

in The Plantin Press Online

(1,570 words)

Remarks: 1- The numerals refer to the numbers of the publications and not to a page (with only a few exceptions in which is duly noted: p. . . .). -2- The numerals referring to authors entered as such (and normally introduced by a biographical note) are printed in bold type. -3- Titles and qualifications have only been given in a limited number of cases: saints and popes; kings and princes; clerks (having signed the privileges); publishers, printers and booksellers; designers, woodcutters and engravers having worked for Plantin; pressmen and compositors of the Plantin Press. -4- Persons mentioned in the introductory chapter to an author or publication are listed in the first number referring to this author or publication (e.g. 'Orange, William of: [no.] 1091' may be a reference either in the work of Divaeus, De Galliae Belgicae antiquitatibus liber I, or in the biographical note on Divaeus preceding immediately this edition). -5- Have not been retained: 1°) Biblical personages mentioned incidentally in descriptions and notes; 2°) Gods of Antiquity likewise mentioned incidentally; 3°) Personages out of novels (cf. no. 1336); 4°) Modern scholars. -6- As Plantin is practically listed in each entry and on each page, his name has only been noted when he wrote the publication or part of it (dedicatory, note to the reader, etc.), or when in the edition he was addressed directly (in a dedicatory or similar introductory part).

The Plantin Press Online

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