
La solidarité juive. 200 ans d’ action sociale du Comité de bienfaisance israélite de Paris à la Fondation Casip-Cojasor

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(182 words)

Translated title Jewish Solidarity. 200 Years of Social Action, from the Jewish Welfare Committee of Paris to the Casip-Cojasor Foundation
Authors & Curators

Gabriel Vadnaï, Laura Politis.


Paris, France, 2010. 119 pp., illustrations: 136 col., 64 b&w, 28 × 22.3 cm. French.




Hotel de Ville (28 October 2009–February 2010)


Historical documents and photographs illustrating the numerous types of aid provided by Parisian Jewish organizations to the needy: the poor, the elderly, the sick, women, children, immigrants, refugees, etc. Exhibition in two main sections: The Jewish Welfare Committee of Paris (est. 19th C), and The Welcoming of Jewish Immigrants and Refugees in France (focusing on the welfare activities of the CBIP, the Cojasor, the Casip, and the Casip Cojasor Foundation). Historical text throughout. No itemized listing.

main keywords


minor keywords

Circumcision implements/objectsFranceHolocaustMedalsPortraitsPortraits, rabbisPrints, Jewish customs & ceremoniesRothschild FamilyTombstones, FranceTombstones, medievalTzedakah boxes/containers

Other venue

Musée d’ Art et d’ Histoire du Judaïsme, Paris, France (12 June–29 August 2010)

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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