
Sueños de Sefarad. 500 Años de libros en Ladino

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(144 words)

Translated title Dreams of Sefarad. 500 Years of Books in Ladino

Instituto Maale Adumim para la documentación del Judeo-Español y su Cultura


Tel Aviv, Israel, 2007. Leaflet, 4 pp., illustrations: 1 col. Spanish.


Instituto Cervantes, Tel Aviv (26 February–26 March 2007)


An expanded and enhanced version of a traveling exhibition shown in Israel and Spain 1999–2001 (#1647), similarly comprised of photographic panels showing books and manuscripts in Ladino. A new component in this presentation, “The ladinization of Spanish classics”, demonstrated the strong bond that existed between Judeo-Spanish literature and Spanish literature before the Expulsion, during the Renaissance, and in the Age of Enlightenment. Catalog text by Avner Perez provides an overview of the exhibition’s main themes. No itemized listing.

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BiblesHistorical photographsLadino literatureLadino pressLetters

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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