
Hast du meine Alpen gesehen? Ein jüdische Beziehungsgeschichte

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(275 words)

Translated title Did You See My Alps? A Story of a Jewish Relationship
Editors & Curators

Hanno Loewy, Gerhard Milchram.


Hohenems, Austria, 2009. 448 pp., illustrations: 234 col., 122 b&w, 24 × 17.5 cm. German.




Jüdisches Museum Hohenems (26 April–4 October 2009)


The exhibition was jointly organized by the Jüdisches Museum Hohenems and the Jüdisches Museum Wien, in cooperation with the Alpines Museum des Deutschen Alpenvereins.


The multi-faceted relationship between the Jews and the Alps. 40 essays on various points of this connection (theological, historical, and thematic), elucidate the role that Jews have played, as mountaineers, artists, pioneers in tourism, intellectuals and collectors, in the discovery and development of this region. Judaica and Jewish art exhibits illustrate the presence of synagogues in local hotels, the significance of the mountain in Jewish traditional literature (including Mount Sinai and Mount Moriah), the use of rabbinic portraits set amongst the Alps as an artistic motif, etc. No itemized listing.

main keywords


minor keywords

Antisemitic images/objectsAustriaCandlesticks/CandelabraCookbooks/RecipesCostumeDolls/PuppetsHaggadot, illuminated manuscriptsHand-washing vesselsHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Bohemia-Moravia & Germany, 17th–19th CHistorical documentsHistorical photographsNew York CityPostersRimmonimSepphoris (Tzippori)SwitzerlandSynagogues, AustriaSynagogues, SwitzerlandTassTorah mantlesTzedakah boxes/containersZionism

Related ephemera

Exhibition booklet listing related programs, 20 pp., 11 col., 6 b&w illus., 18 × 13 cm.

Other venues

Jüdisches Museum Wien, Austria (16 December 2009–15 March 2010); Alpines Museum des Deutschen Alpenvereins, Munich, Germany (April 2010–February 2011); Südtiroler Landesmuseum Schloss Tirol, Italy (6 July–30 November 2012)

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