Remark: See the introductory notes in vol I, pp. III-VI.
1. Editions printed without name of printer or publisher but most certainly by the Plantin Press
- Alva, Déclaration . . . du saccaigement de la ville de Malines, [1572] (cp012127).
- Alva, Vercleringe . . . vande plunderinge geschiet der stadt van Mechelen, [1572] (cp012752).
- Antonio of Portugal, Brevis et compendiosa iustarum causarum declarado . . . , [1582] (cp010959).
- Antonio of Portugal, Sommaire déclaration des iustes causes et raisons . . . , [1582] (cp011020).
- Antonio of Portugal, Corte verklaeringhe van de rechtveerdighe oorsaecken ende redenen . . . , [1582] (cp010624).
- Antonio of Portugal, [Declararte], [1583] (cp012598).
- Antonio of Portugal, [Déclaration], [1583] (cp010006).
- Antwerp (City), [Announcements], 1584-1588 (cp012618, cp013254, cp011979, cp010476, cp010845, cp010440, cp011801, cp011587, cp010221, cp011566, cp013459, cp013496).
- Antwerp (City), [Forms, receipts, convocations, communications], 1579-1584 (cp013496, cp010521, cp013304, cp010242, cp011341, cp010685, cp011690, cp012256, cp010899, cp012834, cp011938, cp010302, cp010634, cp013062, cp010646, cp012936, cp010384, cp010924).
- Antwerp (City), [Ordinances], 1573-1589 (cp013097, cp011885, cp012707, cp012079, cp013204, cp010417, cp010392, cp011971, cp013350, cp013212, cp012546, cp012832, cp010253, cp012230, cp012023, cp012859, cp010519, cp012517, cp011244, cp011978, cp012787, cp012329, cp011771, cp010127, cp012163, cp011172, cp011660, cp011181, cp012879, cp010424, cp010882, cp010577, cp011413, cp010276, cp012910, cp012511, cp011223, cp010693, cp012921, cp012585, cp012905, cp010113, cp012213, cp010659, cp011929, cp013273, cp010925, cp011889, cp011159, cp011811, cp011827, cp012892, cp011060, cp012080, cp010313, cp011213, cp012555, cp011551, cp013140, cp013497, cp011623, cp011087, cp010036, cp011065, cp012700, cp012379, cp012731, cp012826, cp013320, cp012732, cp010033, cp012448, cp011950, cp011451, cp013071, cp012587, cp012097, cp013197, cp013457, cp011905, cp010032, cp010999, cp013490, cp011867, cp013291, cp011903, cp013513, cp010394, cp010785, cp010606, cp011798, cp011390, cp011702, cp011558, cp011597, cp011752, cp012825, cp011017, cp012350, cp010054, cp013282, cp011954, cp011061, cp011371, cp011321, cp010104, cp012109, cp012554, cp011198, cp010868, cp010760, cp011916, cp012274, cp011508, cp011035, cp012531, cp013377, cp010191, cp010043, cp012917, cp013515, cp010604, cp013550, cp010375, cp011519, cp012146, cp012292, cp010626, cp011104, cp012063, cp013392, cp010881, cp011853, cp011100, cp012799, cp010515, cp011185, cp012663, cp012228, cp012544, cp012402, cp011683, cp013090, cp011671, cp011200, cp012436, cp012298, cp011708, cp010774, cp013385, cp012301, cp013029, cp013088, cp012129, cp011526, cp012725, cp010209, cp012954, cp011746, cp012157, cp010013, cp010738, cp012479, cp010523, cp010617, cp011724, cp010463, cp011674, cp010589, cp010625, cp012637, cp011285, cp010382, cp011296, cp010905, cp013465, cp012816, cp011516, cp010406, cp012994, cp012460, cp012316, cp011733, cp010325, cp013079, cp010141, cp011404, cp010314, cp010239, cp011436, cp010199, cp013412, cp010306, cp012347, cp010864, cp010938, cp011969, cp011363, cp010908, cp010399, cp011677, cp010525, cp012353, cp012418, cp010849, cp011768, cp012809, cp012857, cp012798, cp010734, cp012841, cp013314, cp012273, cp012900, cp012762, cp013418, cp011542, cp010379, cp013003, cp013400, cp010526, cp012599, cp012679, cp012699, cp011731, cp010065, cp011797, cp010291, cp010441, cp011510, cp010194, cp012545, cp013270, cp010425, cp011354, cp011809, cp010992, cp012888, cp011124, cp011447, cp012899, cp012968, cp011280, cp011168, cp010507, cp013121, cp012445, cp013265, cp010056, cp012636, cp012341, cp011559, cp010437, cp011570, cp011473, cp010050, cp011330, cp010433, cp012452, cp011231, cp010499, cp011800, cp012324, cp012684, cp012547, cp012030, cp011848, cp011735, cp010095, cp012771, cp012480, cp011842, cp013098, cp011520, cp013476, cp010820, cp010981, cp013453, cp012385, cp011646, cp010833, cp012961, cp011838, cp013439, cp013290, cp011237, cp013371, cp011873, cp012257, cp012993, cp010835, cp011913, cp012568, cp010639, cp010147, cp013347, cp013255, cp011000, cp011537, cp012969, cp012249, cp012775, cp013169, cp012941, cp010644, cp013521, cp013458, cp012349, cp012270, cp012262, cp010062, cp010549, cp012043, cp012578, cp011193, cp011756, cp011602, cp011609, cp010497, cp010994, cp012461, cp012881, cp010494, cp012842, cp011715, cp010321, cp011439, cp011925, cp012912, cp013120, cp011459, cp011836, cp011921, cp012289, cp010987, cp011206, cp010724, cp010729, cp011249, cp011183, cp012240, cp013002, cp013527, cp010216, cp010555, cp012210, cp010108, cp011536, cp013498, cp010343, cp010657, cp012091, cp010156, cp011937, cp013040, cp012633, cp012223, cp011639, cp010007, cp012381, cp010342, cp012241, cp011153, cp012037, cp012769, cp012114, cp012096, cp011749, cp010570, cp010468, cp010702, cp012012, cp010576, cp010593, cp012570, cp011511, cp012400, cp013280, cp012300, cp011584, cp010838, cp011339, cp012765, cp010348, cp010154, cp011173, cp010214, cp011887, cp011541, cp013253, cp010167, cp010669, cp013537, cp010853, cp012441, cp011638, cp010471, cp010220, cp010350, cp013431, cp010991, cp011068, cp012123, cp010171, cp010478, cp011966, cp012250, cp012876, cp013201, cp010349, cp013409, cp011350, cp011894, cp011635, cp012313, cp013216, cp010594, cp010937, cp012906, cp012573, cp012719, cp010572, cp010003, cp011845, cp010170, cp010909, cp011535, cp011298, cp012780, cp013032, cp012047, cp012911, cp010707, cp010196, cp011263, cp013468, cp010018, cp013303, cp010252, cp013026, cp011147, cp013050, cp011327, cp012697, cp010362, cp011071).
- Antwerp (Jesuit College), Catalogus lectionum, 1574 (cp012822).
- Antwerp (Military authorities), Aende heeren . . . van den Breeden Raedt . . . van Antwerpen, [1579] (cp010329).
