
Babylon. Mythos & Wahrheit

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(234 words)

Translated title Babylon. Myth & Truth

Moritz Wullen, Günther Schauerte.


Hanna Strzoda.


Moritz Wullen, Hanna Strzoda.


Berlin, Germany, 2008. 279 pp., illustrations: 169 col., 40 b&w, 28.5 × 25.2 cm. German.


Kunstbibliothek, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (26 June–5 October 2008)


The city of Babylon, and the images and artworks it has inspired. Monumental catalog with 11 essays, including: “Jenseits des Stromes. Sehnsucht, Ambivalenz und das jüdische Bild von Babylon” [On the Other Side of the River: Yearning, Ambivalence and the Jewish Image of Babylon] (Michal Friedlander), “Von Babylon nach Jerusalem. Die Zwei Wege, das Himmlische Jerusalem und die Hure von Babylon auf populären Drucken des 19. Jahrhunderts”, [From Babylon to Jerusalem. The Two Roads, The Heavenly Jerusalem, and the Whore of Babylon on Popular Prints of the 19th C] (Konrad Vanja), and “Das Babylon-System … zur Rezeption von Psalm 137” [The Babylon System … The Reception of Psalm 137] (Dieter Scholz). Catalog listing according to themes: The Babylon System, Nebucadnezzar, City of Sin, Semiramis, Tower, Apocalypse, and Babble. Detailed descriptive entries. 88 items.

main keywords


minor keywords

Bezalel Art SchoolHaggadotJerusalemLilien, Ephraim M.Mendelssohn, MosesMicrographyPrints, Eretz Israel/Holy LandZecher le-Churban plaquesZionism

Related ephemera

Invitation to exhibition opening, leaflet, 4 pp., with reply card insert, 2 col. illus., 22.8 × 11.7 cm.

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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