
‮יציאת מצרים השנייה. גלגולו של אוסף תשמישי קדושה‬‎

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(126 words)


Rachel Sarfati.


Jerusalem, Israel, 2016. Booklet, 29 pp., illustrations: 19 col., 5 b&w, 15 × 10.5 cm. Hebrew.


Israel Museum (1 April–November 2016)


Objects from the Hanan synagogue in Cairo (mostly Torah cases, Rimmonim and Torah Ark curtains), which were brought to Israel in the 1950s and 1960s, during the mass exodus of Egypt’s Jews. In their combination of Eastern and Western stylistic and iconographic elements, these items reflect and parallel the cosmopolitan character of the Jewish community in Egypt during the late 19th–mid-20th C. Brief introductory text. 11 descriptive entries. No itemized listing.

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Historical photographsRimmonimSynagogues, CairoSynagogues, EgyptTorah Ark curtainsTorah cases

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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