- Artois (County): Les coustumes générales du conté d’Artois. Arras, J. Bourgeois, 1566 (cp013151).
- Barrefelt, Het boeck der ghetuygenissen vanden verborghen acker-schat, [1581] (cp013068).
- Barrefelt, Le livre des tesmoignages du thrésor caché au champ, [1581] (cp011553).
- Barrefelt, Sendt-brieven wt yverighe herten . . . , [1583] (cp012540).
- Barrefelt, Epistres ou lettres missives escrittes par I’effluxion d’esprit de la vie uniforme, [1583] (cp010895).
- Brabant (States of), [Announcements], 1580-1586 (cp010072, cp011952, cp013548, cp010930, cp013215, cp011540, cp012646, cp011757, cp010827, cp012539, cp012696, cp011383, cp013018, cp011099, cp012032, cp011123, cp013264, cp013337, cp011454, cp010327, cp010627, cp012898, cp013074, cp010488, cp012837, cp013248, cp010176, cp011301, cp012471, cp010377, cp010464, cp011283, cp010681, cp010661, cp012714).
- Brabant (States of), [Ordinances], 1581-1584 (cp010597, cp012948, cp013047, cp011970, cp013333, cp012776, cp010758).
- Calendarium Romanum, 1574 (cp011910).
- Capite Fontium, In Christo plurimum dilectis, 1574 (cp010210).
- Danaeus, In Carlotae Borboniae . . . obitum, 1582 (cp010101).
- Donckerus, Eximiae . . . de episcopali et ecclesiasticae hierarchiae dignitate ac disciplina, 1571 (cp012482).
- Duval, Den spieghel der calvinisten. Antwerp, E.Ph. Trognesius, 1567 (cp011089).
- Esychius, lusta reverendo D.M. Iohanni Molano rectori Bremensis scholae celeberrimo . . . , [1583] (Add. no. 1141 bis).
- Farnese, [Announcement], 1588 (cp011832).
- Francis, Duke of Anjou and Alençon, [Ordinances and announcements], 1582 (cp012753, cp012512, cp010998, cp013416, cp013368, cp012039, cp012580, cp010842).
- Francis, Duke of Anjou and Alençon, [Form], [1582] (cp012976).
- Fumus, Summa sive aurea armilla. Antwerp, J. Steelsius, 1561 (cp010703).
- Geerts, Apophoreta sive strenae . . . (addressed to Archduke Mathias of Austria), 1580 (cp011131).
- Geerts, Apophoreta sive strenae . . . (addressed to the Prince of Orange), 1580 (cp010140).
- Gregorius XIII, Indulgence envoyée de Rome pour Don Ioan d’Austrice, 1578 (cp010238).
- Harlemius, Index biblicus, [1569] (cp011007).
- Harlemius, Index biblicus, s.d. (cp010583).
- Heyns, Feest-dicht voor Gilis Hooftman, [1581] (cp013276).
- Holland (States of), [Announcement], 1583 (cp010142).
- Hunaeus, Brevissimus catechismus catholicus, [1585] (cp010607).
- Index librorum, [1571] (cp011072).
- Jessée, Anvers, à Monseigneur, 1582 (cp012365).
- Jessée, Elégie sur la mort de Madame la Princesse d’Orange, [1582] (cp012817).
- Jessée, La Flandre à Monseigneur, 1582 (cp010445).
- Lumnius, De extremo Dei iudicio et Indorum vocatione libri II. Antwerp, A. Tilenius, 1567 (cp011357).
- Malines (City), [Announcements], s.d. (cp010347, cp011418, cp011850).
- Mathias, Archduke of Austria, [Circular letter], s.d. (cp010418).
- Mathias, Archduke of Austria, [Ordinances], 1580-1581 (cp013383, cp012279, cp013083, cp013048, cp013208).
- Missae sanctorum, [1585] (cp013064).
- Navières, Harangue militaire au nom du Pays-bas, [1578-1579] (cp011745).
- Niclaes, Den spigel der gerechticheit . . . , [1556] (cp011799).
- Niclaes, Den spegel der gherechticheit . . . , [c. 1562] (cp011794).
- Niclaes, Evangelium offte eine frölicke bodeschop des rycke Godes unde Christi . . . , [1555-1562] (cp013043).
- Niclaes, De wet offte de vornömpste geboden Godes unde de twelf vornömpste hovet-artyckelen des Christen-geloves . . . , [1555-1562] (cp011788).
- Niclaes, Prophetie des geistes der lieften . . . , [1555-1562] (cp012085).
- Niclaes, Eine roepende-stemme des geistes der lieften . . . [letter no. 1], [1555-1562] (cp011125).
- Niclaes, Eine upweckinge des herten to de navolginge Christi in dem lyden synes crützes . . . [letter no. 5], [1555-1562] (cp010039).
- Niclaes, Grundige berichtinghen unde underscheit der vorstandenissen na de wärheit der hilliger schrifturen . . . [letter no. 6], [1555-1562] (cp012171).
- Niclaes, Ein kostelicke klinnode der suverlicker berichtingen unde lieflicker vormaningen . . . [letter no. 10], [1555-1562] (cp011027).
- Niclaes, Einen brieff gesehreven unde gesendt an einen liefhebber der wärheit die thovören ein lasterer des denstes der lieften gewest . . . [letter no. 13], [1555-1562] (cp011276).
- Niclaes, Ein korte vormaninge geschreven unde ghesendt an einen jüngher offte discipel in de liefte . . . [letter no. 14], [1555-1562] (cp010769).
- Niclaes, Ein hertelicke vormaninge an alle liefhebberen der wärheit unde an alle die sick under de gehorsamheit der lieften bügen . . . [letter no. 15], [1555-1562] (cp010234).
- Niclaes, Ein underwysende vormaninge an de goedtwilligen . . . [letter no. 16], [1555-1562] (cp010613).
- Niclaes, Van des minschen heerlickheit im anvangk: van synem affal, dodt unde vordömenisse . . . [letter no. 17] , [1555-1562] (cp013112).
- Niclaes, Ein klachreden, die de geist der lieften unde H.N. mith sampt Abia, Joacim . . . over de blindtheit der volckeren klagende . . . , [1555-1560] (cp010824).
- Niclaes, Vorkündinghe van dem vrede up erden . . . , [1555-1560] (cp010771).
- Niclaes, Nu geit idt gerichte over de werlt . . . , [1555-1562] (no. 1746 bis).
- Nostradamus, Le vray et parfait embellissement de la face et conservation du corps, [1557] (cp012182).
- Pamphlets: Copie de la lettre escripte par le seigneur de Brederode. Brussels, M. de Hamont, 1567 (cp012988).
- Pamphlets: Advertissement à ceulx du Pays Bas, 1579 (cp011909).
- Pamphlets: Lettres interceptés de quelques patriots masqués. Afgheworpene brieven van sommighe vermommede ende valsche patriotten, 1580 (cp010839).
- Pamphlets: Afgheworpene brieven van sommighe vermommede ende valsche patriotten, 1580 (cp011435).
- Pamphlets: Discours sur la blessure de monseigneur le Prince d’Orange, 1582 (cp012081).
