
Zeige deine Sammlung. Jüdische Spuren in Münchner Museen. Show Your Collection. Jewish Traces in Munich’s Museums

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(203 words)

Editors & Curators

Renata Stih, Frieder Schnock.


Nuremberg, Germany, 2008. 144 pp., illustrations: 158 col., 14 b&w, 30 × 23.3 cm. German and English.




Munich Museums (Project initiated 4 October 2008)


A project by conceptual artists Renata Stih and Frieder Schnock that challenged individuals to uncover the unaknowledged Jewish “past” of objects currently housed in Munich’s major artistic and cultural collections. Visitors were encouraged to participate in the research and recovery of such objects’ history, to question how Munich’s collections came into existence, and to ask why these institutions have chosen to conceal their Jewish traces. The project was initiated with an intervention at Munich’s new Jewish Museum, through which the artists sought to stimulate viewers to participate in the remembrance of the Holocaust and the annihilation of the Jews, and to actively search for traces of them on their own. Introductory essays on the theoretical approaches and various projects of Stih and Schnock. Material presented according to institution. No itemized listing.


The project was initiated on 4 October 2008, as part of the annual “Lange Nacht der Münchner Museen” [Long Night of the Munich Museums].

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