
Schtarker fun Ajsn. Konzert- und Theaterplakate aus dem Wilnaer Getto 1941–1943

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(163 words)

Translated title Stronger than iron. Concert and theater posters from the Vilna ghetto 1941–1943

Georg Heuberger.


Stefan Schreiner.


Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2002. 346 pp., illustrations: 47 col., 26 b&w, 24 × 17 cm. German.


Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt (19 September–10 November 2002)


Posters for cultural events that took place in the Vilna Ghetto, attesting to the extraordinary will for survival amongst the Ghetto’s prisoners, despite the daily horrors that surrounded them. 13 essays by various authors, recalling the position and history of Jewish Vilna, its interwar cultural activities (including theater, publishing, Yiddish studies, and art), and continuation of portions of that life in the Vilna Ghetto. Unnumbered listing, with German translations of each poster’s text. 47 items.


The exhibition was jointly produced by the Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt and the Kulturmisterium der Litauischen Republik.

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Related ephemera

Invitation to exhibition opening, leaflet, 4 pp., German and English.

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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