- Pamphlets: Verhael op de quetsure van mijn heer den Prince van Oragnien, 1582 (cp010287).
- Pamphlets: Copye van eenen brief geschreven wt Brugghe aen eenen goeden patriot tot Antwerpen, [1582] (cp011626).
- Pamphlets: Première apologie pour Monseigneur et les Estats des Pays-Bas, 1582 (cp012076).
- Pamphlets: Waerschouwinghe aen alle goede inghesetenen vanden Nederlanden . . . , 1583 (cp011139).
- Pamphlets: Advertence à tous les inhabitans des Provinces du Pays Bas, 1583 (cp011264).
- Pamphlets: Discours du meurdre commis en la personne du trèsillustre Prince d’Orange. [Leiden], 1584 (no. 1938 bis).
- Pamphlets: Cort verhael vande moort, ghedaen aen den persoone vanden seer doorluchtighen Prince van Orangien. [Leiden], 1584 (no. 1938 ter).
- Philip II, [Announcement], s.d. (cp011754).
- Philip II, [Letters of patent], 1586-1589 (cp010357-cp012788).
- Philip II, [Ordinances], 1571-1588(cp011926, cp010704, cp013154, cp013232, cp012680, cp012705, cp011042).
- Philip II, [Form], 1574 (cp010665).
- Plantin, [Poem], [1579] (cp011389).
- Plantin, Souhait, [1578-1579] (cp011294).
- Plantin, Le bonheur de ce monde, s.d. (cp012019).
- Raphelengius, [Latin poems on political topics], [1582] (cp012589).
- Requesens, [Decrees], 1574 (cp010528, cp011029, cp011425).
- Reynaert de Vos. Antwerp. P. Keerberghen, 1564 (cp012195).
- Ronsard, Les amours. Rouen, N. le Rous, 1557 (cp012293).
- Ronsard, Les amours. Basel, A. Godinet, 1557 (cp010016).
- Ruygh-bewerp vande redenkaveling: Tafel voordraghende aller dingen opperste geslacht ende maagschap. Leiden, 1585 (cp012355).
- Sanderus, De visibili monarchia ecclesiae libri VIII. Paris, M. Sonnius, 1580 (no. 2181).
- Sonnius, [Decreta], [1571] (cp012875).
- Sonnius, Venerande domine pastor . . . , [1576] (cp012766).
- States-General, [Announcement], 1584 (cp010365).
- States-General, [Circular letter], 1578 (cp013173).
- States-General, [Form], s.d. (cp012867).
- States-General, Instructie van tgene dat die . . . collecteurs ende contrerolleurs . . . sullen moeten onderhouden . . . , [1580] (cp010754).
- States-General, [Ordinances], 1581-1583 (cp010976, cp011814, cp011664, cp010395, cp010801, cp012763, cp012158).
2. Editions with false imprints
Remark: Including the editions for which Plantin used the names of relatives and employees.
- Barlaeus, Nummi aliquot aenei . . . paraphrasticos explanati. Antwerp, Andreas Sporus, 1581 (cp012518).
- Barlaeus, Nummi aliquot aenei . . . paraphrasticos explanati. Antwerp, Andreas Sporus, 1581 (cp010636).
- Barrefelt, Imagines et figurae Bibliorum. Images et figures de la Bible. Beelden ende figuren wt den Bybel. Exprimebat lacobus Villanus. In lucem editae à Renato Christiano, [1584] (cp011924).
- Firmanus, Opuscula pia. Antwerp, Nicolaus Almosinus, 1580 (cp010742).
- Pamphlets: Lettres interceptés de quelques patriots masqués. Afgheworpene brieven van sommighe vermommede ende valsche patriotten. Antwerp, G. Rivière, 1580 (cp011009).
- Pamphlets: Afgheworpene brieven van sommighe vermommede ende valsche patriotten. Antwerp, G. Rivière, 1580 (cp013102).
- Pamphlets: Diverses lettres interceptés du cardinal de Granvelle . . . : item, deux du président Fonck. Antwerp, F. de Ravelenghien, 1580 (cp012147).
- Pamphlets: Afgheworpene brieven vanden cardinael van Granvelle ende vanden president Fonck . . . . Antwerp, F. van Ravelenghien, 1580 (cp010957).
- Pamphlets: Responces de messire Iehan Sceyfve . . . sur certaines lettres du cardinal de Granvelle. Antwerp, C. de Bruyn, 1580 (cp011667).
- Pamphlets: Emanuel-Erneste. Antwerp, N. Spore, 1580 (cp010535).
3. The Leiden Press. A. 1583-1585
Remark: Of the editions issued by Plantin at Leiden in 1583-1585 a large number received two different title-pages: one showing Plantin’s Leiden imprint, the other his Antwerp address. These editions are marked by an ⁕. Not marked by an ⁕: these publications of which only a Leiden imprint is known.
- ⁕ Alciatus, Emblemata, 1584 (no. 32).
- Antonio of Portugal, Explanatio veri ac legitimi iuris, quo serenissimus Lusitaniae rex Antonius . . . ad bellum Philippo regi Castellae pro regni recuperatione referendum, 1585 (cp010311).
- Antonio of Portugal, Iustification du sérénissime Don Antonio roí de Portugal . . . touchant la guerre qu’ilfaict á Philippe roi de Castille . . . , 1585 (cp011467).
- Barlandus, Hollandiae comitum historia et icones. Item Ultraiectensium episcoporum catalogus et res gestae, 1584 (cp011470).
- Baudius, De verborum obligationibus, 1585 (cp012164).
- Begrip: Kort begrip des redenkavelings, 1585 (cp010719).
- Blyenburgius, Theses ad disputandum propositae de iure emphyteutico, 1585 (cp012675).
- Boethius, Vande vertroosting der wysheyd. 1585 (cp012034).
- ⁕ Bosius, Animadversiones in epistolas M. T. Ciceronis ad T. Pomponium Atticum, 1585 (no. 742).
- ⁕ Bruele, Praxis medicinae theorica et empirica familiarissima, 1585 (no. 839).
- Brunsema, Disputatio ex L. unica C. de sententiis . . . , 1585 (cp010058).
- ⁕ Callimachus, Hymmi, epigrammata et fragmenta; Moschus-Bio, Idyllia, 1584 (no. 870).
- Caucius, Syntaxis, 1585 (cp011762).
- Cicero, Orationum [volumina III], 1584-1585. Printed at Leiden: the 3 volumes or vols. 2-3? (cp012520).
- Cicero, Consolatio, liber quo se ipsum de filiae morte consolatus est . . . De quo iudicium Iusti Lipsii subiunctum, 1584 (cp010648).
- Dedekindus, Proverbiorum Solomonis . . . liber carmine elegiaco redditus, 1584 (cp011256).
- Dodonaeus, Epistola ad amicum, 1583-1584 (cp012692).
- Dodonaeus, Medicinalium observationum exempla rara, 1585 (cp010815).
- Dodonaeus, De sphaera sive de astronomiae et geographiae principiis cosmographica isagoge, 1584 (no. 1100).
- Donellus, Commentarius ad titulum Digestorum, de rebus dubiis, 1584 (no. 1104).
- Donellus, Commentarius ad titulum Institutionum, de actionibus, 1584 (no. 1105).
