
Glaubst du an den bösen Blick? Jüdische Schutzamulette. Do You Believe in the Evil Eye? Jewish Protective Amulets

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(102 words)

Author & Curator

Piritta Kleiner.


Munich, Germany, 2011. Leaflet, 6 pp., illustrations: 7 col., 24.6 × 20 cm. German and English.


Jüdisches Museum München (17 May 2011–15 April 2012)


Small selection of amulets, principally those related to childbirth and circumcision. The show’s highlight was the 19th-century “Göppingen circumcision amulet”, comprised of a ribbon strung with Coins, coral and stones. Other exhibits included amulets found in the Reckendorf genizah, and contemporary souvenier items from Israel, attesting to the modern market for Jewish protective devices. 16 items.

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HamsasHoly Land souvenirsReckendorf, genizah

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