
Видеть и помнить. Эстетика сакрального в еврейской визуальной культуре. Мизрахи, шивити, амулеты, лубки, портреты раввинов и таблицы йорцайт из коллекции Музея истории евреев в России

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

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Translated title To See and to Remember: Sacral Aesthetics of Jewish Visual Culture. Mizrachs, Shiviti, Amulets, Popular Prints, Portraits of Rabbis and Yahrzeit Tables in the Collection of the Museum of the Jewish History in Russia.

Hillel (Gregory) Kazovsky, Boris Khaimovich, Maria Kaspina.


Moscow, Russia, 2012. 180 pp., illustrations: 175 col., 28.3 × 22.2 cm. Russian.


Museum of the Jewish History in Russia (21 September–14 October 2012)


Europe’s largest collection of Jewish folk art, exhibited for the first time, and reflecting the visual culture of Russian Jewry and aesthetics of their traditional everyday life. Material presented in 7 sections, each with introductory essay, largely according to type of object (mizrachs, shiviti, amulets, prints, postcards, etc.). Numerous illustrations. Brief descriptive entries. 160 items.


The exhibition was held in the building of the Rudomino Russian State Library of Foreign Literature.

main keywords


minor keywords

Adar plaquesHerzl, TheodoreHirsch, Baron Maurice deMicrographyMontefiore, MosesNeedlework/Embroidery folk panelsPapercutsPrinted booksPrints, biblical imagesPrints, Eretz Israel/Holy LandPrints, Jewish customs & ceremoniesPrints, Jewish figuresPrints, TempleShabbat cloths/tableclothsShiviti plaques, paperShiviti plaques, woodSukkah decorationsTorah Ark curtainsYahrzeit/Memorial plaques/sheets

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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