- Dousa, Epodon ex puris iambis libri II, 1584 (no. 1109).
- Epictetus, Enchiridion, Cebes, Tabula, 1585 (no. 1124).
- Esychius, Iusta reverendo viro D.M. Iohanni Molano rectori Bremensis scholae celeberrimo . . . , [1583] (Add. no. 1141 bis).
- Faernus, Centum fabulae ex antiquis auctoribus delectae et . . . carminibus explicatae, 1585 (cp012360).
- Florus, Rerum a Romanis gestarum libri IIII, 1584 (no. 1181).
- Forestus, Observationum et curationum medicinalium de febribus ephemeris et continuis libri duo, 1584 (no. 1188).
- Fruterius, Librorum qui recuperari potuerunt reliquiae, 1584 (no. 1219).
- Fungerus, Nova proverbiorum farrago tam ex Graecis quam Latinis auctoribus collecta, 1585 (cp011792).
- Fungerus, De puerorum disciplina et recta educatione liber. 1584 (no. 1225).
- Fungerus, Sylva carminum, 1585 (no. 1227).
- Furmerius, Recht ghebruyck ende misbruyck van tydlycke have, 1585 (cp010861).
- Gruterus, Theses disputationis ergo propositae; de condictione indebiti, 1584 (cp013401).
- Hayen, Amstelredamsche zee-caerten, 1585 (cp010115).
- Hogerbecius, Theses de pignoribus et hypothecis, 1584 (cp010978).
- Homeros, Iliados liber V, 1585 (only copies known with Antwerp imprint) (cp010174).
- Junius, Emblemata, 1585 (cp012140).
- Junius, Nomenclator omnium rerum propria nomina duabus linguis explicata indicans, 1585 (no. 1492).
- Juvenalis, Satyrarum libri V; Persius, Satyrarum liber I, 1585 (only copies known with Antwerp-imprint) (cp013125).
- Lipsius, De amphitheatro liber, 1584 (no. 1530).
- ⁕ Lipsius, De amphitheatris quae extra Romam libellus, 1584 (no. 1531).
- ⁕ Lipsius, De amphitheatro liber, 1585 (no. 1532).
- ⁕ Lipsius, De constantia libri duo, 1584 (no. 1535).
- ⁕ Lipsius, De constantia libri duo, 1585 (no. 1535 bis).
- ⁕ Lipsius, Twee boecken vande stantvasticheyt, 1584 (no. 1538).
- ⁕ Lipsius, Deux livres de la constance, 1584 (no. 1539).
- ⁕ Lipsius, Electorum liber primus, 1585 (no. 1541).
- ⁕ Lipsius, Electorum liber secundus, 1585 (no. 1542).
- ⁕ Lipsius, Antiquarum lectionum commentarius, 1585 (no. 1546).
- ⁕ Lipsius, Variarum lectionum libri III, 1585 (no. 1548).
- ⁕ Lipsius, Opera omnia quae ad criticam proprie spectant, 1585 (no. 1550).
- ⁕ Lipsius, Epistolicarum quaestionum libri V, 1585 (no. 1555).
- ⁕ Lipsius, Saturnalium sermonum libri duo, qui de gladiatoribus, 1585 (no. 1557).
- ⁕ Lipsius, Satyra Menippaea, 1585 (no. 1560).
- ⁕ Lipsius, Ad Annales C. Taciti liber commentarius, 1585 (no. 1562).
- ⁕ Lipsius, Ad libros Historiarum [Taciti] notae. 1585 (no. 1563).
- Lithocomus, Grammatica Latina, 1584 (cp010537).
- Martinius, Grammaticae Hebraeae libri duo, 1585 (cp013244).
- ⁕ Moschus-Bion, Idyllia, 1584 (no. 1721).
- Pamphlets: Discours du meurdre commis en la personne du trè sillustre Prince d’Orange, 1584 (no. 1938 bis).
- Pamphlets: Cort verhael vande moort, ghedaen aen den persoone vanden seer doorluchtighen Prince van Orangien, 1584 (no. 1938 ter).
- Pamphlets: Sent-brief vande Generale Staeten . . . aen . . . den Prince van Chimay, gouverneur van Vlaenderen . . . , 1584 (cp012683).
- Ramus, Arithmeticae libri duo, 1584 (cp011493).
- Ramus, Grammatica, 1584 (cp010076).
- Ramus, Rudimenta grammaticae Latinae, 1584 (cp010172).
- Richaeus de Postella, Disputatio de consensu in nuptiis . . . , 1584 (cp012357).
- Rosendalius, Theses de eo quod certo loco dari oportet, 1584 (cp013022).
- Ruygh-bewerp van de redenkaveling ofte Nederduytsche dialectike, 1585 (cp012356).
- Ruygh-bewerp: Alghemene tafel . . . van dialectika of redenkaveling, 1585 (cp012611).
- Ruygh-bewerp: Tafel voordraghende aller dingen opperste geslacht ende maagschap, 1585 (cp012355).
- ⁕ Sambucus, Emblemata et aliquot nummi antiqui operis, 1584 (no. 2172).
- ⁕ Severianus, Syntomata rhetorices, 1584 (no. 2206).
- ⁕ Stadius, In L. Iuli Flori historiarum libros IIII commentarii, 1584 (no. 2227).
- ⁕ Stanihurstus, De rebus in Hibernia gestis libri quatuor, 1584 (no. 2228).
- Stevin, L’arithmétique, 1585 (cp012156).
- Stevin, La pratique d’arithmétique, 1585 (cp010292).
- Stevin, De thiende, 1585 (cp011818).
- Stevin, Dialectike ofte bewysconst leerende van alien saecken recht ende constelick oirdeelen, 1585 (cp010511).
- ⁕ Stewechius, Commentarius ad Flavi Vegeti Renati libros, 1585 (no. 2261).
- Stormius, Theses de compensationibus, 1585 (cp013175).
- ⁕ Tacitus, Opera, 1585 (no. 2279).
- Twe-spraack vande Nederduitsche letterkunst, 1584 (cp010741).
- ⁕ Valerius Maximus, Dictorum factorumque memorabilium libri IX, 1585 (no. 2412).
- ⁕ Vegetius a.o.,De re militari libri quatuor, 1585 (no. 2419).
- ⁕ Vida, Opera, 1585 (no. 2439).
- Vulcanius, Ode gratulatoria, 1584 (cp011171).
- Vulcanius-Duyck, Ad in augurationem doctoratus . . . ode, 1584 (cp011711).
- Waghenaer, Teerste deel vande Spieghel der Zeevaerdt, 1584 (cp010467, cp011985, cp012853, cp012197, cp013343).
- Waghenaer, Teerste deel vande Spieghel der Zeevaerdt, 1585 (cp013132-cp010516).
- Waghenaer, Het tweede deel vanden Spieghelder Zeevaert, 1585 (cp012159, cp010387, cp011462).
- Wiltius, Theses de solutionibus et liberationibus, 1584 (cp012372).
3. The Leiden Press. B. 1586-1589
Remarks: 1- Editions printed by the Officina Plantiniana Francisci Raphelengii in Leiden of which a number of copies received a title-page with Plantin’s Antwerp imprint. -2- One special case: cp011959.
