
Synagogálna Architektúra v Stredovýchodnej Európe 1782–1944

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(189 words)

Translated title Synagogue Architecture in Central Europe 1782–1944

Rudolf Klein.


Budapest, Hungary, 2013. Booklet, 16 pp., illustrations: 26 b&w, 21 × 14.8 cm. Slovak.


Východoslevenské Múzeum, Galeria Bašta, Košice, Slovakia (11–28 July 2013)


A traveling exhibition on various facets of the European synagogue, sponsored by the Hungarian Association of Architects and The Hungarian Jewish Cultural Association. With essay on synagogue building types and materials, interior and exterior decorations, seating capacity, building size relative to adjacent structures, etc. Brief section on Jewish emancipation in Eastern and Central Europe. 90 exhibition panels.


For a condensed, widely-traveled version of this exhibition, see #2147.

main keywords


Other venues

VAM Design Center, Budapest, Hungary (25 August–10 September 2013); IHRA Conference, Debrecen, Hungary (2015?); Municipal Museum, Subotica, Serbia (2015); Rumbach Street Synagogue, Budapest, Hungary (August 2016); Düsseldorf, Germany (2016); Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2016); Żydowski Instytut Historyczny (ZIH), Warsaw (dates unkown).

Catalog from other venue

#2108 (Budapest, VAM)

Related publications

Klein, Rudolf, Zsinagógák Magyarországon 1782–1918: fejlődéstörténet, tipológia és építészeti jelentőség, 2011; Klein, Rudolf, Synagogues in Hungary 1782–1918, 2017.

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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