
Sammelwut und Bilderflut. Werbegeschichte im Kleinformat

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(181 words)

Translated title Acquisitiveness and Flood of Images. Advertising History in Miniature

Berlin, Germany, 2014. 64 pp., illustrations: 231 col., 1 b&w, 21 × 15 cm. German.


Jüdisches Museum Berlin (4 December 2014–31 May 2015)


The mass production of miniature, postage-stamp-like advertisements by Germans just before the First World War, and the collecting mania they sparked in Germany, 1910–1914. The exhibition presents some 650 of the more than 100,000 “Reklamemarken” distributed during this period, all from a unique collection donated to the Museum by Peter-Hannes Lehmann. Six illustrated essays, including “Margarine, Mazza und Montefiore. Marken jüdischer Produkte und Institutionen” [Margarine, Mazza and Montefiore. Trademarks of Jewish Products and Institutions] (Aubrey Pomerance), which shows numerous stamps with Jewish content, including: Oppenheim’s “Scenes of Traditional Jewish Life”, synagogues prints, images of Holy Land sites, seals of Jewish communities and kashrut certification. No itemized listing.

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minor keywords

Oppenheim, Moritz DanielPrints, Eretz Israel/Holy LandPrints, Jewish customs & ceremoniesPrints, synagoguesSeals/Stamps, community Seals/Stamps, kosher certification

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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