- Aesopus, Fabellae aliquot Aesopicae, in usum puerorum selectae, 1586 (cp011884).
- Apollonius, Excidii lerosolymitani libri IIII, 1586 (cp013104).
- Aristoteles, Liber de mundo, 1587 (cp013289).
- Aurelius, Batavia, sive de antiquo veroque eius insulae quam Rhenus in Hollandia facit situ, descriptione et laudibus, 1586 (cp010705).
- Bruele, Praxis medicinae, 1589 (cp010663).
- Caesar, Commentarii, 1586 (cp011662).
- Catullus a.o., [Opera], 1587 (cp010439).
- Cicero, De officiis libri III; Cato Maior vel de senectute; Laelius vel de amicitia; Paradoxa stoicorum sex; Somnium Scipionis ex libro sexto de Republica, 1586 (cp011382).
- Donellus, Commentarii ad Codicis Iustiniani partes diversas, 1587 (cp010373).
- Forestus, Observationum et curationum medicinalium libri tres, 1586 (cp011533).
- Fungerus, De disciplina puerorum et recta educatione, 1587 (cp011395).
- Homerus, Iliados liber VI, 1587 (cp010651).
- Horatius, Opera omnia, 1586 (cp010943).
- Hotomannus, Πωγωνιαεsive de barba dialogus, 1586 (cp012659).
- Lipsius, De amphitheatro liber, 1589 (cp013354).
- Lipsius, Animadversiones in tragoedias quae L. Annaeo Senecae tribuuntur, 1588 (cp011530).
- Lipsius, De constantia libri duo, 1586 (cp011908).
- Lipsius, De constantia libri duo, 1589 (cp011931).
- Lipsius, Epistolarum selectarum centuria prima, 1586 (cp011996).
- Lipsius, Epistolarum selectarum centuria prima, 1586 (cp011484).
- Lipsius, Politicorum sive civilis doctrinae libri sex, 1589 (cp010599).
- Lipsius, Politicorum sive civilis doctrinae libri sex, 1589 (cp013522).
- Lipsius, De recta pronunciatione Latinae linguae dialogus, 1586 (cp011122).
- Lipsius, Saturnalium sermonum libri duo, 1588 (cp010552).
- Lipsius, Ad C. Cornelium Tacitum curae secundae, 1588 (cp010132).
- Lipsius, Ad Annales C. Taciti liber commentarius, 1589 (cp012533).
- Lipsius, Ad libros Historiarum [Taciti] notae, 1589 (cp012720).
- Livius, Historiarum decadis tertiae . . . liber primus, 1589 (cp012408).
- Lucanus, De bello civili vel Pharsaliae libri X, 1589 (cp012314).
- Lucretius, De rerum natura libri sex, 1589 (cp011277).
- Muretus, Variarum lectionum libri XV, 1586 (cp010064).
- Ovidius, Fastorum libri VI . . . , 1589 (cp012660).
- Pagninus, Epitome thesauri linguae sanctae, 1588 (cp011915).
- Sallustius, Opera, 1587 (cp011534).
- Schottus, Laudatio funebris V. Cl. Ant. Augustini, archiepiscopi Tarraconensis, 1586 (‘Ex officina Plantiniana’, without the city of publication being given) (cp011959).
- Tacitus, Opera, 1588 (cp012306).
- Tacitus, Opera, 1589 (cp010431).
- Terentius, Comoediae sex, 1588 (cp011817).
- Valerius, Grammaticarum institutionum libri IIII, 1586 (cp012758).
- Virgilius, Opera, 1586 (cp012628).
- Virgilius, Opera, 1589 (cp010495).
4. Editions with the imprint of Plantin’s bookshop in Paris
Remark: Of some editions issued in 1567-68 a number of copies received a title-page with the address of Plantin’s newly opened bookshop in Paris.
- Aesopus, Aesopi Phrygis fabulae Graece et Latine, cum aliis quibusdam opusculis, 1567 (no. 15).
- Eunapius, De vitis philosophorum et sophistarum, 1568 (no. 1143).
- Hunaeus, Dialectica, seu generalia logices praecepta omnia, 1568 (no. 1420).
- Junius, Nomenclator omnium rerum propria nomina variis linguis explicata indicans, 1567 (no. 1488).
- Savonne, Instruction et manière de tenir livres de raison ou de comptes par parties doubles, 1567 (no. 2183).
5. Co-editions
Remark: As shown by the data in the editions themselves; these data being essentially: a) either the names of the co-publishers mentioned on the title-page; b) or the existence of editions of which a number of copies have on the title-page the imprint of Plantin, another number this of the co-publisher(s) (these editions marked by an ⁕). Cf. also 6 (Editions printed for colleagues).
A. Co-editions by several publishers
- ⁕ Commines, Historie van coninck Lodovick van Vranckrijck den elf sten dies naems ende van hertogh Carle van Borgondien, 1578 (Plantin; F. Raphelengius; J. Moretus) (cp010690).
- Corpus iuris canonici, in folio, in 3 vols., 1573 (Plantin; haeredes I. Steelsii; Philippus Nutius) (cp011340).
- ⁕ Dictionarium tetraglotton, 1562 (Plantin; Plantin and A. Birckmannus; J. Steelsius; G. Silvius; Louvain, J. Bogardus) (no. 1082).
B. Co-editions by Plantin and one other colleague
a. Antwerp
1. J. Bellerus (Bellere).
- ⁕ Alvarez, Historíale description de l’Ethiopie, 1558 (no. 53).
- ⁕ Bruto, La institutione di una fanciulla nata nobilmente. L’institution d’une fille de noble maison, 1555 (no. 842) [N.B.: in fact an edition printed by Plantin for his colleague (category 6) but of which a presentation-copy showing Plantin’s imprint was especially arranged by the typographer].
- ⁕ Leon l’Africain, Historíale description de l’Afrique, tierce partie du monde, 1556 (no. 1517).
2. Ph. Nutius (Nuyts).
- ⁕ Bible [in Dutch], in folio, 1566 (no. 709).
- ⁕ Corpus iuris civilis, series A in 6 vols., 1575 (cp010687).
3. G. van Parijs.
- Philip II, Ordonnantie provisionnael . . . opt stuck ende tolerantie vanden prijs ende loop vande gouden ende silveren munte . . . , 1575 (pr. G. van den Rade) (cp011326).
- Philip II, Ordonnantie provisionnael . . . op tstuck ende tolerantie vanden prijs ende loop vande gouden ende silveren munte . . . , 1575 (pr. G. van den Rade) (cp011374).
- Philip II, Ordonnance provisionelle . . . sur le faict et tollerance du pris et cours des monnoyes d’or et d’argent, 1575 (pr. G. van den Rade) (cp011208).
- Philip II, Donghevalueerde gouden ende silveren munte van diveersche coninckrijcken, hertoochdommen, graefschappen, heerlijcheden, landen ende Steden . . . , 1575 (pr. G. van den Rade) (cp010559).
- Philip II, Ordonnantie provisionnel . . . opt stuck ende tolerantie vanden prijs ende loop vande gouden ende silveren munte . . . , 1576 (pr. G. van den Rade) (cp012307).
