
Textiles Gedächtnis. Neue Funde zur jüdischen Vergangenheit in Aschaffenburg

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(154 words)

Translated title Textiles of Memory. New Finds of the Jewish Past in Aschaffenburg

Aschaffenburg, Germany, 2012. Booklet, 20 pp., illustrations: 23 col., 2 b&w, 21 × 10 cm. German.


Museum jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur (15 May–2 September 2012)


Jewish textiles and objects from Aschaffenburg that were discovered in a warehouse in 2009, having been gathered and stored during the Holocaust. The finds date between 1787 and 1933, with the most significant items being 26 Torah binders, and a selection of Torah mantles and Torah ark curtains. All items were restored, and were on display for the first time, presented as a testimony to the Jewish religious life that once existed in Aschaffenburg. No itemized listing.

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BesamimChallah coversGermanyHanukkah lampsHavdalah platesKiddush cupsLevite setsMizrachPlatesPostcardsRimmonimSynagogues, GermanyTorah Ark curtainsTorah mantles

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