
Rabi, rabin, rebe. Rabini w Polsce

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(245 words)

Translated title Rabbi, Rav, Rebbe. Rabbis in Poland

Michał Krasicki, Elżbieta Sawicka.


Teresa Śmiechowska.


Warsaw, Poland, 2012. 100 pp., illustrations: 58 col., 19 b&w, 23.2 × 16.7 cm. Polish.




Żydowski Instytut Historyczny (ZIH) (10 December 2012–17 April 2013)


The position of the Polish Rabbi throughout history, exemplified by 68 rabbinic leaders from the past 800 years. Many of these figures gained renown not only in the Jewish community (in Poland and abroad), but also in Polish culture and history. Images and films demonstrated how the iconography of the Polish rabbi has evolved over time, and, through the example of three rabbis currently living in Poland, suggested what it means to be a rabbi in today’s world in general and in Poland in particular. Introduction to the ZIH’s Hebrew book collection by Magdalena Bendowska. Main essay “Rabini polscy” [Polish Rabbis], describes the Polish Rabbi’s role as spiritual guide, authority, and teacher, the Hassidic and Reform movements, and the period of the Holocaust (Rafał Żebrowski). Biographical sketches for each rabbi. No itemized listing.

main keywords


minor keywords

Drawings/SketchesHistorical photographsKaufmann, IsidorNeedlework/Embroidery folk panelsPaintings, Jewish figuresPrints, Jewish figuresTombstones, Poland

Related ephemera

Listing of rabbis included in the exhibition, 2 pp., 29 × 21 cm; Invitation to exhibition opening, folded card, 1 col. illus., 21 × 15 cm.

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