- Philip II, Placcaet . . . op tstuck ende tollerancie vanden prijs ende loop vande goude ende silvere munte . . . , 1577 (cp010378).
- Philip II, Placcart . . . sur le faict et tollerance du pris et cours de la monnoye d’or et d’argent . . . , 1577 (cp012083).
4. G. Silvius.
- ⁕ Floccus, De potestatibus Romanorun libri II, 1561 (no. 1178).
- ⁕ Lommius, Medicinalium observationum libri tres, 1560 (no. 1581).
- ⁕ Raevardus, I.C. Tribonianus, sive de veris usucapionum differentiisadversus Tribonianum liber singularis, 1561 (no. 2117).
- ⁕ Sylvius, De morbi articularii curatione tractatus quatuor, 1565 (no. 2270).
- ⁕ Valerius, Grammaticarum institutionum libri IIII, 1562 (no. 2375).
- ⁕ Valerius, De sphaera et primis astronomiae rudimentis libellus, 1561 (no. 2402).
5. G. Spelman.
- ⁕ Ariosto, Le premier volume de Roland furieux, 1555 (cp011084).
6. J. Steelsius (or vidua et haeredesJ. Steelsii).
- ⁕ Bellonius Cenomanus, Les observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses mémorables, trouvées en Gréce, Asie, Iudée, Egypte, Arabie, et autres pays estranges, rédigées en trois livres . . . , 1555 (no. 637).
- ⁕ Bible [in Latin], in 8°, 1559 (no. 679).
- ⁕ Kilianus, Dictionarium Teutonico-Latinum, 1574 (pr. G. Smits) (no. 1499).
- ⁕ Vida, Opera, 1558 (no. 2436).
7. A. Tilenius.
- Luytenius, Enarrationes Evangeliorum dominicalium, 1565 (cp010854).
- Luytenius, De nativitate Domini Nostri lesu Christi . . . explicatio, 1565 (cp012774).
- ⁕ Topiarius, Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas quae dominicis diebus populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1566 (pubi. M. Sonnius, Paris) (no. 2322).
- ⁕ Topiarius, Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas quae dominicis diebus populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1568 (no. 2323).
- ⁕ Topiarius, Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas quae dominicis diebus populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1569 (no. 2324).
- ⁕ Topiarius, Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas totius anni quae festis diebus populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1566 (no. 2326).
- ⁕ Topiarius, Conciones in Evangelia et Epistola quae festis totius anni diebus populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1567 (cp012056).
- ⁕ Topiarius, Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas quae festis totius anni diebus populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1568 (no. 2328).
- ⁕ Topiarius, Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas quae festis totius anni diebus populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1569 (no. 2329).
- ⁕ Topiarius, Conciones in Epistolas et Evangelia quae per sacram quadragesimam populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1566 (publ. M. Sonnius, Paris) (cp012206).
- ⁕ Topiarius, Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas quae per sacram quadragesimam populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1567 (publ. M. Sonnius, Paris) (cp012087).
- ⁕ Topiarius, Conciones in Epistolas et Evangelia quae per sacram quadragesimam populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1568 (no. 2333).
- ⁕ Topiarius, Conciones in Epistolas et Evangelia quae per sacram quadragesimam populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1573 (no. 2334).
8. J. van Waesberghen.
- ⁕ Amadis de Gaule, 1561 (no. 54).
9. J. Withagen.
- ⁕ Apianus, Cosmographia, 1574 (cp011050).
b. Cologne
10. M. Cholinus.
- ⁕ Canisius, Summa doctrinae Christianae per quaestiones luculenter conscripta, 1566 (no. 897) (N.B.: a title-page with the imprint of Plantin and a title-page with the imprint of both Plantin and Cholinus).
- Cyrillus, Catecheses illuminatorum Hierosolymis XVIII et V Mystagogicae, 1564 (cp010094).
c. Enghien
11. J. de Hertoghe.
- Guerin, Traicté trèsexcellent contenant la vraye nature d’estre préservé de peste en temps dangereux, 1567 (cp012870).
d. Ghent
12. J. Vivarius.
- ⁕ Cornhuysius, Digestorum seu pandectarum iuris civilis, partitio et methodus, 1565 (no. 1029).
e. Paris
13. A. L’Angelier (Langelier).
- Corrozet, Les divers propos mémorables des nobles et illustres hommes de la chrestienté, 1557 (no. 1037).
14. M. le Jeune.
- ⁕ Alexis Piemontois, Les secrets, 1559 (no. 34).
- ⁕ Alexis Piemontois, Les secrets, 1561 (no. 35).
- ⁕ Alexis Piemontois, Les secrets, 1564 (no. 36).
- ⁕ Boccacio, Le Decameron, 1559 (no. 735).
- ⁕ Olaus Magnus, Histoire des pays septentrionaus, 1561 (no. 1812).
15. M. Sonnius.
- Tertullianus, Opera, 1584 (cp011441).
- ⁕ Villavicentius, De oeconomia sacra circa pauperum curam a Christo instituta, apostolis tradita, et in universa ecclesia . . . observata . . . libri tres, 1564 (no. 2441).
6. Editions printed for colleagues
Remark: The distinction between co-editions and editions printed for colleagues is often difficult to make.
a. Antwerp
1. Ph. Galle.
- Arias Montanus, David, hoc est virtutis exercitatissimae probatum Deo spectaculum, 1575 (cp010904).
- Canisius, Institutiones christianae, seu parvus catechismus catholicorum, 1589 (cp013510).
- Freitagius, Mythologia ethica, hoc est moralis philosophiae per fabulas brutis attributas traditae amoenissimum viridarium, 1579 (cp011653).
- Freitagius, Divinarum nuptiarum conventa et acta, 1580 (cp013165).
- Galle, Een cort verhael van de gedincweerdichste saken . . . in de XVII Provincien vande Nederlanden . . . sedert . . . MDLVI totten iare MDLXXIX, 1579 (cp010457).
- Galle, Sommaire annotation des choses plus mémorables advenues . . . és XVII provinces du Pais Bas dés l’an LXVI iusques au premier iour de l’an LXXIX, 1579 (cp011095).
- Ortelius, Epitome theatri orbis terrarum [Dutch edition], 1577 (cp010818).
- Ortelius, Epitome theatri orbis terrarum [French edition], 1579 (cp011103).
- Ortelius, Epitome theatri orbis terrarum [Dutch edition], 1583 (cp012472).
- Ortelius, Epitome theatri orbis terrarum [French edition], 1583 (cp010225).
- Ortelius, Epitome theatri orbis terrarum [Latin edition], 1585 (cp010336).
- Ortelius, Epitome theatri orbis terrarum [French edition], 1588 (cp013532).
- Ortelius, Epitome theatri orbis terrarum [Latin edition], 1589 (cp011167).
- Romanus, Institutiones christianae seu parvus catechismus catholicorum, 1589 (cp010913).
- Vosmerus, Principes Hollandiae et Zelandiae, domini Frisiae, 1578 (cp011070).
- Vosmerus, Les vies et alliances des comtes de Hollande et Zélande, seigneurs de Frise, 1583 (cp013493).
- Vosmerus, Les vies et alliances des comtes de Hollande et Zélande, seigneurs de Frise, 1586 (cp011001).
