
Bronisław Krystall. Testament

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(220 words)


Krzysztof Załęski.


Warsaw, Poland, 2015. 357 pp., illustrations: 38 col., 17 b&w, 28.5 × 23.5 cm. Polish, with introduction, 2 essays, and image captions also in English.


Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie (19 November 2015–6 March 2016)


A monumental exhibition of artworks once belonging to one of the Museum’s greatest benefactors, the Warsaw Jewish financier, patron of the arts and collector Bronisław Krystall. Upon his death in 1983, Krystall left his entire art collection to the Museum, whereupon the individual works (including a few items of Judaica) were distributed amongst various departments. The Collection was reunited here for the first time. Catalog in 3 main parts: Life, Works and Heritage. 8 essays, including a history of Krystall’s life and involvment in the arts (Krzysztof Załęski), and an evaluation of his place as a Warsaw collector and patron of the arts (Milena Woźniak-Koch). Material presented in 13 categories, according to medium, each with introductory text. The Judaica objects (listed on p. 328) were to be included in a museum of religion that Krystall had hoped to found in Warsaw. Basic entries for all objects. 814 items.

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BesamimCandlesticks/CandelabraHistorical photographsKeter TorahMezuzah casesPaintingsSculptureShabbat lampsTassTorah (scroll)Yad

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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