
Mitten unter uns. Landjuden in Unterfranken vom Mittelalter bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. Begleitheft zur Wanderausstellung

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(428 words)

Translated title In Our Midst. Rural Jews in Lower Franconia from the Middle Ages until the 20th Century. Booklet for the traveling exhibition
Authors & Curators

Rebekka Denz, Rotraud Ries.


Würzburg, Germany, 2013. Booklet, 49 pp., illustrations: 32 col., 25 b&w, 21 × 14.7 cm. German.


Landratsamt Würzburg (14–21 October 2013)


A traveling exhibition of photographs and documents relating to the Jews of Lower Franconia. Chronological survey, followed by an examination of nine themes, each connected to a specific district: Institutions of Jewish Communities (Schweinfurt), Jews Among Christians (Miltenberg), Cattle and Textile Dealers (Rhön-Grabfeld), Man and Wife in the Jewish Tradition (Aschaffenburg), etc. Brief biographical sketches of four figures from this region (15th–20th C). No itemized listing.

main keywords


minor keywords

Antisemitic images/objectsCalendarsCemeteries, FranconiaCemeteries, GermanyHaggadotHaggadot, illuminated manuscriptsHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Ashkenaz, 15th CMikvahPostcardsPrints, costumeSoldiers (Jewish) & related objectsSynagogues, FranconiaSynagogues, GermanyTorah Ark curtains

Other venues

Johann-Schöner-Gymnasium Karlstadt, Germany (4–31 December 2013); Altes Rathaus, Lohr am Main, Germany (2–18 January 2014); Rathaus Würzburg, Germany (January–6 February 2014); Balthasar-Neumann-Gymnasium, Marktheidenfeld, Germany (2–28 February 2014; 10–16 March 2014); Rathaus, Obbach, Germany (19 March–25 May 2014); Kirche St. Michael, Gochsheim, Germany (7–21 April 2014); Ehemaliges Gutmann-Anwesen, Schwanfeld, Germany (22 April–6 May 2014); Alten Rathaus (Rüstkammer), Gerolzhofen, Germany (6–25 May 2014); Synagoge Obernbreit, Germany (1–22 June 2014); Kirchenburgmuseum Mönchsondheim, Iphofen-Mönchsondheim, Germany (24 June–13 July 2014); Synagoge Memmelsdorf, Germany (15–29 July 2014); Ehemaliges Lehrerwohnhaus, Kleinsteinach, Germany (31 July–17 August 2014); Jüdisches Kulturmuseum, Veitshöchheim, Germany (21 August–28 September 2014); Hanns-Seidel-Gymnasium, Hösbach, Germany (29 September–25 October 2014); Schloss Grumbach, Rimpar, Germany (7–30 November 2014); Rathaus Zell, Zell am Main, Germany (2 December 2014–5 January 2015); Friedrich-List Gymnasium, Gemünden am Main, Germany (29 January–6 February 2015); Kloster Wechterswinkel, Bastheim, Germany (9–13 February 2015); Landratsamt Rhön-Grabfeld, Bad Neustadt, Germany (16–27 Feburary 2015); Gymnasium Mellrichstadt, Germany (2–13 March 2015); Gymnasium Bad Königshofen, Germany (16–27 March 2015); Museen der Stadt Miltenberg, Germany (2 April–24 May 2015); Historisches Rathaus Eschau, Germany (28 May–10 June 2015); Hermann-Staudinger-Gymnasium (HSG), Erlenbach, Germany (15–26 June 2015); Ratssaal der Groß-Gemeinde Knetzgau, Germany (30 October–30 November 2015); Johanna-Stahl-Zentrum, Würzburg, Germany (4–28 April 2016); Landwirtschaftsministerium, Munich, Germany (25 October–6 November 2016); Haus der Langen Rhön, Oberelsbach, Germany (11 January–27 February 2017)

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