2. G. de Jode.
- Moermannus, Apologi creaturarum, [1584] (cp013340).
- Moermannus, Apologi creaturarum, s.d. (no. 1706 bis).
3. P. van Keerberghen. Bible: Testamenten der XII patriarchen, [1561?] (cp011202).
- Bible: Testamenten der XII patriarchen, 1564 (cp010551).
- Bible: Testamenten der XII patriarchen, 1566 (cp013246).
- Reynaert de Vos, 1564 (cp012195).
4. Ph. Nutius.
- Forerius, Iesaiae prophetae vetus et nova ex Hebraico versio, cum commentario, 1565 (cp010910).
- Forerius, Iesaiae prophetae vetus et nova ex Hebraico versio, cum commentario, 1566 (cp011463).
- Forerius, Iesaiae prophetae vetus et nova ex Hebraico versio, cum commentario, 1567 (cp011960).
5. Fr. Raphelengius (see also 2 [False imprints], cp012147 and cp010957).
- Casas, Tyrannies et cruautez des Espagnols perpétrées ès Indes Occidentales, 1579 (cp012278).
- Marconville, Van het gheluck ende ongheluck des houwelicks, 1578 (cp012584).
- Marconville, Der vrouwen lof ende lasteringe, 1578 (cp010100).
- Portantius, Beschrijvinghe der nieuwer cometen, [1577] (cp011496).
- Psalmi: Septem Psalmi poenitentiales, 1580 (cp010354).
- Refereynen: Diversche refereynen ende liedekens wt Holland ende Zeelant, 1582 (cp010955).
6. G. Silvius.
- Ayala, Carmen pro vera medicina; de lue pestilenti elegiarum liber unus, 1562 (= 1561) (cp011119).
- Ayala, Popularia epigrammata medica, 1562 (= 1561) (cp013024).
- Houwaert, Milenus clachte, 1577-1578 (no. 1408 A: Antwerp imprint; no. 1408 B: Leiden imprint).
- Hymni et prosae ecclesiasticae, 1562 (cp011057).
7. G. Simon.
- Lemmius, Occulta naturae miracula, 1567 (cp010502).
8. J. Steelsius.
- Fontaine, Histoire catholique de nostre temps, 1558 (cp012902).
- Fumus, Summa sive aurea armilla, 1561 (cp010703).
- Meyerus, Comites Flandriae sive epitome rerum Flandricarum ex Annalibus Iacobi Meyeri, 1556 (cp011055).
9. A. Tilenius.
- Lumnius, De extremo Dei iudicio et Indorum vocatione libri II, 1567 (cp011357).
- Luytenius, De missione Spiritus Sancti libellus, 1565 (cp010732).
- Verepaeus, Grammatices Latinae, 1568 (Add. no. 2427 bis).
10. E.Ph. Trognesius.
- Duval, Den spieghel der calvinisten, 1567 (cp011089).
- Porthaesius, Chrestienne déclaration de l’église et de l’eucharistie en forme de response au livre nommé La cheute et ruine de l’église romaine, 1567 (cp012526).
11. J. van Waesberghe(n).
- Histoire: L’histoire palladienne, 1562 (cp010885).
- Sentences: Les sentences, conseil et bons enseignemens des sept saiges de Grèce; De sententien, raet ende goede leeringhen der seven wijsen van Griecken . . . , 1562 (cp011011).
b. Arras
12. J. Bourgeois.
- Artois (County), Les coustumes générales du conté d’Artois. 1566 (cp013151).
c. Basel
13. A. Godinet.
- Ronsard, Les amours, 1557 (cp010016).
d. Brussels
14. M. de Hamont.
- Pamphlets: Copie de la lettre escripte par le seigneur de Brederode, 1567 (cp012988).
e. Cologne
15. M. Cholinus. Breviarium O.S. Benedicti per Germaniam, 1561 (cp010948).
f. Delft
16. S. Pauli.
- Opmeer, Officium missae apud ecclesiam tempore conciliorum generalium in usu fuisse historica assertio, 1570 (cp012987).
g. Douai
17. J. Boschart. Instruction et exercices à vraye piété, 1569 (cp012801).
h. Lisbon
18. J. ab Hispania (de Molina).
- Horae Beatissimae Virginis Mariae ad usum Romanum, in 24mo, 1568 (cp012028, cp012095, cp010575, cp013277, cp010622).
i. Mons
19. A. Pissard. Grammaire françoise, 1567 (cp010501).
j. Paris
20. M. Sonnius.
- Sanderus, De visibili monarchia ecclesiae libri VIII, 1580 (no. 2181).
k. Rouen
21. N. le Rous.
- Ronsard, Les amours, 1557 (cp012293).
7. Editions printed for authors
Remark: Have only been retained the publications in which it has been clearly noted in one way or another. In fact, Plantin has printed many more editions at the expenses of the authors.
a. Garibay y Zamalloa
- Los XI libros d’el compendio historial de las chronicas y universal historia de todos los reynos de España, 1571 (cp012590).
b. Hayen
- Amstelredamsche zee-caerten, 1585 (cp010115).
c. Ortelius
- Theatrum orbis terrarum, 1579 (cp010438).
- Theatrum oder Schawbüch des Erdtkreijs, 1580 (cp011882).
- Théatre de l’univers, 1581 (cp012424).
- Theatrum orbis terrarum, 1584 (cp012339).
- Théatre de l’univers, 1587 (cp010405).
- Additamentum II, 1579 (cp012852).
- Additamentum II, 1580 (cp010217).
- Additamentum III, 1584 (cp011478).
- Das dritte Zusatz, 1584 (cp013241).
- Augmentation III, 1585 (cp012562).
d. Perret, Clemens
- Exercitatio alphabetica nova et utilissima, 1569 (no. 1961).
e. Perret, Etienne
- XXV fables des animaux, 1578 (cp010345).
f. Waghenaer
- Teerste deel vande Spieghel der Zeevaerdt, 1584 (cp010467, cp011985, cp012853, cp012197, cp013343).
- Teerste deel vande Spieghel der Zeevaerdt, 1585 (cp013132-cp010516).
- Het tweede deel vanden Spieghel der Zeevaert, 1585 (cp012159, cp010387, cp011462).
8. Editions printed for Plantin
a. Antwerp
1. H. Al sens.
- Breviarium Romanum, in 8°, 1570 (cp013149).
- Breviarium Romanum, in 8°, 1571 (cp010934).
- Breviarium Romanum, in 8°, 1572 [Alsens and others] (cp012666).
- Breviarium Romanum, in 8°, 1572 [Alsens and others] (cp011948).
- Canones: Sacrosancti et oecumenici concilii Tridentini . . . canones et decreta, 1571 (cp010600).
- Grévin, De venenis libri duo, 1571 (cp012397).
- Horae Beatissimae Virginis Mariae ad usum Romanum, in 24mo, 1568 (cp013302).
- Lumnius, Van dleven der christelijcker maechden, 1571 (cp010897).
- Officium diurnum, in 16mo, 1571 (cp011560).
- Officium diurnum, in 24mo, 1571 (cp010907) (?).
- Officium diurnum, in 24mo, 1572 (cp013494) (?).
