Including coats-of-arms of princes and institutions used as marks in more or less official publications.
Remarks: 1: The marks are reproduced in their exact dimensions. 2: G. van Havre, Marques typographiques des imprimeurs et libraires anversois, II, 1884, pp. 87-193, reproduced 115 printer's marks of the Plantin Press, including 45 of the time of Plantin himself. His study was so exhaustive that only some minor additions and alterations had to be made: a) Have been added: nos. 1bis, 46, 115, 116; b) The nos. 16 and 18 of van Havre are in fact identical. 3: All these marks are woodcuts, with the exception of no. 115, which is a copper engraving. -4- Of these marks a rather large number of the original wood-blocks are still in the collection of Museum Plantin-Moretus: nos. 3 (HB 8171), 4 (HB 8152), 5 (HB 8191), 6 (HB 8174), 7 (HB 8180), 8 (HB 8198), 11 (HB 8142), 12 (HB 8182), 13 (HB 8188), 14 (HB 8157), 15 (8194), 19 (HB 8200), 21 (HB 8158), 26 (HB 8134), 27 (HB 8135), 28 (HB 8143), 33 (HB 8159), 34 (HB 8184), 35 (HB 8193), 37 (HB 8196), 38 (HB 8137), 39 (HB 8195), 40 (HB 8138), 41 (HB 8178), 42 (HB 8185), 43 (HB 8176), 116 (HB 8202), 133 (HB 8112), 140 (HB 8117), 150 (HB 8114), 160 (HB 8100), 161 (HB 8080).
Printer's marks of Plantin
Nos. 1-45 refer to the numbers in G. van Havre, Marques typographiques.
Nos. 1bis, 46, 115, 116 are additions.
Marks (coat-of-arms) of Philip II
Nos. 130-133.
Marks (coats-of-arms) of the City of Antwerp
Nos. 140-144.
Mark (coat-of-arms) of the Duchy of Brabant (used for publications of the States of Brabant and the States-General).
No. 150.
Marks (coats-of-arms) of Francis, Duke of Anjou and Alençon
Nos. 160-161.