
Oneg Schabbat. Das Untergrundarchiv des Warschauer Ghettos. Ringelblum-Archiv

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(257 words)

Translated title Oneg Shabbat. The Underground Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto. Ringelblum Archives

Jürgen Hensel.


Eleonora Bergman.


Żydowski Instytut Historyczny (ZIH).


Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2000. 95 pp., illustrations: 124 b&w, 28 × 18.5 cm. German.




Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt (28 September 2000–21 January 2001)


A traveling exhibition of original documents, photographs and items collected and hidden by Emanuel Ringelblum and other members of his underground movement. Through their secret activities, Ringelblum’s group (code-named “Oneg Schabbat”) sought to record the history of Polish Jews under German occupation, and document their persecution, resistance and self-assertion in the ghettos and camps. Includes pictures of the group’s members, and brief descriptions of their activities and fates. Introductory essay by Ruta Sakowska. Basic entries. 50 items.


The exhibition was jointly organized by the Museum Judengasse Frankfurt and the Żydowski Instytut Historyczny (ZIH), and represents the first showing of the Ringelblum Archives to the German public.

main keywords


minor keywords

Historical photographsPaintings

Other venues

Bayerische Staatskanzlei, Munich, Germany (14 February–11 March 2001); Berlin, Germany (27 June–13 July 2001); other versions of this exhibition were created using facsimiles of the original documents. The first was shown at the Polish Institute Düsseldorf, Germany (9 April–19 May 2001), the Polish Institute Leipzig, Germany, and Martin-Opitz-Stiftung, Herne, Germany. The second version circulated in several dozen schools in North Rhine-Westphalia (April 2003–2006). See also #1831

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