
Lumi di Chanukkah per Casale Monferrato: una collezione tra storia, arte e design. Hannukkah Lamps for Casale Monferrato: a collection between history, art and design

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(171 words)


Comunità Ebraica Casale Monferrato.


Milan, Italy, 2015. 223 pp., illustrated. 24 cm. Italian and English.




Castello di Casale Monferrato (10 May–1 November 2015)


The entire collection of modern Hanukkah lamps owned by the Comunità Ebraica Casale Monferrato, exhibited on the occasion of the 2015 Expo. The lamps are usually displayed on a rotational basis as part of the permanent exhibition “Museo dei Lumi” [Museum of Lights]. 174 items.

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Toward il Museo dei Lumi. Contemporary Art Collection of Chanukah Lamps. Milan, 2001. Catalog of the permanent collection; Carmi, Elio, and Maria Luisa Caffarelli (eds.), Cento lumi for Casale Monferrato: lampade di Channukkah: una collezione tra storia, arte e design. Cent lumíers pout Casale Monferrato, Milan, 2010. Italian and French. Carmi, Elio, and Maria Luisa Caffarelli (eds.), Cento lumi for Casale Monferrato: lampade di Channukkah: una collezione tra storia, arte e design. A hundred lights for Casale Monferrato: Hanukkah lamps: a collection of history, art and design, Milan, 2010. English.

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