- Philip II, Ordonnance, edict et décret . . . sur le faict de la iustice criminelle ès Pays Baz . . . , [1570] (cp011994).
- Philip II, Ordinande, instructie oft onderwys daerop men sal verpachten, betaelen, ontfangen ende bestrecken d’imposten ende andere ongelt binnen desen lande van Brabant . . . , 1570 (cp012451).
- Philip II. Ordonnance, instruction ou enseignement selon lequel seront mis en ferme, payez, receuz et employez les impostz et aultres charges en ce pays de Brabant . . . , [1570] (cp013143).
2. Th. Lindanus (D. van der Linden).
- Breviarium Romanum, in 8°, 1572 [H. Alsens and others, including probably Th. Lindanus] (cp011948).
- Garibay y Zamalloa, Los XL libros d’el compendio historial de las chronicas y universal historia de todos los reynos de España, 1571 [Th. Lindanus and J. Withagen] (cp012590).
3. G. Radaeus (van de Rade).
- Philip II. Ordonnance provisionnael . . . opt stuck ende tolerantie vanden prijs ende loop vande gouden ende silveren munte. . . , 1575 (cp011326).
- Philip II, Ordonnance provisionnael . . . op tstuck ende tolerantie vanden prijs ende loop vande gouden ende silveren munte . . . , 1575 (cp011374).
- Philip II, Ordonnance provisionelle . . . sur le faict et tollerance du pris et cours des monnoyes d’or et d’argent . . . , 1575 (cp011208).
- Philip II, Donghevalueerde gouden ende silveren munte van diveersche coninckrijcken, hertoochdommen, graefschuppen, heerlijcheden, landen ende sieden . . . , 1575 (cp010559).
- Philip II, Ordonnantie provisionael . . . opt stuck ende tolerande vanden prijs ende loop vande gouden ende silveren munte . . . , 1576 (cp012307).
4. G. Smits.
- Kilianus, Dictionarium Teutonico-Latinum, 1574 (no. 1499).
5. J. Withagen (Verwithagen).
- Breviarium Romanum, in 8°, 1572 [H. Alsens and others, including probably J. Withagen].
- Corpus iuris civilis. Series A in 6 vols., 1575 (cp010687).
- Garibay y Zamalloa, Los XL libros d’el compendio historial de las chronicas y universal historia de todos los reynos de España, 1571 [J. Withagen and Th. Lindanus] (cp012590).
- Oudegherst, Les chroniques et annales de Flandres, 1571 (cp012084).
- Philip II, Ordinande, edict ende gebot . . . op stuck vande criminele iusticie in dese . . . Nederlanden, 1570 (cp011892).
b. Louvain
6. J. Heydenberghe.
- Felisius, Institutiones christianae catholica et erudita elucidatio, 1575 (cp010305).
7. J. Masius.
- Caesar, Commentarii, 1574 (cp013278).
- Carrio, Antiquarum lectionum commentarii III, 1576 (cp011003).
- Felisius, Catholica praeceptorum decalogi elucidatio, 1573 (cp011506).
- Felisius, Catholica praeceptorum decalogi elucidatio, 1574 (cp010073).
- Felisius, Catholica praeceptorum decalogi elucidatio, 1576 (cp012889).
- Fulgentius, Opera, 1573 (cp010133).
- Fulgentius, Opera, 1574 (cp013178).
- Gregorius XIII, Indictio Sancti Iubilaei, 1575 (cp011083).
- Lemnius, De miraculis occultis naturae libri IIII; item de vita cum animi et corporis incolumitate recte instituenda liber unus, 1574 (cp013127).
- Thomas ab Aquino, Summa totius theologiae, 1575 (cp012819).
- Topiarius, Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas quae dominicis diebus populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1574 (cp010014).
- Topiarius, Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas quae festis totius anni diebus populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1574 (cp013185).
8. S. Sassenus.
- Hieronymus, Opera, 1579 (cp013348).
- Hieronymus, Epistolae et libri contra haereticos, 1578 (cp010643).
c. Anonymous printers
- Breviarium Romanum, in 8°, 1572 [by H. Alsens and others] (cp012666).
- Breviarium Romanum, in 8°, 1572 [by H. Alsens and others] (cp011948).
- Foxius Morzillus, De historiae institutione dialogus, 1557 (cp010890).
- Gregorius Nazianzenus, Orationes tres, 1573 (cp011695).
- Ludovicus Granatensis, Conciones de tempore, 1577-1579 (cp013438).
- Ludovicus Granatensis, Quinque de poenitentia conciones, 1576 (cp010513).
- Pamphlets: Articulen ende conditien vanden tractate aengegaen ende gesloten tusschen de Prince van Parma . . . ende de stadt van Antwerpen . . . , 1585 (cp011694).
- Seneca, Flores, 1555 (cp011634).
- Thomas ab Aquino, Enarrationes quas cathenam vere auream dicunt in Quatuor Evangelia, 1571 (cp012873).
- Thomas ab Aquino, Enarrationes quas catenam vere auream dicunt in Quatuor Evangelia, 1571 (cp012252).
- Thomas ab Aquino, Enarrationes quas catenam vere auream dicunt in Quatuor Evangelia, 1578 (cp010817).
9. Editions published by third parties and re-arranged by Plantin
a. London
1. Th. Purfoot.
- Lobelius, Plantarum seu stirpium historia, 1576 (cp013220).
b. Paris
2. M. le Jeune.
- Sextus Empiricus, Adversus mathematicos . . . opus, 1569 (cp012367-cp012815).
3. J. du Puis.
- Estienne, L’agriculture et maison rustique, 1565 (cp011378).
4. M. Sonnius.
- Topiarius, Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas quae dominicis diebus populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1566 (no. 2322).
- Topiarius, Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas quae festis totius anni diebus populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1566 (no. 2326).
- Topiarius, Conciones in Epistolas et Evangelia quae per sacram quadragesimam populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1566 (cp012206).
- Topiarius, Conciones in Evangelia et Epistolas quae per sacram quadragesimam populo in ecclesia proponi solent, 1567 (cp012087).
c. Unknown publisher
- Vives, Les dialogues, 1566 (no. 2467 bis).
10. Some unusual cases
- Barrefelt, Imagines et figurae Bibliorum. Images et figures de la Bible. Beelden ende figuren wt den Bybel, [1584] (cp011924) (with false imprints [see above] and dated 1580 and 1581, but in fact published c. 1584).
- Bible: Novum Testamentum [in Greek], in 8°, 1573 [= 1574] (cp010891) (with title-page printed in Leiden in the Officina Plantiniana Francisci Raphelengii after 1586).
- Constitutiones ordinis velleris aurei, [1559-1560] (cp012887) (printed for G. Silvius in the Plantin Press during an absence of Plantin).
- Leopardus, Emendationum et miscellaneorum libri viginti, 1568 (cp011549) (the first sheets printed in Bruges by H. Goltzius; continued by Plantin).
- Mercator, Europae descriptio emendata, 1572 (cp010099) (Plantin mentioned as publisher — but only to do a favour to Mercator).
- Theologia Germanica, 1558 (cp011313) (in fact published c. 1578).
- Theologia: La théologie germanicque, 1558 (cp012971) (in fact published c. 1579-1580).