foreword to the reader (pages 3-4) Plantin makes it clear that he published the work at the request of Cardinal Antonius Caraffa, patron of Olivetanus. He affirms that at his own initiative he added the texts of St. Hieronymus and St. Ambrosius (without specifying who edited these treatises, or, eventually, from which editions they were reprinted).
Note 3 In Plantin's correspondence more details are found about the publication. They make it clear that Cardinal Granvelle acted as middleman between Plantin and Cardinal Caraffa, and that the typographer was most eager to oblige the two powerful prelates. In his letter of 28 January 1570 to Granvelle (Corr., II, no. 202), Plantin wrote: 'Estant retourné de Liège, où j'avois este appellé…, j'ay trouvé les lectres de Vostre Illustriss. et Rme Sie, avec la traduction de l'opuscule de St Gregoire Nazianzène et les deux autres (this seems to imply that, to the contrary of what the typographer affirms in the foreword to the reader in the edition itself, the two treatises of St. Hieronymus and St. Ambrosius were in fact also forwarded by Cardinal Caraffa with the express request to have them published), lesquels j'ay incontinent portés et délivrés à Monsr. nostre curé ou pasteur, pour les visiter, approuver et soussigner, afin de les envoyer à Brusselles et en pouvoir obtenir congé et privilege, sous espoir de les commencer incontinent, selon la volonté du très illustre Cardinal Carafa, et les achever, s'il m'est possible, avant que d'aler à la foire de Francfort'. At the beginning of February 1570 Plantin had not yet received the privilege (letter to Granvelle, 4 February 1570 [Corr., II, no. 207]: 'Je n'ay pas encores receu de Bruxelles la copie des livrets signed by Greg. Naz., signed by Hiérosme et S. Ambr. Parquoy, n'y ay sceu encores besongner. Ce que j'ay délibéré de faire incontinent les avoir reçeus'). He must soon afterwards have received the privileges and the approved manuscripts as he could tell Granvelle on 18 February 1570 (Corr., II, no. 210): 'J'envoye aussi trois feilles faisants six cahiers des livrets que Monsr. le Rme Cardinal Carafa désiroit que j'imprimasse, espérant d'achever et envoyer le reste, à la fin de la semaine prochaine' (follows a long exposition on the type used, which Plantin hopes would be conformable to the wishes of the two cardinals). Cf. also the letter of Plantin to André Francquart, vicar of the Bishop of Cambrai, 23 February 1570 (Corr., II, no. 213): 'J'ay sous la presse, et auray bientost achevé, Dieu aidant, Lactantius…et S. Greg. Nazianz. Apologeticus etc. desquels mon susdict Sr le Cardinal m'a envoyé de Rome les exemplaires'. Soon afterwards the edition was indeed completed and copies sent to Italy, as Plantin begins his letter of 13 May 1570 to Granvelle with 'J'espère que V. Illme Sie, avant la réception de la présente…aura receu l'entière impression de Caesar et des livrets de S. Gregoire Nazianze…' (Corr., II, no. 229). A copy of 'Gregorii Nazianzeni Apologeticum' was included in the shipment of books to Gabriel de Çayas, as noted by Plantin in his letter of 31 August 1570 to the secretary of Philip II (Corr., II, no. 242).
Note 4 Listed in M 296, folio 1r (Apologeticum Nasianseni, 16º, f[euilles] -, [price:] stuivers 2½), and M 164, folio 1v.
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